Association des Compagnons Bâtisseurs Belgique Compagnons Bâtisseurs asbl is a non-profit organisation created in 1953. This association proposes different kinds of voluntary activities to youngsters : workcamps in Belgium and abroad (during week ends and during the summer), short, medium and long term voluntary services, leisure activities for and with disabled people. All our activities aim to help the young people to develop theirs habilities in order they integrate actively the society as responsible citizen. The realisation of these activities would not be posible without the participation of a network of 350 belgian volunteers, 100 volunteers from abroad during summer hollidays and team of four employees. * Compagnons Bâtisseurs Belgium (CBB) Rempart des Jésuites 83 6900 Marche-en-Famenne – BELGIUM ? + 32 84 31 44 13 ou + 32 84 31 44 12 ( + 32 84 31 65 20 Incoming: ( Gregory ) skype : cb-belgium.incoming Outgoing: ( Adeline ) skype : cb-belgium Web site: Office hours : Monday to Friday 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM (GMT + 1:00) FORTIS BANQUE, Place aux Foires, 17, 6900 Marche-en-Famenne Account number: 001-0633552-24 IBAN : BE81 00010 6335 5224 BIC: GEBABEBB Compagnons Bâtisseurs Belgium - Workcamps 2008 JULY Code Name Location Dates Type Nbre Vols Age limit Special CBB01 Chantier ornithologique Chevetogne 05-18 July TEEN-ENVI 12 15-17 CBB02 Come to gather, write now, on the wall Esneux 07-20 July Youth Exchange 16 16-20 Limited to participants from SIW, UNA and LEG CBB03 Together on holidays Baelen 07-20 July DISA 11 18+ French knowledge+motivation letter in French CBB04 IMP Ciney 11 july-03 August DISA 11 18+ Motivation letter + questionnaire CBB05 Promenades accessibles à tous Anthismes 11-27 July MANU, ENVI 12 18+ CBB06 Passe-murailles Neufchâteau 11-27 July RENO-ARCH 10 18+ AUGUST CBB07 Four à chaux Esneux 01-17 August TEEN-RENO 12 15-17 CBB08 GRIMM Marche-en-Famenne 01-24 August ENVI/MANU 12 18+ A4A CBB09 Center de réfugiés Rixensart 01-24 August SOC 7 20+ French knowledge+motivation letter in French+ questionnaire Access for wheel chair CBB10 Institut ACIS Cerexhe-Euseux 10-24 August MANU 10 18+ CBB01 « Sentier ornithologique », Chevetogne 05/07/2008 - 18/07/2008 TEEN/ENVI 15-17 y.o 12 vols Project : « Le Domaine provincial de Chevetogne » is a big Center for environnemental education and social tourism. Pupils from the primary and secondary schools come there to participate to activities that focuse on the discovering of the nature and rural way of life. During the summer, a lot of kids and families make a one day excursion in the Domain or stay there for holidays. Responsible of the Domain would like to host a group of international volunteers this summer, because he needs help to fit out a path and birds observation post. In Chevetogne, nature is understood like a ' school of life'. The philosophy of the place holds in the following sentence: "when one learns to respect the biodiversity in the nature, he also learns to respect the human diversity". Workers from “Le Domaine de Chevetogne” hope to share their passion of the environment with international volunteers. Location : “Le Domaine de Chevetogne” is located in the deep countryside. By choosing this workcamp, you decide to live in the nature. All around, there are fields, wood and small villages. Wild animals (deers, foxes, wild pigs) are very close. Once during the workcamp, an experienced guide will propose you to wake up at dawn and to go outside to observe them. As the domain is also a touristic Center, there are lots of opportunities for entertainment : outdoor swimming pool, football fields, minigolf, tennis and basket-ball playgrounds… During weekend, it will be possible to organize cultural visits and to travel to the biggest belgian cities. The town of Ciney is ten kilometres away from the Domain of Chevetogne. From there, it is very easy to join bigger urban centres as Namur (25km), Brussels (80km) or Liege (90km). Work : Volunteers will fit out an “ornithological path” : they will clean the surroundings, dismount an old wood palisade and will build a shelter from where it will be possible to observe birds. ATTENTION, work will be sometimes long and difficult. Volunteers will be outside during the whole day. Accommodation : In a cottage, with two dormitories, beds, kitchen and bathroom with hot shower. Food : Break-fast in the cottage and picnic outside for the lunch. For their evening meals, volunteers will decide if they prefer to prepare it themselves in the cottage or to eat in the restaurant of the Domain. Meeting Point : Ciney train station, on Saturday 5th of July at 4.30 pm Specific information: No Internet access during the camp Fee: 150 euros of participation fee CBB02 “Come to gather, write now, on the wall”, Esneux 07/07/2008 - 20/07/2008 Youth Exchange/TEEN/multi (Una, SIW, Leg) Project: This youth exchange project aims to increase a new dynamic of cultural production and intergenerational meeting within the commune of Esneux. During the summer, 16 teenagers and young adults, from Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands and Wales, as well as old