CONCORDIA PROGRAM FOR 2008 Index Concordia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Concordia's charter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Concordia workcamps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Commitments of Concordia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Teenage workcamps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Medical fact sheet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Medical certificate for scaffolding work --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Parental authorization for teenagers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Workcamps list --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 15-17 yo workcamps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 16 - 20 yo workcamps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Before season --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 After season --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 July workcamps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 August workcamps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 MTV Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 EVS Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 CONCORDIA Concordia is a French national non-governmental and non-profit making organisation, founded in 1950 by English, German and French youngsters. Their aim was to enhance the values of tolerance and peace after the 2nd world war by organising international workcamps of young volunteers. The main objectives of Concordia are the following: * Education i-e helping young people to grow up by acquisition of collective life. * Culture i-e favouring the youth exchanges on an international level, always emphasizing the values of peace, friendship and mutual respect. * Social i-e taking part in concrete actions of solidarity, as well as supporting a civic attitude * Social economy i-e contributing to realisation of local development, in favour of the environment, patrimony, tourism and socio-educational animation. Workcamps are a perfect tool to reach these goals: Participating in a workcamp means working voluntarily during three weeks at a project of a common utility, such as environment, archaeology, culture, patrimony. It is a form of informal education, but also as an opportunity to discover a new region and its inhabitants. The participants get to know the real life of a small community, as well as the culture and customs of other volunteers, who come from all around the world. Every year Concordia gives the opportunity to more than 1000 French youths to get involved in its partner projects abroad and hosts around 1200 foreign volunteers on its own workcamps in France. Concordia is a member of: - Two major international networks which support voluntary service: The Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations which is a network of 30 national organisations in 20 countries and CCIVS (Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) which is an organisation founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1948 and coordinates about 300 organisations worldwide. - The National Association COTRAVAUX (Co-ordination of French Voluntary Work organisations). The other activities of the association continue throughout the year with weekend or short holiday workcamps, mid and long term voluntary service, integration of people with difficulties, study and activity groups (North-South, International), sending and hosting volunteers of European Voluntary Service. Concordia also organises various trainings throughout the year. Those who wish to be even more involved in Concordia's activities can be elected at the management committee; Concordia is a democratic organisation, led by dynamic and motivated volunteers as well as young people, and supported by paid staff. Today the management committee counts 15 members, there are 1800 subscribers, 25 employees and 200 activity leaders. The Paris head office supports the seven regional offices activities i-e the Alps, Auvergne, Aquitaine, Normandy, Picardy, South-Southwest, and Ile-de-France. Concordia has the approval of the French Ministry of Youth and Sport and the Ministry of the Environment. IDEAS TO ACT: Concordia's charter for international workcamps The aim of this charter is to state clearly the conditions considered by Concordia as the essential elements of the international workcamp. This charter has the value of commitment. Concordia aims: a- To contribute to the enhancement of social life through the involvement of French and foreign volunteers in public projects of common interest; b- To encourage the circulation of people and ideas through global exchanges in the interests of international understanding and peace; c- To promote an educational project/promote its educative mission through encouraging active citizenship, which is essential for a democratic, united and participatory society. The rural area is the primary field of activity of the association. It is in this context that Concordia sets up and organizes international workcamps, guided by five criteria: 1. The workcamp is a place of intercultural meetings The international workcamp representing the mixture of different nationalities and social backgrounds, the encounter of different generations, the confrontation of urban and rural cultures, the willingness to integrate oneself as full as possible into the life of the hosting area and characterised by a communal life: * Is a place of intercultural meetings in the perspective of a voluntary discover of others; * Consequently encourages international understanding, tolerance and international friendship; * Encourages peaceful resolution of conflicts through learning to discover and respect the differences. 2. The workcamp necessarily participates in the project of general interest. The international workcamps of young volunteers allow to develop educational, social and cultural values, as well as collective solidarity. For that purpose the following principals are applied: * Workcamps are organised "with", but not "for" public bodies, which are the guarantors of general interests; * The result of the workcamps is durable equipment or facilities. * The result of this work accomplished in partnership is open to everybody. That is why we act in different fields: architectural heritage as well as natural heritage, local area or social life heritage. * Our concern for general interests is also reflected in the choice of our partners for the organisation of exchange of volunteers. * Concordia does not act for the private sector. 3. The workcamp for a dynamic local development * The preparation and organisation of the workcamp stimulate the emergence of local initiatives in the spirit of economic, social and cultural revitalisation; * It allows to rally volunteers for the preservation of cultural, natural or architectural heritage. Therefore, local development of a small area or a larger territory represents for Concordia an economic, social and cultural dimension. Thus, the choice and implementation of the projects are based on the mobilisation of local partners, associations, public bodies and human resources, which constitutes the guarantee of the durability of actions. 4. The workcamp encourages the development of citizenship International workcamps of young volunteers develop citizens through: * The arrangement of the functioning of the workcamp, i.e. the rules to be adopted by the group in order to jointly attain the set objectives; * The development of critical mind and the application of a dialogue as a means of conflict resolution; * The daily encounter with active and participatory democracy in order to avoid any sort of arbitrariness and prejudice; * bringing together young people and local representatives. 5. The international workcamp is a place of educative process and work Workcamps for young volunteers must lead to a high quality, valuable and properly finished work, which should be beneficial to the environment and a given area. Although the organisation of workcamps requires the use of financial resources, they constitute "non commercial acts", i.e. the acts that are not remunerated. The international workcamp is a place of educative process, which leads to: * The acquisition of technical skills through manual work, know-how and work-organisation; * Social development through the respect of the others, the capacity of self-expression, listening and living in community; * Political development through learning to apply participatory democracy, peaceful resolution of conflicts and intercultural understanding. We are taking steps to ensure that the dynamics of our charter would be present: - During the training of our leaders and staff of associations; - During the presentation of our projects to our partners, volunteers and the media; - During workcamps; - During the meetings with the local population. The workcamp contributes to the transformation of social relationships thanks to individual and collective exchanges. The workcamp is not an end in itself, but a means to promote values, which should bring transformation both on the individual and the collective level. This charter has been adopted in the Meeting of the Board members, which took place on 29 May 1994 WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT CONCORDIA'S WORKCAMPS Concordia's international workcamps are always organised in co-operation with either local authorities or local organisations; the projects are designed to respond to needs of the community and are always for the common good. Groups have between 15 and 20 participants, the average is 17. Concordia wants to have 1/3 of French volunteers and a maximum of 2 teenagers per group. Meetings with the local population are an important part of the projects. Also we try in each workcamp to mobilise young people from the village for an active participation to the workcamp. Sometimes they are coming only for leisure time, sometimes they participate also to the work, and sometimes they to be totally part of the project. In general it's their first " international experience ". If volunteers know some French, it will facilitate communication: French people don't have a gift for languages! Two leaders are present in each workcamp: one for the group life, and another for technical work (this one could be provided by the local community and so he may not have to stay after work). Sometimes only one is present (small groups). Concordia' leaders participate in a training week organised by Concordia and they manage the budget for food, leisure, excursions, etc. with the group. With Concordia, work time is about 6 hours a day, but in fact it is more important to attain the work's objective, defined between the local partner and Concordia. Leisure time is not planned before: it will be organised by the group with the local population and it will be based on the discovery of the region. Most of the time, camps are in small isolated villages and there is not necessarily a car available on the camp: volunteers should be ready to accept that. General accommodation is basic: a common room for sleeping and eating. Volunteers cook for themselves, sometimes they are sleeping on the floor and sometimes in tents (see the description of each workcamp). Volunteers should bring a sleeping bag, clothes for rain, winter (especially for the workcamps in the Alps and Auvergne where you can have snow even in august) and summertime, and working clothes, shoes, gloves, etc. The commitments of Concordia towards the volunteers on international workcamps are: * To propose workcamps that work for peace, solidarity, friendships, citizenship, tolerance and respect for others and the environment. * To favour local development in a village, a micro-region, or district, with an emphasis on rural areas. * To have one or two workcamp leaders trained by Concordia on each project who actively participate in the workcamp. The leadership of the workcamp favours the emergence of a group dynamic which should be a school of democracy, participation, responsibility, encouraging the spirit of active citizenship, and the development of the individual. * The leader gives the impetus to the group, guiding the volunteers towards taking responsibility for the collective life. * The leaders guarantee the values of Concordia and the application of the charter. * The leaders will be able to explain for whom and why a project of general interest (as opposed to a private interest) leads to local and social development. * The project should be useful to the community by improving the natural and cultural heritage. * To encourage the local population to continue the project in the future. * To propose environmental projects that respect nature (selective cutting, environmentally friendly maintenance). * To give the opportunity of discovering and learning new manual techniques. * To propose workcamps of French and foreign volunteers while trying to reach a balance in the number of men and women. * To promise to give extra information about workcamps with specific exchange details. CONCORDIA TEENAGE WORKCAMPS 2008 Concordia has been organising workcamps for teenagers for some 50 Years. We always have the general goal to permit the mobility of youth of all publics at all age. The teenager exchanges need to be taken into consideration inside of partnership relations. We truly believe that to be able to exchange teenager volunteers, and explain to the volunteer and even to the parents what to expect, it is really important that we communicate about what each organisation means when they talk about a teenager workcamp. In France, activities for minors are protected by the law which gives a frame. These rules facilitate or determine the organisation of workcamps, leisure activities, health and safety of the volunteer, and also the skills necessary for the group leaders. The camp language is mainly English with some French. The volunteers work on a concrete project, doing about 25/30 hours per week. The French legislation changed in 2006 hardening rules, but we still offer you a good choice of workcamps for teenagers. The leader team is composed of 2 to 3 persons who are qualified in leading; they are paid staff and they are responsible at all times for the volunteers. Teenagers are taken in charge on their arrival at the train station; they can't leave the camp without a written authorisation signed by their parents and sent to our organisation. According to the new French law we cannot host teenagers without the Medical fact sheet anymore. This is why we ask you to send a copy of the Medical Fact sheet together with the VEF (in pdf by e-mail if possible, or by fax). Please note that we won't be able to accept your volunteers if we don't get it together with the VEF. Sorry for the inconvenience! The confirmation slip with arrival details and the parental authorization should be sent at least 10 days before the camp starts. As all volunteers taking part in our workcamps, minors are asked to be volunteers too. They themselves must take the decision to participate because we are expecting from all volunteers a certain commitment to participate at the workcamp as well as the collective task of group life (washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning the accommodation etc), and not ask the leader to do everything, they will have to be proactive and participative in all aspects of the workcamps. To participate in these camps, volunteers do not have to pay extra-fees because we cover our activities by the sending aspects. It means that our volunteers pay for themselves to participate on the workcamp but also for the foreigners. This is why a preference is given to local teenagers. A teenager camp has some special costs such as the leader's salaries for example, and also some special rules such as the no possibility to work on scaffolding (or only under specific rules and regulations). There is clearly a difference between the laws and the reality of a workcamp because we are dealing with international volunteers with different cultural backgrounds linked to rules, regulations and limits for teenagers and also special regulations within each country organising a teenager camp. For example in France, the law states that no minor under the age of 16 Y.O. can drink alcohol and then culturally we always welcome people with the famous 'French apéritif' which is clearly alcoholic. It is really hard for the local host to change their habits so the volunteers must be prepared or at least aware of cultural changes. It is the same when it comes to what we expect from a teenage volunteer and what rights he or she may have in one country but not in another: therefore we may expect the minor in France to have a certain degree of autonomy and not expect that the leaders will be like their parents but at the same time, they will represent the authority and the volunteer will have to follow the rules. As the number of teenagers demands are increasing and the number of workcamps decreasing, we may have to privilege French teenagers on our workcamps as we can not easily send them abroad. As much as we can, we will try our best to find the balance between French and foreigners volunteers. Also, volunteers who are 17 years old and who have already taken part in a workcamp can participate in adult workcamps. MEDICAL FACTSHEET / FICHE MEDICALE For teenagers: to be sent together with the VEF For adults : to be sent at least 10 days before the arrival together with the confirmation slip Workcamp N° / N° Chantier Profile of the volunteer / Fiche d'identité du (de la) volontaire Name / Nom First Name / Prénom Date of birth / Date de naissance Social security number / N° Sécurité sociale N° telephone home / N° téléphone du domicile N° Telephone Work / Travail (parent) Local doctor's name / Nom médecin traitant N° telephone doctor / N° téléphone du médecin Insurance cover for the volunteer / assurance du (de la) volontaire Name of insurance / nom d'assurance N° insurance policy / N° police d'assurance Name and address of person responsible for the volunteer during the workcamp dates / Nom et adresse de la personne responsable du (de la) volontaire pendant les dates du chantier Medical information / Information médicale This information is strictly confidential and will only be used in case of illness or accident during the project / Cette information est confidentielle et ne sert qu'en cas d'accident ou de maladie pendant le séjour Please join a copy of any relevant medical documents to this factsheet if in your possession / Veuillez joindre à cette fiche une copie de tout document médical rélatif si vous en possédez Vaccin / Vaccination Date of last injection / Date du dernier rappel Diptheria / Dipthérie Tetanus / Tétanos Polio / Polio Whooping cough / Coqueluche B.C.G. Measles / Rougeole Mumps / Oreillons Rubella / Rubéole Hepatitus / Hépatite Meningitus / Méningite Allergies / Allergies Please list any known allergies and the necessary treatment / Veuillez indiquer toute allergie connue et le traitement à suivre Medication / Traitement médical Please list any medication that is taken by the volunteer (name, dosage) / Veuillez indiquer tout médicament pris par le (la) volontaire (nom et dosage) Other comment on the volunteer's health / D'autres commentaires sur la santé du (de la) volontaire I, , hereby (mother, father, guardian) give my consent to the director of this camp to take any medical action necessary in case of an emergency for (my son, my daughter, my charge). Je, soussigné(e), (mère, père ou représentant légal) autorise le directeur de ce séjour à prendre toute mesure médicale nécessaire en cas d'urgence pour (mon fils, ma fille, mon enfant à charge). Signature MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR SCAFFOLDING WORK Name and address of medical referent: To whom it may concern, I, the undersigned, certify after medical control done this day that: Ms. / Mr...................................................................................... Birth day: ................................. Permanent address: ..................................................................................... Has got a healthiness which doesn't show contra-indications to work on scaffoldings or in highness. Date ....................................... Place ................................., (Signature and stamp of the medical referent) PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION FOR TEENAGERS / AUTORISATION PARENTALE POUR MINEURS Please note that this document will be sent with the infosheet. It has to be sent back together with the confirmation slip at least 10 days before the arrival. Je soussigné(e) (nom de la mère, du père ou du tuteur...) / I hereby (name of the mother, the father or the guardian...) ............................................................................................. autorise mon fils, ma fille (prénom, nom) / give my consent for my son, my daughter (firstname, name): ................................................................................................ * À participer au chantier organisé par CONCORDIA, sous sa pleine responsabilité / To take part in the workcamp organised by CONCORDIA, under his/her full responsibility * A se baigner, sortir