people from the area will meet around a federator activity: the decoration, by graffiti, of old doors - symbol of the opening of a new intergenerational communication- and of a wall of the local arts center which faces the elderly center. Location: Esneux and its surroundings form a superb area but few people knows it. In order to make discover their locality, the councillors thus had the idea to organize an international workcamp. Each summer, they accommodate a group of young people with the idea that those get involved in the heritage protection and take part in the local life. While taking part thus actively in the municipality valorisation, the volunteers learn to appreciate it. When they turn to adults, perhaps they will feel like coming back there. As they come from far and speak different languages, they also bring a little taste of expatriation to the inhabitants. That is particularly appreciated since people from Esneux appreciate developing friendships across the borders (the commune is already twinned with towns of Poland, Germany and France). Accomodation : In a big room, inside the cultural center. You will have to bring your own mats. Hot shower will be available in the sport center, 500m away from the dormitory. Food : Self-gathering Meeting point : Esneux train station, on Monday, 7th of July between 4.30pm and 5.30pm. CBB03 Together on holidays, Baelen 07/07/2008 - 20/07/2008 DISA 11vols Project : Aim of this camp is to offer to people with light mental handicap the possibility to go on holidays with young international volunteers. During ten days, they share leasure time activities, make cultural visits and, first of all, have fun. Thanks to this stay, disabled people can leave their parents, their daily life, and be with others adults of their age. Alone they wouldn't be able to go on holiday. Volunteers and the CBB staff will follow them in their leisure and help them in the daily tasks. There will be 14 handicapped persons and 10 leaders. The handicapped people are between 18 and 50 years old. Location Baelen is a little village located in a wooden part of Belgium between Verviers and Eupen. Some minutes are enough to be in Germany, in Holland, in Liège, in Fagnes (wildlife sanctuary). We could visit Cologne in Germany and Maastricht in the Netherlands. Work: During 10 days, volunteers, CBB staff and disabled people will live together 24 hours a day. CBB staf and the volunteers are campleaders for the disabled people. They will be responsible of them, will organise the leisure time (excursions, walks, games, parties, etc.) and the meals. If at the beginning you will ask yourself about what’s going on, after 2 days you will be amazed by the jarring atmosphere. While respecting the rythm of each one, we are also there to enjoy ourself! Accommodation: In a resting place. We will have our own dormitory. Don't forget your sleeping bag! We will prepare our meals. Meeting point : Eupen train station Specific information : - You must have notions of French. - Come with ideas and a lot of games! - Come also with cook recipes realizable for 20 persons. - On 7th, 8th and 9th July, we, the leaders, will learn to know each other, prepare the stay and the menu, make the planning. On 10th July, the handicapped people arrive, holiday begins. CBB04 IMS, Ciney 11/07/2008 - 03/08/2008 DISA 11vols PREPARATION DAYS (Obligatory and free) ! Location : Marche-en-Famenne Dates : From Friday 11th to Saturday 12th of July Meaning: Gather all the volunteers and campleaders joining projects that start at the same date. This is also the official welcome session offered by CBB team. On Saturday, all the volunteers will be dispatched to their own workcamp place. Project : Medico-social institute of Ciney is a center for deep mentally disabled persons. Some of them require a personal and specialized support. Institute proposes a residential service where they receive the care they need. Everything is settled in collaboration with the families so that their life in the center may be as happy as possible. During summer, however it is the excursions and outdoor walks season, it is never easy to organize leisure activities for everybody. A disable person sometimes requires one or two persons along and staff is usually short of hands. This is the reason why, for the past few years, Marie Christine, the responsible of the IMS Youth department has been calling a group of international volunteers for help. They come and give a hand to the professional staff, helping them to settle animations. Those activities, sometimes very basic because of the handicap level, improve the center life and contribute to the blooming of the youngsters who, like every other child their age, only want to enjoy themselves. Location: Ciney is the capital of Condroz, a green and agricultural region located in the south of the country. The city is surounded by woods and fields. In July, lanscape around gets agitated with the busy harvesting farmers. Old stone houses and the garden full of flowers are part of the typical charm of the surrounding villages. Ciney is a small town, typical of the countryside but with all the