du camp et en règle générale à pratiquer toutes les activités proposées / To swim, to go out of the camp and in principle to participate to all activities proposed * À voyager seul(e) pour se rendre sur le lieu de séjour et en revenir sous sa pleine responsabilité/ To travel alone to the workcamp and back under his/her full responsibility * Et reconnait avoir pris connaissance, lu et accepté l'ensemble des règles et responsabilités d'un chantier/ And admit having read and accepted the entire information given about the French legislation and the right and responsibility of the volunteer and parents during a workcamp Fait à / Signed at :................................. Le / Date : ....................................... "Lu et approuvé, bon pour autorisation parentale" / "Read and approved, parent's permission given" (Ecrire à la main / Please copy this sentence) ....................................... ...................................... ....................................... Signature des parents / Signature of parents : WORKCAMP LIST TEENAGE PROJECTS FOR 15-17 YEARS OLD VOLUNTEERS: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks Page CONC154 BAPAUME 4/7 26/7 ENVI / CULT 15-17 15 Bilateral Only French and Canadian from Quebec 15 CONC005 LA MOTTE SERVOLEX 9/7 31/7 RENO 15-17 15 15 CONC007 ST GERMAIN AU MONT D'OR 9/7 31/7 EDU 15-17 15 15 CONC036 ST MARTAIN DES SEIGNANX 9/7 31/7 RENO/ART 15-17 16 16 CON062 BELLERIVE SUR ALLIER 9/7 31/7 ENVI 15-17 12 16 CON063 FEURS 9/7 31/7 ENVI 15-17 12 16 CONC186 BARBAIRA 4/7 26/7 ENVI 15-17 14 16 CONC187 MURVIEL LES MONTPELLIER 9/7 31/7 ENVI 15-17 14 16 CONC157 COMMUNAUTE DE COMMUNES OUEST AMIENS 11/07 2/08 ENVI 15-17 15 16 CONC067 CLERMONT 1 16/07 30/07 ENVI 15-17 12 17 CONC069 COMMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES PRADELLES 1 16/07 30/07 ENVI 15-17 12 17 CONC070 CLERMONT 2 30/07 13/08 ENVI 15-17 12 17 CONC072 COMMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES PRADELLES 2 30/07 13/08 ENVI 15-17 12 17 CONC158 DUNE DE SAINT FRIEUX BAIE DE CANCHES 1/08 23/08 ENVI 15-17 15 17 CONC077 CLERMONT 3 13/08 27/08 ENVI 15-17 12 18 CONC079 COMMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES PRADELLES 3 13/08 27/08 ENVI 15-17 12 18 PROJECTS FOR 16-20 Y.O. VOLUNTEERS: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks Page CONC122 COLLEVILLE OUIESTREHAM 4/7 18/7 ENVI 16-20 15 2 weeks 19 CONC125 COLLEVILLE OUIESTREHAM 18/7 1/8 ENVI 16-20 15 2 weeks 19 PROJECTS BEFORE SEASON: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks Page CONC181 LES ARESQUIERS 9/4 30/04 CONS 17+ 15 20 CONC121 LE MANS 12/4 26/4 CONS 18-25 15 20 CONC182 FRONTIGNAN 2/5 23/5 CONS 17+ 20 20 CONC001 CUBLIZE-LAC DES SAPINS 6/6 28/6 CULT / RENO 17+ 14 20 CONC031 PODENSAC 9/6 30/6 RENO 17+ 14 20 CONC061 OULALA FESTIVAL 20/06 12/07 FEST 18+ 11 French speaking and French motivation letter required 21 CONC002 PNR MONTS D'ARDECHE - SAINT JOSEPH DES BANCS 23/06 8/07 RENO 17+ 12 21 PROJECTS AFTER SEASON: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks Page CONC019 CREMIEU 29/08 20/09 CULT / RENO 17+ 15 22 CONC020 MIRIBEL - JONAGE 25/08 16/09 RENO 18+ 12 22 CONC021 PNR EN VERCORS 1/09 23/09 ENVI 17+ 12 22 CONC128 FLEE 3/09 18/09 ENVI 17+ 12 23 CONC202 OLARGUES 3/09 25/09 RENO 17+ 14 23 CONC201 NAJAC 1 3/09 25/09 RENO / ENVI 17+ 15 23 CONC203 NAJAC 2 25/09 16/10 RENO / ENVI 17+ 15 23 CONC165 MONTATAIRE 5/09 27/09 CULT 17+ 13 23 CONC166 AVRICOURT 5/09 27/09 RENO 17+ 12 23 CONC047 ONCFS 5/09 27/09 ENVI 17+ 14 23 CONC048 BEYLEYME 12/09 27/09 ENVI 17+ 14 We would love to receive volunteers from Hungary! 24 CONC049 LA TANCANNE 3/10 25/10 ENVI 17+ 14 24 PROJECTS OF JULY: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks Page CONC032 PAUNAT 4/7 26/7 RENO 17+ 14 25 CONC033 NAVARRENX 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 14 25 CONC034 VANXAINS1 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 14 26 CONC091 BOBIGNY 4/07 26/07 ENVI 18+ 15 26 CONC092 PARIS 4/07 26/07 ENVI / CONS 18+ 15 26 CONC151 CARDONETTE 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 15 26 CONC152 ROZOY SUR SERRRE 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 15 26 CONC153 BAIE DE SOMME MARQUENTERRE 4/07 26/07 ENVI 17+ 15 27 CONC155 WIMEREUX 4/07 25/07 ENVI 17+ 15 27 CONC183 CASTELNAU DE LEVIS 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 13 27 CONC184 EMMAUS 1 4/07 26/07 SOCI 18+ 12 27 CONC185 ST IZAIRE 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 15 27 CONC003 PNR MONTS D'ARDECHE - GENESTELLE 9/07 24/07 RENO 17+ 12 27 CONC004 LA MURE 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 12 28 CONC006 PEISEY - NANCROIX 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 15 28 CONC008 SAINTE AGNES 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 12 28 CONC009 COGNIN 9/07 31/07 ENVI / RENO 17+ 12 28 CONC010 BOUVESSE QUIRIEU 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 15 29 CONC035 SAINTE EULALIE 9/07 31/07 ENVI 17+ 14 29 CONC064 JENZAT - COMMUNAUTE DE COMMUNES DE GANNAT 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 14 29 CONC065 SAINTE FEYRE 9/07 23/07 ARTS / SOCI 18+ 9 French speaking and French motivation letter required, anti-tuberculosis vaccine required 29 CONC123 ALENCON 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 15 30 CONC124 VIMOUTIERS 9/07 31/07 ENVI 17+ 15 FRENCH SPEAKING 30 CONC156 MONTJAVULT 9/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 30 CONC037 POMPIGNAC 1 11/07 2/08 ENVI 17+ 14 30 CONC188 CAPDENAC LE HAUT 1 11/07 1/08 RENO 17+ 15 30 CONC189 MASSALS 1 11/07 1/08 CONS 16+ 16 30 CONC066 WORLD CULTURES FESTIVAL 16/07 30/07 FEST 18+ 9 FRENCH MOTIVATION LETTER REQUIRED 31 CONC068 GRACAY 1 16/07 30/07 RENO 18+ 14 MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR SCAFFOLDING WORK 31 CONC191 FORTS BRESCOU 1 16/07 6/08 RENO 18+ 12 31 PROJECTS OF AUGUST: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks Page CONC071 GRACAY 2 30/07 13/08 RENO 17+ 14 MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR SCAFFOLDING WORK 33 CONC011 SAINT PIERRE D'ALLEVARD 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 15 33 CONC012 PIERRE BENITE 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 15 33 CONC013 MEILLONNAS 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 15 33 CONC014 DESAIGNES 1/08 23/08 ENVI / CULT 17+ 13 33 CONC038 HAUX 1/08 23/08 ENVI 18+ 14 34 CONC039 SAINT GERVAIS 1/08 30/08 RENO 17+ 16 4 weeks 34 CONC040 CADILLAC 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 14 34 CONC041 ASCARAT 1/08 23/08 RENO 18+ 20 Motivation letter required, Diaspora Basque 34 CONC042 ARETTE 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 16 34 CONC043 MONTUSSAN 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 14 35 CONC044 VANXAINS 2 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 14 35 CONC045 SAINT CAPRAIS 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 14 35 CONC093 SEVRAN 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 15 35 CONC094 AUBERVILLIERS 1/08 23/08 ART / CONS 17+ 15 35 CONC192 AZILLE 1/08 23/08 ENVI 16+ 15 35 CONC193 CAPDENAC LE HAUT 2 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 15 36 CONC194 EMMAUS 2 1/08 23/08 SOCI 18+ 12 36 CONC195 MASSALS 2 1/08 23/08 RENO 16+ 16 36 CONC046 POMPIGNAC 2 3/08 25/08 RENO 17+ 14 36 CONC073 GANNAT 2 6/08 28/08 CONS 17+ 14 36 CONC074 MAURS 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 14 37 CONC075 MONISTROL SUR LOIRE 6/08 28/08 ENVI 17+ 15 37 CONC076 PAYS D'OLLIERGUE 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 12 37 CONC126 FRESNAY SUR SARTHE 6/08 28/08 CONS 17-25 15 37 CONC159 ST MAXIMIN 6/08 28/08 ENVI 17+ 13 37 CONC160 LAIGNEVILLE 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 38 CONC161 LA FLAMENGRIE 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 14 38 CONC162 BEAUREVOIR 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 38 CONC163 AUBENTON 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 We would love to receive volunteers from Holland! 39 CONC164 LANDSCAPING IN "LEFFRINCKOUCKE" To be confirmed ENVI 17+ 15 Tetanus vaccination required 39 CONC196 ALBAS 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 39 CONC197 FORT BRESCOU 2 6/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 39 CONC198 LAVELANET 6/08 28/08 ENVI / CONS 17+ 16 39 CONC200 SAINT MARTIN LAGUEPIE 6/08 28/08 ENVI 17+ 15 39 CONC015 FORT BARRAUX 8/08 30/08 RENO 17+ 12 39 CONC016 JURA NATUREL RESERVE "JEX" 8/08 30/08 ENVI / RENO 18+ 10 40 CONC017 CHINDRIEUX 8/08 30/08 RENO 17+ 15 40 CONC078 GRACAY 3 13/08 27/08 RENO 18+ 14 MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR SCAFFOLDING WORK 40 CONC080 SAINTE FEYRE 2 13/08 3/09 ART / SOCI 18+ 9 French speaking, FRENCH motivation letter and anti-tuberculosis vaccine required 40 CONC018 LEYMENT 15/08 6/09 CULT / ENVI 17+ 15 40 CONC127 ST LEZIN 18/08 3/09 ENVI / ART / CONS 18-25 15 40 CONC020 MIRIBEL JONAGE 25/08 16/09 ENVI / CULT 18+ 12 41 TEENAGE PROJECTS FOR 15-17 YEARS OLD VOLUNTEERS: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks CONC154 BAPAUME 4/7 26/7 ENVI / CULT 15-17 15 Bilateral Only French and Canadian from Quebec CONC005 LA MOTTE SERVOLEX 9/7 31/7 RENO 15-17 15 CONC007 ST GERMAIN AU MONT D'OR 9/7 31/7 EDU 15-17 15 CONC036 ST MARTAIN DES SEIGNANX 9/7 31/7 RENO/ART 15-17 16 CON062 BELLERIVE SUR ALLIER 9/7 31/7 ENVI 15-17 12 CON063 FEURS 9/7 31/7 ENVI 15-17 12 CONC186 BARBAIRA 9/7 31/7 ENVI 15-17 14 CONC187 MURVIEL LES MONTPELLIER 9/7 31/7 ENVI 15-17 14 CONC157 COMMUNAUTE DE COMMUNES OUEST AMIENS 11/07 2/08 ENVI 15-17 15 CONC067 CLERMONT 1 16/07 30/07 ENVI 15-17 12 CONC069 COMMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES PRADELLES 1 16/07 30/07 ENVI 15-17 12 CONC070 CLERMONT 2 30/07 13/08 ENVI 15-17 12 CONC072 COMMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES PRADELLES 2 30/07 13/08 ENVI 15-17 12 CONC158 DUNE DE SAINT FRIEUX BAIE DE CANCHES 1/08 23/08 ENVI 15-17 15 CONC077 CLERMONT 3 13/08 27/08 ENVI 15-17 12 CONC079 COMMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES PRADELLES 3 13/08 27/08 ENVI 15-17 12 CONC154 04/07-26/07 BAPAUME CULT / ENVI PROJECT: Bapaume is a small town of Pas-de-Calais, near Arras. It was a relevant place which was destroyed on the 20th century. Today, it's become a park with few visible ruins and entry of underground passages. Moreover, the municipality of region community has set up a youth service which will be a privileged interlocutor during the work camp. You can count on significant exchanges with the young people of the territory! WORK: You will clean and clear different park zone in order to call attention to several ruins. You will also realize a fresco at the entry of underground passages to emphasize them. Finally, you will create and fix wood information panels. ACCOMMODATION: under tent LOCATION: Bapaume is a town which contains 4 000 inhabitants near Arras in the Pas-de-Calais. TERMINAL: At Achiet train station 15 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC005 09/07 - 31/07 LA MOTTE-SERVOLEX RENO PREJECT: Six international workcamps have already been hosted successfully on the "Reinach Domain", and on some hamlets of the village (work on a washing-place and on a path). The cooperation with the Youth Service of the village led to rich exchanges and a great involvement of the local youth. This year again, the town suggests to work in order to improve the quality of life of inhabitants. WORK: You'll work on the amphitheatre in Henri Dunant park, you'll remove, replace and paint the wooden structure of the seats. Also, you'll work next to the village hall "Les Pervenches", there you will make some new pavement. ACCOMMODATION: Sleeping under tents, kitchen and bathroom in a gymnasium beside. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag! LOCATION: In Savoie, in the surroundings of Chambéry. Lots of possibilities for leisure time: hiking in Bauges or Chartreuse mountains, swimming in Bourget or Aiguebelette lakes, visit of Chambéry, Annecy, Aix-les-Bains cities, of Hautecombe abbey, tasting the famous Savoie wines... TERMINAL: Chambéry train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at : 15 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC007 09/07-31/07 SAINT GERMAIN AU MONT D'OR EDU PROJECT: Based on its cultural, medieval and industrial heritage, St-Germain au Mont d'Or is a municipality of the town of Lyon suburb which kept a very green environment and which took care of its goldstones heritage (notably church and medieval castle). It hosts its second international workcamp this year further to its success in 2007. Between the ponds of Dombes and the vineyards of the Beaujolais, come to discover all the gastronomic, historic and patrimonial treasures of this small village with multiple facets. WORK: You will work on the conception and the installation of an heritage circuit dedicated to a public which each year, come visit the numerous buildings present in the municipality. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Bring comfortable shoes for hiking, working gloves and a sleeping bag. LOCATION: Saint-Germain au Mont d'Or is situated in the north limit in the Rhône department. TERMINAL: At Saint-Germain au Mont d'Or train station Special remarks: 15 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC036 09/07 - 31/07 SAINT MARTIN DE SEIGNANX THE OCEAN MEETS THE FOREST RENO / ARTS PROJECT: The Youth service of the town of St Martin de Seignanx would like to host an international work-camp in the village for the first time. The camp is reserved for 15-17 year olds and the idea is that the young internationals will meet with the young locals and that they may work together on different projects and have fun together. You will participate in some local festivities which take place in the summer, and you will have friendly and welcoming contacts with the local population in order to discover the surroundings. WORK: You will take part in the renovation of various installations in the village (bus-shelter, sports facilities...). Sanding, painting, woodwork and a fresque (graffiti project) or an artistique mosaic are on the menu! ACCOMMODATION: Camping in shared tents with sleep-mats. A nearby building (local rugby team) has a kitchen, sanitary facilities, showers and a meeting room.Very basic living conditions - bring warm clothes and sleeping bag with you. LOCATION: St Martin de Seignanx (5000 inhabitants). It is a town with different geographical zones: the Barthes (wet zone) and the Séqué (highlands). It is a rural and quiet town situated in a well preserved environment minutes away from the beach. It is situated 10 Km North of Bayonne, 40 kms South-West of Dax and 30 kms from Spain. TERMINAL: Bayonne train station. Note: There is very little public transport to and from the village. A workcamp for those who like walking, sports, nature and the "Basco-Landaise" (local) cultures. Do not expect to spend all your free time on the beach: the Atlantic ocean is dangerous here so you won't go often and only to specially designed beaches (with lifeguards) For more information you may visit the website: 16 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC062 09/07 - 31/07 BELLERIVE-SUR-ALLIER ENVI Workcamp OFAJ tri-national: France, Germany, Turquey PROJECT: For the sixth year, Bellerive-sur-Allier works in partnership with Concordia to improve the different green spaces along and around the walking path that cross this small city. The municipality and Concordia wish to multiply encounters with the local inhabitants. In the continuity of last year's workcamp and in the pleasant setting of the Bost castle's park, around a pond. WORK: In a park, you will build wooden stairs, install pic-nic table, clear vegetation and you will build bird's nest with an organisation who protects birds. LOCATION: Bellerive-sur-Allier (8500 inhabitants) is located in the outskirts of Vichy (25000 inhabitants) in Allier county, 60 km North East of Clermont-Ferrand and 350 km South of Paris. It is an agricultural region with an important architectural heritage (roman castles and churches). ACCOMMODATION: In tents (bring your own sleeping-mat) for sleeping and group life in a public house. TERMINA : Vichy train station SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Urban type workcamp. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC063 09/07 - 31/07 FEURS ENVI PROJECT : After very good experiences the three last years, the town hall decided to pursue the work done on the "Rozier park". This old gallo-roman place and wooden area is in the town centre. Last year, the relationship with the population was rich and warm: it will certainly be the same with you this year! The workcamp will take place in an urban environment; but in Feurs, nature is never far away. The Loire river is beautiful and invites you for a walk. You will also be able to visit Ecopôle du Forez (wild life observatory). WORK: You will open different accesses and participate in creation of a pathway (clearing, putting gravel and sand on the pathway). LOCATION: Feurs is a town of 7600 inhabitants situated in the heart of the Forez plain, by the Loire river, between Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon, St-Etienne and Roanne. A: Sleeping in tents (bring your sleeping-mat) and in a little bulding for group life at the camping ground. TERMINAL: Feurs train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Nights could be cold. Don't forget warm clothes and your sleeping bag. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC186 04/07 - 26/07 BARBAIRA ENVI From 15 to 17 years old PROJECT: after twelve successful years of workcamps, the village council of Barbaira decided to welcome a new group. The work will be on the surroundings of the castle of Miramont fortress of the XI-XIIth with nice important ruins, (see ). Notice that the local population is very friendly and that an important close friendship is linked each year. WORK: this year you'll carry on clearing the vegetation around the castle, cleaning the pine-forest down this castle and doing various arrangements begun by the last workcamps with basic masonry. LOCATION: 15 Km east of Carcassonne, in the heart of the Pays Cathare. Barbaira, between the Corbières and the Minervois, overlooks the Valley of the river Aude. ACCOMMODATION: in a village hall. TERMINAL: Carcassonne train station 14 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC187 09/07 - 31/07 MURVIEL LES MONTPELLIER ENVI PROJECT: it is the third year that this village works with Concordia. The town council has environmental fitting out projects and works on heritage elements in the village (fountain, church place). You'll discover this region near Montpellier between the see and the hinterlands. Young people from the village will be present on this project. WORK: this year, you'll arrange a foot path on clearing vegetation and rebuilding the bordering dry stone walls. LOCATION: 20 Km west of Montpellier ACCOMMODATION: under tent (if you have one, you may bring it) TERMINAL: bus stop of Murviel les Montpellier 14 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC157 11/07 - 02/08 COMMUNAUTE DE COMMUNES OUEST AMIENS ENVI PROJECT: This is the second year that we organize this work camp in collaboration with the Communauté de Commune Ouest Amiens. There, the volunteers will try to fight against the Jussie, an invasive plant which is making problems in the region. Indeed it will be the opportunity to discover the ecosystem of a small river and also to value the natural heritage. During the work camp you will join several activities and entertainment in this village, all of them organized in collaboration with the entertainment center in the village. And the last week we will finish with a great festival organized by the young village people. WORK: The Jussie is an invasive plant which develops itself thanks to the rest of the flora, making a great damage in the normal develop of the plants. Only to uproot in the manual way will allow stopping the expansion. With the collaboration with the club Canoé and le CAJ, the volunteers will go in different places (with high humidity) to pull up the plant. SITUATION: The Communauté de Commune Ouest Amiénois collects different rural villages like Picquigny or Breilly. Picquigny is in the department of Somme (80), 20km from Amiens, the capital of the region Picardie. ACCOMMODATION: camping ground in tents MEETING POINT: Picquigny's train station. Please we will ask you to write a motivation letter about how you are concerning by the ecological problems EXTRA INFORMATION: It's very important to know how to swim 15 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC067 16/07 - 30/07 CLERMONT 1 ENVI PROJECT: Since 1993, Concordia has been renovating footpaths in the outskirts of Clermont-Ferrand to make them more accessible (clearing of vegetation and little masonry of stonewalls which are next to the paths). This activity aims to upgrade the value of the site, attractive green place at the borders of the town with 25 kms of hikingpaths that lead to an archeological site and to a "natura 2000" protected area. This year you will work to the creation of a pedagogical garden for the children of the district house of Croix de Neyrat. WORK : You will transform an uncultivated land in a pedagogical and organic garden. You will implement a fence, restore a smalll stonemade garden shed and you will make and put in place a compost box. You will also continue the works from last year. You will restore a stone made wall with lime mortar alongside a walking path. LOCATION: Regional capital of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand is located in the country of Puy-de-Dôme, between the Regional Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne and the Parc Livradois-Forez, 200 km west of Lyon and 400 km south of Paris. Clermont-Ferrand is situated in a valley surrounded by volcanoes. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents (bring your sleepingmat) and collective tents for the life of group on a canp-site. TERMINAL : Clermont-Ferrand (train station) SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS: Urban workcamp. Accommodation far from the town centre. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC069 16/07 - 30/07 COMMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES-PRADELLES 1 ENVI PROJECT: Since 2004, International workcamps take place each summer in the communities of Pays de Cayres and Pradelles. This year, workcamp will be in three stages (one camp in July, and two in August). You will begin a cycle of heritage restoration site. W: You will work on old wash-house, cross, water fountain... You will use different practical methods of stonework. LOCATION: The community of Pays de Cayres and of Pradelles is in the middle of three French départements : Haute-Loire, Lozère and Ardèche, 150 km south-east of Clermont Ferrand and at a distance of 30 km from the volcano Puy-en-Velay. This region of elevated plains (at an altitude of about 1000 m) is rich in wide, green, and mountainous spaces, perfect for friends of hiking and nature. ACCOMMODATION: You will be sleeping in tents (bring your own sleeping mat) and collective tents for the life of group, at the football stadium. T: Le Puy-en-Velay train station. Special requierments: On the August workcamp, the works will be on steep ground. The workcamp site is in a remote place, nice for nature lovers. Take some warm clothes. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD AUGUST CONC070 30/07 - 13/08 CLERMONT 2 ENVI PROJECT: Since 1993, Concordia has been renovating footpaths in the outskirts of Clermont-Ferrand to make them more accessible (clearing of vegetation and little masonry of stonewalls which are next to the paths). This activity aims to upgrade the value of the site, attractive green place at the borders of the town with 25 kms of hikingpaths that lead to an archeological site and to a "natura 2000" protected area. This year you will work to the creation of a pedagogical garden for the children of the district house of Croix de Neyrat. WORK: You will transform an uncultivated land in a pedagogical and organic garden. You will implement a fence, restore a smalll stonemade garden shed and you will make and put in place a compost box. You will also continue the works from last year. You will restore a stone made wall with lime mortar alongside a walking path. LOCATION: Regional capital of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand is located in the country of Puy-de-Dôme, between the Regional Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne and the Parc Livradois-Forez, 200 km west of Lyon and 400 km south of Paris. Clermont-Ferrand is situated in a valley surrounded by volcanoes. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents (bring your sleepingmat) and collective tents for the life of group on a canp-site. TERMINAL: Clermont-Ferrand (train station) SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS: Urban workcamp. Accommodation far from the town centre. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC072 30/07 - 13/08 COMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES-PRADELLES 2 ENVI PROJECT: Since 2004, International workcamps take place each summer in the communities of Pays de Cayres and Pradelles. This year, workcamp will be in three stages (one camp in July, and two in August). You will begin a cycle off heritage restoration site. W: You will work on old wash-house, cross, water fountain... You will use the differents practical methods off stonework. LOCATION: The community of Pays de Cayres and of Pradelles is in the middle of three French départements : Haute-Loire, Lozère and Ardèche, 150 km south-east of Clermont Ferrand and at a distance of 30 km from the volcano Puy-en-Velay. This region of elevated plains (at an altitude of about 1000 m) is rich in wide, green, and mountainous spaces, perfect for friends of hiking and nature. ACCOMMODATION: You will be sleeping in tents (bring your own sleeping mat). Community life will take place in a commun "Marabout" (big tent), at the football stadium. TERMINAL: Le Puy-en-Velay train station. SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS: On the August workcamp, the works will be on steep ground. The workcamp site is in a remote place, nice for nature lovers. Take some warm clothes. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC158 01/08 - 23/08 DUNE DE SAINT FRIEUX BAIE DE CANCHES ENVI PROJECT: this is a nature workcamp that we organize for the first time in partnership with the Coastal Conservatory and Eden 62. You will be settled on the site of the St Frieux dune, unless 1km of the beach (not watched) in the heart of the natural area. That's to say, an idyllic place for a natural workcamp. You will also intervene in Bay of Canche on the natural reserve. Several exchanges in perspective have to be planned with the young people of Etaples. WORK: Your role will be contributing to the maintenance of 2 natural reserves: cuttings, exports, diverse protections. Animations will also be programmed concerning bats. LOCATION: Dannes in the Pas-de-Calais, where is located St Frieux belongs to some kilometres of Etaples Touquet, also called Paris-Beach, sea resort very known of the coastal of Opal. ACCOMODATION: under tent. SPECIAL REMARKS: Many walking by the program to go from a site to another one. This workcamp require a large environment sensibility. TERMINAL: At the SNCF station of the Etaples le Touquet 15 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC077 13/08 - 27/08 CLERMONT 3 ENVI PROJECT: Since 1993, Concordia has been renovating footpaths in the outskirts of Clermont-Ferrand to make them more accessible (clearing of vegetation and little masonry of stonewalls which are next to the paths). This activity aims to upgrade the value of the site, attractive green place at the borders of the town with 25 kms of hikingpaths that lead to an archeological site and to a "natura 2000" protected area. This year you will work to the creation of a pedagogical garden for the children of the district house of Croix de Neyrat. WORK : You will transform an uncultivated land in a pedagogical and organic garden. You will implement a fence, restore a smalll stonemade garden shed and you will make and put in place a compost box. You will also continue the works from last year. You will restore a stone made wall with lime mortar alongside a walking path. LOCATION: Regional capital of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand is located in the country of Puy-de-Dôme, between the Regional Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne and the Parc Livradois-Forez, 200 km west of Lyon and 400 km south of Paris. Clermont-Ferrand is situated in a valley surrounded by volcanoes. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents ( bring your sleepingmat) and collective tents for the life of group on a canp-site. TERMINAL : Clermont-Ferrand (train station) SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS: Urban workcamp. Accommodation far from the town centre. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD CONC079 13/08 - 27/08 COMUNITY OF PAYS DE CAYRES-PRADELLES 3 ENVI PROJECT: Since 2004, International workcamps take place each summer in the communities of Pays de Cayres and Pradelles. This year, workcamp will be in three stages (one camp in July, and two in August). You will begin a cycle off heritage restoration site. WORK: You will work on old wash-house, cross, water fountain... You will use the differents practical methods off stonework. LOCATION: The community of Pays de Cayres and of Pradelles is in the middle of three French départements : Haute-Loire, Lozère and Ardèche, 150 km south-east of Clermont Ferrand and at a distance of 30 km from the volcano Puy-en-Velay. This region of elevated plains (at an altitude of about 1000 m) is rich in wide, green, and mountainous spaces, perfect for friends of hiking and nature. ACCOMMODATION: You will be sleeping in tents (bring your own sleeping mat). Community life will take place in a commun "Marabout" (big tent), at the football stadium. TERMINAL: Le Puy-en-Velay train station. SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS: On the August workcamp, the works will be on steep ground. The workcamp site is in a remote place, nice for nature lovers. Take some warm clothes. 12 VOLS. 15-17 YEARS OLD PROJECTS FOR 16-20 Y.O. VOLUNTEERS: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks CONC122 COLLEVILLE OUIESTREHAM 1 4/7 18/7 ENVI 16-20 15 2 weeks CONC125 COLLEVILLE OUIESTREHAM 2 18/7 1/8 ENVI 16-20 15 2 weeks CONC122 04/07 - 18/07 COLLEVILLE OUISTREHAM 1 ENVI PROJECT: it is the fourth year that the commune of Colleville-Montgomery and Ouistreham call upon the volunteers to take part in a marsh development of a natural zone plug between the dune cord and Norman scrap-metal. Located in edge of sea, the communes are particularly tourist and charged historically (unloading, Battle of Normandy). The volunteers will thus have many possibilities of visits, excursions and of animation on the education to environment thanks to a significant participation of the young people of the two communes. and WORK: Bush clearing, ship canal cleaning (you will be on a boat, you must be able to swim), observatory building (end of work). Location: On the Norman littoral, in the Calvados department. 10 km from Caen. Loading's harbour for England. ACCOMMODATION: in tents at the Ouistreham Young House, facilities in building. Bring ground sheet. Rendez-vous: The Caen train station. Special requirements: hard work in damp zone, bring boots. 