facilities of a city. It has many shops and the local train station makes it easy to join bigger cities like Namur (25km), Bruxelles (80km) or Liège (90km). The city website : Work: Support and propose leisure activities to the Center’s youngsters ( 0 to 18 yo). Activities will therefore be simple but will privilege the relationship with disabled person : outdoor walks, excursions, games, meals organisation, … Volunteers will be involved with the everyday life in the center but won’t be asked to perform sanitary tasks on the residents. Marie-Christine will be available to help the volunteers with their tasks and advise them all along the workcamp. In the evening, feedbacks are organised to talk about what happened during the day. This workcamp may be considered as a very good formative experience. Accommodation: Accommodation is an appartement especially reserved to the group of volunteers. They will be hosted in single or double bedrooms. Showers and washing machine will also be available there. Meeting point: Marche-en-Famenne train station on Friday 11th between 4.30pm and 5.30pm. Volunteers will travel together to Ciney on Saturday. Specific Information: We require the volunteers to send us a motivation letter and to fill in a questionary. Joining a workcamp at the Medico-Social Institute in Ciney is a very rich human experience. Volunteers should however keep in mind that they will be working with high and deep mentally disabled persons. Facing the difference of the others is not always simple and requires a little bit of preparation. Due to the level of the residents’ handicap, most of the communication will be non-verbal but with eyes or physical contacts. A knowledge of french isn’t required but may be an advantage of course. Volunteers applying must be creative, imaginative and curious to find out about this very particular world. This workcamp is ideal for futur social workers. CBB05 On the walk again, Anthisnes 11/07/2008 - 27/07/2008 ENVI/MANU 12 vols PREPARATION DAYS (Obligatory and free) ! Location : Marche-en-Famenne Dates : From Friday 11th to Saturday 12th of July Meaning: Gather all the volunteers and campleaders joining projects that start at the same date. This is also the official welcome session offered by CBB team. On Saturday, all the volunteers will be dispatched to their own workcamp place. Project : All around the village of Anthisnes, ramblers can do superb walks. However, ways and paths of the countryside are sometimes strewn with holes and bumps. Not easy to go there for elderly people. Absolutely impossible for people in wheel chair. Therefore, volunteers will arrange a path for these people with mobility problems. During the second week, they’ll work in company of a team of young people from the area. This workcamp has to provide a service to the community, but moreover, it has to put Anthines, the small Walloon village, at the middle of a nice and warm international meeting. Location : Anthisnes is a delightful small village in Liege's province, 120 kilometers away from Brussels. The place is quiet isolated with only few buses from time to time. Just in the middle of the village, there is a magnificent old fortress called “l’Avouerie d’Anthines”. In the cellar of the fortress is brewed a tasty beer : l’Avouerie’s Barley beer. Website: Work: You will help to fit out a pathway for people with mobility problems (cleaning, digging, cutting branches…). During a week, you will work together with local young people. During the workcamps, you may do a bit of painting work as well, in the chapel of a nearby village. Accommodation : In a school. Volunteers will sleep in a classroom, accommodated as a dormitory. Food : Volunteers will prepare their own food. Meeting point: Marche-en-Famenne train station on Friday 11th between 4.30 and 5.30pm Volunteers will travel together to Anthisnes on Saturday. CBB06 Passe-murailles, Neufchâteau 11/07/2008 - 27/07/2008 RENO ARCH 10vols PREPARATION DAYS (Obligatory and free) ! Location : Marche-en-Famenne Dates : From Friday 11th to Saturday 12th of July Meaning: Gather all the volunteers and campleaders joining projects that start at the same date. This is also the official welcome session offered by CBB team. On Saturday, all the volunteers will be dispatched to their own workcamp place. Project : The small town of Neufchâteau, located in the heart of Belgian Ardennes, owes its name and its existence to an old castle. During Middle Age, it used to overhang the city and protect the local water mill. The antique fortress was destroyed by the army of Louis XIV during the 17th century. Old ruins ended up disappearing under the action of time and men. Neufchâteau inhabitants forgot about the castle that had been at the origin of their city. However, in 1956, an old chart is found by a historian in a library in Brussels. The chart represents Neufchâteau such as it existed 400 years before. This chart makes Christophe K., a young boy of the village dream. Today, Christophe became Mr K, a man of respectable age with white beard and hair. Ten years ago, Mr K started rebuilding the old castle. At the beginning, he was all alone but with time, international volunteers and youngsters from the municipality came to give him a hand during summer. Communal authorities also joined this vast venture of the local heritage defence. Thanks to the collective efforts, a part of the enclosing walls and of the old tower were rebuilt. Location: By choosing the area of Neufchâteau for your workcamp, you resolutely chose to breathe. In the heart of nature, central Ardennes is a true space of relaxation, adventure, leisure, sports, excursions.... This area abounds in ideas of stays or escapes: the peaceful nature, forest, rivers, villages, the architectural heritage, delicious products of the soil, walks or rides. During any season, there are tourist, cultural, sports festivities. It is at 150 kilometres from Brussels. More infos on the website : Work : Volunteers will have the opportunity to assist Mr. K in his historical research (to release the enclosing walls) and to rebuild walls having belonged to the castle. During the camp, volunteers will also help to protect some other local heritages: painting in the church and little schools of the villages around Neufchâteau. Accommodation : In a cottage located in the countryside, 4 kms away from Neufchâteau. They will be the only occupants of the house. The place is equipped with a kitchen, a living room and a garden; ideal to organize barbecue evenings. Be aware that you will have to bring your own mats and that no hot shower will be available in the house. You will be able to take a shower after work, in a sports Center nearby. Ways between the house and the building site (approx 4kms) will be done on foot or by car. Food : Self catering Meeting point : At the Marche-en-Famenne train station, on Friday 11th of July between 4.30pm et 5.30pm. Volunteers will leave together on saturday to Neufchateau. Specific information : - For the work, you could be required to work on scaffolding. - Be aware that Neufchâteau is in the countryside. If, during the week-end, you decide to make cultural visits in the Belgian cities, it can be costy as it is difficult to leave and come back in the same day. CBB07 Four à chaux, Esneux 01/08/2008 - 17/08/2008 TEEN/RENO (15-17years old) 12vols PREPARATION DAYS (Obligatory et free) ! Location : Marche-en-Famenne Dates : From Friday 1st to Saturday 02nd of August Meaning : Gather all the volunteers and campleaders joining projects that start at the same date. This is also the official welcome session offered by CBB team. On Saturday, all the volunteers will be dispatched to their own workcamp place. Project : Esneux and its surroundings form a superb area but few people knows it. In order to make discover their locality, the councillors thus had the idea to organize an international workcamp. Each summer, they accommodate a group of young people with the idea that those get involved in the heritage protection and take part in the local life. While taking part thus actively in the municipality valorisation, the volunteers learn to appreciate it. When they turn to adults, perhaps they will feel like coming back there. As they come from far and speak different languages, they also bring a little taste of expatriation to the inhabitants. That is particularly appreciated since people from Esneux appreciate developing friendships across the borders (the commune is already twinned with towns of Poland, Germany and France). Location : Esneux is first known because of its river. The Ourthe, one of the most beautiful rivers of Wallonie, follows curves all along the region. It crosses a quantity of hamlets and passes through woods before arriving to the small city. This one is being actually built on both its banks. The small bridge which connects them is almost considered as the village main square. During the workcamp, bicycles will be lent to the volunteers so that they can leave and discover the surrounding countryside. Since the 19th century, the enchanted and marvellous sites have been attracting holiday makers and tourists. The place, very green, proves to be ideal for the walks and dawdling. Esneux has all the urban conveniences. Then, like always in Belgium, the city is not far away from Liege, the third larger town of Belgium which is 20km away from there. With its many museums and historical buildings, it is ideal for a one day excursion or more. Website (in French) : Work: You will renovate an old lime kiln, helping to reconsolidate walls and cleaning the surroundings: stonesworks, clear the ground and cutting branches. Accommodation : In a big room, inside the cultural center. You will have to bring your own mats. Hot shower will be available in the sport center, 500m away from the dormitory. Food : Self-gathering Meeting point : Marche-en-Famenne train station, on Friday 1st of August between 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm. Volunteers and campleader will travel together to Esneux on Saturday. Specific information : You must be able to ride a bike as most of the journeys will be done by bicyle. A 25€ guarantee fee will be asked to volunteers for the lend of the bike. You will receive this amount back at the end of the