15 VOLS. 16 -20 YEARS OLD CONC125 18/07 - 01/08 COLLEVILLE OUISTREHAM 2 ENVI PROJECT: it is the fourth year that the commune of Colleville-Montgomery and Ouistreham call upon the volunteers to take part in a marsh development of a natural zone plug between the dune cord and Norman scrap-metal. Located in edge of sea, the communes are particularly tourist and charged historically (unloading, Battle of Normandy). The volunteers will thus have many possibilities of visits, excursions and of animation on the education to environment thanks to a significant participation of the young people of the two communes. and Work: Bush clearing, ship canal cleaning (you will be on a boat, you must be able to swim), observatory building (end of work). Location: On the Norman littoral, in the Calvados department. 10 km from Caen. Loading's harbour for England. Accommodation: in tents at the Ouistreham Young House, facilities in building. Bring ground sheet. Rendez-vous: The Caen train station. Special requirements: hard work in damp zone, bring boots. 15 VOLS. 16 -20 YEARS OLD PROJECTS BEFORE SEASON: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks CONC181 LES ARESQUIERS 9/4 30/04 CONS 17+ 15 CONC121 LE MANS 12/4 26/4 CONS 18-25 15 CONC182 FRONTIGNAN 2/5 23/5 CONS 17+ 20 CONC001 CUBLIZE-LAC DES SAPINS 6/6 28/6 CULT / RENO 17+ 14 CONC031 PODENSAC 9/6 30/6 RENO 17+ 14 CONC061 OULALA FESTIVAL 20/06 12/07 FEST 18+ 11 French speaking and French motivation letter required CONC002 PNR MONTS D'ARDECHE - SAINT JOSEPH DES BANCS 23/06 8/07 RENO 17+ 12 CONC181 09/04 - 30/04 LES ARESQUIERS CONS PROJECT: "Les Aresquiers" is a place welcoming holidays camps, group meetings as well as school discovery workshop. Since five years, this organisation began to work with Concordia and decided to organise workcamps in order to make wood outdoor pieces of furniture (tables, benches, huts, shelters, etc.).. WORK: This year, you'll have to build wood pieces as tables and chairs LOCATION: 15 Km south-west of Montpellier. This isolated place is wonderful, just on the beach of Vic-la-Gardiole. From there, one can visit the vineyards and the hilly hinterlands. ACCOMMODATION: in the welcoming centre of Les Aresquiers TERMINAL: bus stop of Vic-la-Gardiole WARNING: we recommend you to take worm clothes for windy days. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC121 12/04 - 26/04 LE MANS CONS PROJECT : It's the first time that a workcamp take place in collaboration with Le Mans municipality and France Bénévolat Sarthe. The aim of this workcamp it's the discovery of Le Mans's heritage, the traditionals technics of masonry and the meeting to associations of this dynamic town. You are going to work on the old Vivier's fountain in the heart of the medieval town, you also will take part in associations tour with many activities and meetings with local people and associations. WORK : Traditional masonry LOCATION: Le Mans is the capital of Sarthe Department and 2h30 south-west far from Paris by car. ACCOMMODATION: Collective tents at Yvré l'Évêque Camping next to le Mans. Building toilets and showers. Catering under a big tent. To be confirmed. MEETING POINT: Le Mans train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Urban workcamp. French speaking workcamp. 15 VOLS INCLUDING 10 FRENCH PEOPLE. 18-25 YO CONC182 02/05 - 23/05 FRONTIGNAN RENO PROJECT: the Youth Service of Frontignan calls the volunteers of Concordia for the fifth time. In 2008, the sailing school begins restoring-works in its buildings and fencing. The work will be done in link with a team of 10 young people from Frontignan who will be very good guides for the discovery of the region and the leisure time. WORK: you'll have various painting works to do as well as basic masonry. You'll work the same hours that they do. Sometimes you'll work the whole day and sometimes you'll be free for the discovery of the region. LOCATION: 20 Km south-west of Montpellier. ACCOMMODATION: under tents. If you have one, you may bring it. The day life premises will be in a sea side building, on a private beach. TERMINAL: Frontignan train station. WARNING: we recommend you to take worm clothes for windy days. NB: it's possible to join this workcamp after the one of Les Aresquiers. 20 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC001 06/06 - 28/06 CUBLIZE - LAC DES SAPINS CULT/RENO PROJET: The tourism centre of " Lac des Sapins " organize each year a triathlon on the site of the lake. 850 participants from the whole of France participate to this sportive demonstration. A lot of volunteers will help to the organization of this 12th edition which will take place the 21st and 22nd June. You can be sure that you will have a lot of nice exchanges with local population. WORK: You will help to the logistic setting up of the triathlon. You will work before, during and after this sportive demonstration in order to discover in totality the organization of this type of event. Also, you will work on the renovation of the "Youth local house" situated next to the lake. Some works of painting will be realized and in particular a fresco about international solidarity. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents next to the lake to the "Youth local house" Special requirements: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION: The lake called "Lac des sapins" is situated to the heart of a recreation base in a wonderful wooded place at 440 meters of altitude. At 65km in the Northwest of Lyon. TERMINAL : To Amplepuis train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC031 09/06-30/06 PODENSAC RENO PROJECT: This will be the fourth year that CONCORDIA organises an international work-camp in Podensac to participate in improvements to the park surrounding the Château Chavat (an old 19th Century manor house) The park is full of rather ornate statues and landmarks - and is classed as historic monuments since 2006) Podensac is situated on the banks of the river opposite the medieval village of Rions and the walled town of Cadillac. For those who like skateboarding there's a half-pipe just next to the park and for those who like to taste the local specialities Podensac is the home of the famous Lillet wine! WORK: Restoration of the outside of the stone wall surrounding the park. Re-pointing and applying mortar protection to the wall. Participation (third week) in the preparations for the festival " Côté jardin " which takes place in the park at the end of the work-camp. ACCOMMODATION: In a house in the park. Dormitary sleeping arrangements. Very basic collective living condition. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION: Podensac is 25km south-west of Bordeaux next to the river Garonne. Note: There are very few transport options. For nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information you may consult the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC061 20/06 - 12/07 OULALA FESTIVAL FEST FRENCH SPEACKING CAMP PROJECT: The Oulala Association is a very active cultural association based in the Loire country. From 04th - 06th July, they will be hosting their firth rock festival in St Bonnet-le Chateau. During this festival, various associations will be gathered as a village and will organise exhibitions, forums, workshops and events. The workcamp will be part of the logistic organisation, before, during and after the festival. During this time, you will have the opportunity to see some of the show (local, national and international artists). This project is definitely a good human and cultural experience. WORK: Setting up and installing concert podiums, welcoming posts, refreshment stands, car parks and organising a stand for Concordia. You will add an intercultural touch to the festival and you can propose different events: juggling, street theatre shows, games etc. You will help for the recycling project and to clean up the place. ACCOMMODATION: Collective accommodation in a gymnasium (bring your sleeping mat) LOCATION: St Bonnet le Château is at the crossroads between the Loire, the Puy de Dôme and the Haute Loire counties, near the Monts du Forez. St Etienne is 31 km away, and the Puy-en-Velay is at 70km. TERMINAL: Bonson train station SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: As you will be working for a festival, there will be long times of work, late at night and non regular schedules. To apply for this workcamp, a motivation letter in French is required. More information: and 11 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC002 23/06-08/07 PNR MONTS D'ARDECHE - SAINT JOSEPH DES BANCS RENO PROJECT: The "Parc Naturel Regional des Monts d'Ardèche" was founded in 2001 to preserve and develop the present treasures in the region. This is the first year that the Park welcomes an international workcamp. You will work face to a magnificent panorama in the "Parc Naturel des Monts d'Ardèche", in a rich region thanks to its natural, cultural and landscaped heritage. The Mont Mézenc, the Massif de la Tanargue, the musée de la châtaigneraie (a museum about sweet chestnuts) are only waiting for you, so let you charmed!!! WORK: You will restore a part of a small roman alley called "calade" in French on the "via podiensis" an ancient way of business around "Le Malpas" site, a sensational place overhanging the mountains of Ardèche. Situated near a community clinic ruins, the restoration of this alley will be made according to an ancestral traditional method. This is a meticulous work which is waiting for you. ACCOMMODATION: In a shelter or in a campsite at St Joseph des Bancs SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring comfortable shoes for hiking, working gloves, a sleeping bag and warm clothes: you're in the mountains! LOCATION: At 20 km of Aubenas, 25km of Privas and 70 km in the southwest of Valence. TERMINAL: At Privas bus stop Special remarks: 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER PROJECTS AFTER SEASON: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks CONC019 CREMIEU 29/08 20/09 CULT / RENO 17+ 15 CONC020 MIRIBEL - JONAGE 25/08 16/09 RENO 18+ 12 CONC021 PNR EN VERCORS 1/09 23/09 ENVI 17+ 12 CONC128 FLEE 3/09 18/09 ENVI 17+ 12 CONC202 OLARGUES 3/09 25/09 RENO 17+ 14 CONC201 NAJAC 1 3/09 25/09 RENO / ENVI 17+ 15 CONC203 NAJAC 2 25/09 16/10 RENO / ENVI 17+ 15 CONC165 MONTATAIRE 5/09 27/09 CULT 17+ 13 CONC166 AVRICOURT 5/09 27/09 RENO 17+ 12 CONC047 ONCFS 5/09 27/09 ENVI 17+ 14 CONC048 BEYLEYME 12/09 27/09 ENVI 17+ 14 We would love to receive volunteers from Hungary! CONC049 LA TANCANNE 3/10 25/10 ENVI 17+ 14 CONC019 29/08 - 20/09 CREMIEU CULT/RENO PROJECT: The "St-Hippolyte" Hill offers a panoramic view on the medieval city of Crémieu. For 7 years, the city has been hosting Concordia workcamps to renovate this place, with people with social difficulties of the Association for Renovation of Crémieu's Ramparts (ARRC). This year, during the first week, you will work with the ARRC on the restoration of the ramparts of the town. The second week, the workcamp will be focused on "Les Médiévales de Crémieu", a 2 days party where the whole city turns back to Middle-Age! WORK: On the St-Hippolyte Hill : building of "dry stone" walls and traditionnal masonry. Preparation of the "Médiévales", which take place 13th and 14th september: making of the flags, decoration of the city, raising of the stands, welcome and guidance of the public, logistic help, unbuilding and disassembly after the party. ACCOMMODATION: In the village hall, in the city centre. Special requirements: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION: Crémieu is a 3400 inhabitants medieval city, 35 km far from Lyon and 80 km from Grenoble. Ste-Hippolyte Hill, the medieval Market Hall of 14th century, the Delphinal Castle, the old houses and monasteries, the picturesque streets ... are waiting for you ! TERMINAL: Crémieu bus station. Special remarks: For more information have a look at: and 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC020 25/08 - 16/09 MIRIBEL - JONAGE RENO PROJECT: For some years, the suburban Park of Miribel-Jonage leads an animation and preservation program in order to enhance the value of its natural environment. Also, the park develops a cultural politics in order to organize some events for the urban community of Lyon. Concordia is in contact with the Park of Miribel-Jonage since 2 years. The last year, volunteers worked on the "Allivoz" farm to build a wall in using a traditional method. (Traditional technical with rammed earth). For this 2nd year, some works of landscaping will be realized in a sensitive area of the Park. Finally, volunteers will help in the organization of the Park party "Destination Nature" and in the organization of a music festival "Woodstower". WORK: You will work on a branch (arm) of the Rhône river in order to fit out and preserve this delicate ecosystem. Also you will clear of brushwood and clean in an area dedicated to the environment pedagogy. Moreover you will implicated in the organization of "Destination nature" will take place the 7th September as well as in the organization of the "Woodstower" music festival which will take place the 29th and 30th August. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents. LOCATION: The Park of Miribel-Jonage is situated to the Northeast of Lyon agglomeration. Come on to discover, with the Park's employees, fauna and flora in the wetlands of the park! And of course, the exceptional gastronomy and historic heritage of Lyon and its surroundings. TERMINAL: At the tramway station of Meyzieu. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. For more information have a look at: 12 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC021 01/09 - 23/09 PNR EN VERCORS ENVI PROJECTS: The Vercors Natural park is one of the first Natural park created in the Alps. Above 2500 km of paths stride this wonderful park which is exposed to some important degradation caused by erosion, climate et hikers. It will be the fourth workcamp after the ones of 2005, 2006 and 2007. The Vercors Park is really enthusiastic to restart the experience in 2008 in the villages of Saint Jean en Royans and Bouvante. The mountain culture is waiting for you through wonderful panorama and forests. Hikers and adventurers, this workcamp is for you! WORK : You will work to the rehabilitation of some paths where some of them are damaged. To clear of brushwood, lay out some paths will be the main works. Good physical condition required! ACCOMMODATION: In a collective inn to Saint Jean en Royans or Bouvante. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes and sleeping-bag. Backpack is compulsory. LOCATION: At 1000 meters of altitude, Saint-Jean en Royans and Bouvante are two villages at 75km of Grenoble and 50km of Valence. TERMINAL: To Saint Jean en Royans bus station (Bus from Valence train station) SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: and Special remarks: For more information have a look at: 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC128 03/09 - 18/09 FLEE ENVI PROJECT: Thanks to the success action at Thoiré last year, Concordia and the Fishermen Federation renew the experience at Flée, the city besides Thoiré, which hosts for the first time an international workcamp. Flée is situated right in the heart of Dinan valley on the edge of the Bercé forest. This workcamp is a proof from the city of its engagement to foster the naturalistic and charming site. Volunteers will work alongside fishermen and local people to help with conservation programme Work: Variety of environmental tasks around the river, e.g. clearing paths from trees and brambles, habitat management, gardening, pond clearing. LOCATION: Flée is about 40 km north from Tours. ACCOMMODATION: in tents close to the football stadium. Facilities at the stadium. Common life under a large tent "Marabout". Please, bring your own tent and roll mats if you have it! TERMINAL: Château du Loir train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: the site is quite isolated. The village has less than 400 inhabitants. You will work along the river, so please bring adequate and waterproof shoes! concerning the Dinan River. 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC202 03/09 - 25/09 OLARGUES RENO PROJECT : Olargues is a pleasant medieval listed village. Since 1994, the township has work with Concordia to rehabilitate the surroundings of the castle, to restore the covered way (with 4 surveillance towers cut in the stone) and to make easier access to the castle. The main tower overlooks the village. The works of the last workcamps helped to do archaeological excavations and to discover many parts of the ancient castle. Fantastic welcome in a unique natural site in Europe (Regional Park of the high Languedoc). WORK: this year, you'll carry on the arrangement needed for the visits : lanes, stairs, little walls, etc LOCATION: Olargues is in the heart of the Natural Regional Park of the Haut-Languedoc (south of France), 45km north-east of Béziers and 100km west of Montpellier ACCOMMODATION: lodging in a common room in the Campotel. TERMINAL: bus station of Olargues WARNING only two bus from Montpellier. Don't miss them! 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC201 03/09 - 25/09 NAJAC 1 RENO / ENVI CONC203 25/09 - 16/10 NAJAC 2 RENO / ENVI Project: back in the medieval village of Najac classified among the "nicest villages in France". Since 97, the volunteers began the restoration of an old house called "The house of the governor" (13th century), built some walls and cleared the vegetation. Work: this year, you'll do different arranging works like clearing vegetation, excavation and basic masonry in the village and around the castle. Those work will be set by the town council according with the needs. Location: on its stony peak, Najac overlooks the valley of the river Aveyron. One will discover the ruins of a fortress from the XIIIth century looking down upon the old village, the gothic church and a nice rural area very rich in its history. A wonderful region to discover: Villefranche-de-Rouergue (30 Km) and Albi (45 Km), in "the gorges of the Aveyron" Terminal: Najac train station. Accommodation: to confirm. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC165 05/09 - 27/09 MONTATAIRE CULT PROJECT: The Palace is a spectacle room which was created by a work's council and a French Trade Union. The factory was closed some years ago and the spectacle room was taken back by the town hall of Montataire. Today, its role is creating a social link around the culture between the municipality inhabitants. Tops of the bill come to Montataire, local groups rise on the scene. A teenager group of a local organisation will participate to the workcamp. WORK PROJECT: The work will be made in 2 parts: a classic painting of reception hall improvement (taking back of few daub, cleaning and painting), and an achievement of a fresco on a wall (about 30 metres). The theme will be in touch with the place and have to be define between the volunteers. LOCATION: Montataire is an industrial city of the south of Oise (close to Chantilly and Creil). ACCOMMODATION: in a house in the town centre MEETING POINT: At Creil train station 13 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC166 05/09-29/09 AVRICOURT RENO PROJECT: Following the success of the last eigth work camps in the village of Avricourt, you will continue the work on the church. Each year, the major makes every effort to encourage meetings and discovery of every one's culture. We would like you to bring passport photos in order to create a photo file that you will hand out to the local population at the beginning of the project. This is an interested way of mobilizing the inhabitants into taking an active part in your project. We would like you to organize activities for the local population in order to associate them more with this work camp. You will make it in the village school. Again, this year we have a special activity: the word camp will finish with a great concert in the church (august, 28th evening). WORK: Renovation of the floor and the benchs of the church, cutting, sandpapering and teinturing. Make also a whole altar... LOCATION: 8 km from the local Concordia office (hosting workcamp organisation), 14 km from Noyon in the north of the department of Oise. ACCOMMODATION: In the party's room of the village REQUIREMENTS: Take warm clothes! MEETING POINT: At Noyon train station. 