workcamp if you return the bike back in its initial state. Fee : 150 euros CBB08 GRIMM, Marche-en-Famenne 01/08/2008 - 24/08/2008 MANU/ENVI 12vols PREPARATION DAYS (Obligatory et free) ! Location : Marche-en-Famenne Dates : From Friday 1st to Saturday 02nd of August Meaning : Gather all the volunteers and campleaders joining projects that start at the same date. This is also the official welcome session offered by CBB team. On Saturday, all the volunteers will be dispatched to their own workcamp place. Project : The Marche-en-Famenne workcamp, is the result of the colaboration between municipal authorities and a local non-profit organisation. Few year ago, mayor and deputies were willing to develop international contacts for the local youngsters. GRIMM association was just getting started on the protection of the local life framework and was defending models of sustainable development. Their members had a full load of ideas but were short of hands to realize them all. That’s how the idea to involve volunteers from all around the world came. Since then, every summer, the municipality lends buildings and is happy to see foreign youngsters discovering the region and its surroundings. GRIMM members organize the work. With the help from the volunteers, they finally are able to realize project they dreamt about. Their action is based on the following philosophy : Nature belongs to everyone. So that each of us may enjoy it, it has to be protected. Location : Marche-en-Famenne, is a city in the countryside. You can find everything there : schools, supermarkets, industries… but still, it is surrounded by woods, fields and small villages where the life rhythm remains rural. Located at the edge of the Ardennes forest, nestling between both the Lesse and the Ourthe valleys, the Marche-en-Famenne region has lots of natural landscapes but provides all the urban commodities and infrastructures to its visitors. Liège, Namur, Brussels and Luxemburg can be easily reached by train in less than an hour. For more informations visit : Work : Volunteers will create rest areas for ramblers and help arranging pastures in a natural reserve Fond de Veaux. Construction of a barbecue area , benches, shelter. This workcamps is only based on manual and outdoor tasks and the work may be exhausting sometimes. Fortunatly, GRIMM team will prepare for the volunteers a good barbecue to give them courage. Accommodation : Accommodation can be compared to a boardingschool : a corridor with double bedrooms, toilets and showers at the same floor. Food: A fully equiped kitchen as well as a big refectory will be at the volunteers’ disposal for meals and evening activities. Meeting point : At Marche-en-Famenne train station, on Friday 1st of august between 4.30 and 5.30 pm. Specific information : - During the day, from 7 am to 5 pm, volunteers will cohabit with a group of children using the same refectory. Volunteers will therefore be required not to smoke or drink alcohol in front of the kids. Otherwise, the working place is different from the accomodation place so volunteers will leave the city everyday. Sleeping in town, working in the countryside. - A4A CBB09 Refugees Center, Rixensart 01/08/2008 - 24/08/2008 ANI/RENO 7vols PREPARATION DAYS (Obligatory et free) ! Location : Marche-en-Famenne Dates : From Friday 1st to Saturday 02nd of August Meaning : Gather all the volunteers and campleaders joining projects that start at the same date. This is also the official welcome session offered by CBB team. On Saturday, all the volunteers will be dispatched to their own workcamp place. Project : The Rixensart refugees Center accommodates people or families which have asked for asylum in Belgium. They often fled war, their country under a dictatorial yoke or simply devastated by an ecological disaster. They arrive then in Belgium with dreams of stability, richness and comfort of life. It is however not that easy to be allowed to settle in Europe for somebody coming from the South or the East. Before they may, their refuges status is to be proven, accepted. While waiting for papers which will enable them to remain legally in our country, the immigrants are accommodated in this center in the Brussels vicinity. People living there await a solution with their administrative status. They do not know what tomorrow will be made of. Perhaps they will not obtain the authorization to remain in Belgium and will have to leave the country. But, perhaps they will see their dreams come true and get the chance to take a new departure in life. Therefore, residents often live between feelings of relief and anguish, hope and disappointment. Rixensart refugees Center lives at the pace of these individual dramas or the big international tensions. Refugees come from Kosovo, Chetchnia, Iran, Congo... Their children often accompany them, innocent of the real stakes. In order to help their integration in Belgium, they attend the school of the village. Website (available in English) : Location : Rixensart is located in the Brabant Wallon province, 25 km away from Brussels and 7km from Wavre. The zone is highly urbanised and has all the usual conveniences. During centuries, it however was a rural and agricultural area. Thus, Rixensart still keeps its countryside charm, even if you can definitely feel the proximity of Brussels (40 minutes by train- 20 by car). Thus, many inhabitants work in the capital and return each day in this peripheral village in order to enjoy calmness. Refugees Center is located outside of the town center. Website (in French) : Work : The volunteers will give a hand and a new breath to the Center’s animation team. They will also help with practical work like painting and building installations. As volunteers, you will be required to get actively involved in the Center daily life. Half time will be devoted to propose activities to children and adults (according to the population present in the Center). Other part of the time, volunteers will carry out painting and restoration works. Center managing team is well used to work with volunteers as they have been accommodating this workcamp for several years now. Accommodation : Volunteers will be placed in a common room (dormitory) which will be reserved to them. Showers are accessible. Food: Meals are provided by the Center. Adapted food for vegetarians and Moslims is of course available on request. Meeting point : At Marche-en-Famenne train station, on Friday 1st of August between 4.30 and 5.30 pm. Specific information : - Volunteers are required to be 20 years old minimum and have French basis. - They will be required to send us a motivation letter in French as well as to answer to a questionnaire for the Center. - It is also necessary to have knowledge in animation (songs, music, dance, plays, …) and to be able to take a small group under your responsibility. It is also recommended that you have an idea about the policy in favour of refugees in your own country, what the image of the refugees is there, the place that is given to them where you come from. Some of these subjects might be put on the table during the evenings. Being able to listen to others is more than important here. This kind of workcamp is a very rich personal and human experience to live. It makes you aware of the complexity of certain social conditions related to the great planetary inequalities. - Alcohol is formally prohibited in the Center. - Possibility to host a volunteer in wheel chair, but the adapted bathroom is not on the same floor that the bedroom CBB10 ACIS, Cerexhe Euseux 10/08/2008 –24/08/2008 MANU/RENO 10vols Project : Institute Notre Dame ACIS is a Center dealing with mentally disabled children and youngsters (light and deep). One can find there a residential service and a warm welcome during the day. Institute also offers a service of integration assistance which is addressed to young people aged from 7 to 18 years old presenting behaviour problems. Group workshops and individual follow-ups are set up to accompany them. Professionals from the institute use psychomotricity, psychoanalysis, behaviour analysis, hipotherapy techniques in order to help the youngsters to live with their handicap. The institution is located in a vast masonry from the 19th century surrounded with a large park which makes outdoor activities possible. Each year, volunteers come to help with the park maintenance, while bringing a little dynamism into the institute daily life. Location : Cerexhe-Euseux is a small village located 20 km away from the town of Liege and surrounded by green hills. The place is quite isolated, but connected to Liege by some daily buses. Germany and the Netherlands are also very close. The towns of Achen, Köln and Maastricht can be reach very easily and therefore are pretty city-trips projects. Within the wide range of local tourist curiosities, one can also visit the former coalmine of Blény Trambleur. It used to be one of the sources that made the richness of Belgium during the last century. With time, the reserves have however become exhausted. Today, it is possible to visit the mine and to go down, up to 60 meters under ground (Website: ). During summer, many festivities are also organised in the area. Volunteers will be invited to take an active part in the Outre-Meuse festivals of August 15th (town of Liege). Work : Like each year, the volunteers will carry small maintenance work in the insitute. Painting and repairing benches, clearing in the park. They will also help to empty the attic of the institute and to carry out kilos of old papers that are stocked under the roof. It will, perhaps, be the occasion to find hidden treasures !!! On august 14th and 15th, they will help institute’s team hosting a stand at the Outre-Meuse festival, the most cordial event in Wallonie (the French speaking part of Belgian). Location : Volunteers will accomodated in a big room of the insitute, with kitchen, toilets, shower, bathroom and beds. A hot meal, catered by the institute cooks, will be served every midday. For evening and week-ends, volunteers will prepare their own meals. Meeting point : Liège, Guillemins train station, Saturday 10th of August at 5pm. Specific information : There will be very few contacts with the residents Compagnons Bâtisseurs Belgique – Summer Programme 2008