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC047 05/09-27/09 ONCFS ENVI PROJECT: The national protected area called Prés Salés d'Arès-Lège Cap Ferret (a salt meadow reserve) has a surface of 496 hectares situated at the very north of the Arcachon Basin. This area depends on the tides which contribute to the diversity of species living on the site, including some plants of particular botanic interest, for which reason the site has become a national nature reserve. In this tidal zone a very specific localised flora has developed which is home to many species of birds (166). The area is currently being managed by a group of specialists in order to preserve and restore its unique flora and fauna (principally birdlife) The ecological balance of this habitat is currently threatened by the rapid growth of non native and invasive species such as the salt marsh elder (Baccharis halimifolia) which competes with the local flora because it develops very quickly. The reserve manager is setting up a number of experimental zones, in cooperation with scientists, where they want to test different methods for curtailing the growth of the salt marsh elder in order to restore the unique flora of this site. WORK: In the salt meadows, clearing the Salt Marsh Elder. You will work on 3 different zones of 1 hectare with a different technique for each zone (cutting / uprooting....) ACCOMMODATION: Very basic collective living conditions. Bring a sleeping bag, work clothes, strong shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION: Arès and Lège Cap Ferret 50km West of Bordeaux. TERMINAL: To be finalised. Note: Physical outdoor work, please bring rubber boots for the work. A camp for nature and walking lovers! Atlantic ocean is dangerous here so you won't go often and only to specially designed beaches (with lifeguards) 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC048 12/09-27/09 PAYS DE BELEYME ENVI PROJECT : The organisation " Pour Les enfants du Pays du Beleyme " is a centre for rural education, leisure and nature protection. The partnership between Concordia and this association will allow enhancing the environment of this organisation and the international camp. It will as well give the volunteers a possibility to live during the camp a real ecological everyday life and work to restore ponds and its aquatic life to make it a pleasant and ecologically sound environment. The warm welcome and the quality of the exchanges made the 2 partners willing to renew the camp experiment. WORK: You will participate in the restoration of different ponds (selective wood cutting / wood gathering / cleaning and landscaping of the pond bank). ACCOMMODATION: To be determined. Collective living conditions: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : The association is settled in a very small village called Montagnac la Crempse, situated 20 km away from Bergerac, in between the towns of Villamblard et Campsegret. The work takes place in the surrounding area. TERMINAL : In the Bergerac train station. Note: Bring strong, protective shoes to work in (like rubber boots). Montagnac is a very isolated village with very few transport options. For nature lovers and those who like walking! For further information you may check the following website: HTTP://WWW.ASSOBELEYME.ORG/ 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC049 03/10- 25/10 LA TANCANNE ENVI PROJECT: After different work camps since 2003 to revive a stream, the partnership with the Fishing Federation of the Lot & Garonne Department is going to continue with the town of Penne d'Agenais in order to work on La Tancanne, a small stream. It will be revived to favour the reproduction of fishes... This is a wonderful project, as the fishermen and the workers of the Federation will consult you on technical issues, as well as will introduce you into their passion. You will have an opportunity to discover the environment in a different way, to find more about the stream ecology and the life of local fishes! This is a very "rural" workcamp in the region of plums and walled towns, where volunteers will be welcome for the second time because last year work and exchanges between local population and international volunteers were rich for all. Be careful you will have to squelch through water and mud. WORK : You will participate in the Revival of a stream; cleaning of the banks; bush clearing and woodcutting, stone putting and construction of shelters for the fish. ACCOMMODATION : Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Small beautiful medieval village in the Lot & Garonne called Penne d'Agenais and situated 40 km north east of Agen. TERMINAL : In Penne d'Agenais train station. Note: For nature lovers and those who like walking! For further information you can check the following websites: / 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER PROJECTS OF JULY: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks CONC032 PAUNAT 4/7 26/7 RENO 17+ 14 CONC033 NAVARRENX 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 14 CONC034 VANXAINS1 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 14 CONC091 BOBIGNY 4/07 26/07 ENVI 18+ 15 CONC092 PARIS 4/07 26/07 ENVI / CONS 18+ 15 CONC151 CARDONETTE 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 15 CONC152 ROZOY SUR SERRRE 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 15 CONC153 BAIE DE SOMME MARQUENTERRE 4/07 26/07 ENVI 17+ 15 CONC155 WIMEREUX 4/07 25/07 ENVI 17+ 15 CONC183 CASTELNAU DE LEVIS 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 13 CON184 EMMAUS 1 4/07 26/07 SOCI 18+ 12 CONC185 ST IZAIRE 4/07 26/07 RENO 17+ 15 CONC003 PNR MONTS D'ARDECHE - GENESTELLE 9/07 24/07 RENO 17+ 12 CONC004 LA MURE 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 12 CONC006 PEISEY - NANCROIX 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 15 CONC008 SAINTE AGNES 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 12 CONC009 COGNIN 9/07 31/07 ENVI / RENO 17+ 12 CONC010 BOUVESSE QUIRIEU 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 15 CONC035 SAINTE EULALIE 9/07 31/07 ENVI 17+ 14 CONC064 JENZAT - COMMUNAUTE DE COMMUNES DE GANNAT 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 14 CONC065 SAINTE FEYRE 9/07 23/07 ARTS / SOCI 18+ 9 French speaking and French motivation letter required, anti-tuberculosis vaccine required CONC123 ALENCON 9/07 31/07 RENO 17+ 15 CONC124 VIMOUTIERS 9/07 31/07 ENVI 17+ 15 FRENCH SPEAKING CONC156 MONTJAVULT 9/07 31/07 RENO 18+ 14 CONC037 POMPIGNAC 1 11/07 2/08 ENVI 17+ 14 CONC188 CAPDENAC LE HAUT 1 11/07 1/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC189 MASSALS 1 11/07 1/08 CONS 16+ 16- CONC066 WORLD CULTURES FESTIVAL 16/07 30/07 FEST 18+ 9 FRENCH MOTIVATION LETTER REQUIRED CONC068 GRACAY 1 16/07 30/07 RENO 18+ 14 MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR SCAFFOLDING WORK CONC191 FORTS BRESCOU 1 16/07 6/08 RENO 18+ 12 CONC032 04/07 - 26/07 PAUNAT RENO PROJECT: Paunat is a small isolated village in Dordogne with a rich heritage in terms of traditional buildings and installations, many of which are in need of restoration. The municipal council would like to host their first international work-camp to help restore these elements and create exchanges between international volunteers and the local population. WORK: You will participate in the restoration of different traditional stone elements in the village (washing-place, fountain...) and you will begin restoration work on an old roman bridge. Traditional stonework. ACCOMMODATION: The kitchen and dining area are in a building. The sleeping areas are in tents. There are hot showers but the WC are " dry " and situated outside in wooden huts. The living conditions are very basic. Bring warm clothes, a warm sleeping bag as well as solid waterproof shoes for the work. LOCATION: Paunat (300 inhabitants.), 40 Km east of Bergerac, 40 km south of Périgueux. TERMINAL: The train station in Bergerac. Note: There are no buses or trains to the village. You need to like the nature and walking for this camp! For more information you can consult the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC033 04/07-26/07 NAVARRENX RENO PROJECT: Navarrenx is a walled town in the Atlantic Pyrenees region. CONCORDIA has organised many work-camps here including the first Concordia camps in the area (work on the ramparts, restoration of a fountain...) This year you will finish the restoration of an old washing-place and construct a wooden staircase at the foot of the ramparts. WORK: You will take part in the restoration of a washing place (traditional stonework) and in the construction of a wooden stairs (wood work / earthworks -terracing). ACCOMMODATION : In a building. Collective living conditions for all volunteers. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION: Navarrenx, in the Pyrenees Atlantiques, South-West of Pau (35 km) TERMINAL: Pau train station Note: Few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the village you may visit the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC034 04/07 - 26/07 VANXAINS 1 RENO PROJECT : After having hosted an international work-camp several years ago the inhabitants of the village started restoring local landmarks. Now they would like to host two international summer camps to help with the restoration of the wall surrounding some parkland which the village has just acquired and which is used for cultural events in the summer months. WORK : You will take part in the restoration of both faces of a stone wall surrounding parkland. Reconstruction, cleaning, repointing, reconstruction. Traditional masonry. ACCOMMODATION: To be determined. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Vanxains (700 inhabitants) 40km from Périgueux. Vainxains is a picturesque village which has retained its rural charm. TERMINAL : The train station at Périgueux. Note: The work may be quite physical sometimes. A small isolated village with no public transport. For nature lovers and walking enthusiasts ! 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC091 04/07 - 26/07 BOBIGNY ENVI PROJECT: On the edge of Paris, Bobigny is an ancient market gardening city. During the Commune, an important moment of France History, it was partially destroyed. At the end of the 19th century, with railways the market gardening city becomes an industrial city. Today, Bobigny is a melting pot. The city is changing with constructions of new districts and rehabilitation of old ones. WORK: Tree planting, garden maintenance, creation of a shared garden. Activities about environment to aware the local population. LOCATION : Bobigny -North of Paris ACCOMMODATION : In a permanent building. Bring your sleeping bag. TERMINAL Paris 15 VOLUNTEERS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC092 04/07 - 26/07 PARIS ENVI / CONS PROJECT: in cooperation with OPAC and local organizations, Concordia organizes this year an international workcamp to transform a green area in a shared ecological garden. It is an environmental action in an urban area. It takes place in "Léon Giraud" garden, located in the North of Paris. The main idea is to think about a better interaction with our environment and to try to leave together. Thanks to this action, it is a way to enforce the environmental awareness of the local population through ecological behavior. A shared garden is a good way to meet local population and to create link between all spheres of the city (school, hospital...). It is also a way to preserve the environment and the eco-diversity. During this workcamp you have great opportunity to visit Paris and the region. WORK: creation of agricultural area, compost area construction and construction of a system to get the rain water. Workshops about environmental behavior and awareness. LOCATION : Paris 19°district close to " Parc de la Villette " ACCOMMODATION: In building TERMINAL : Paris 15 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC151 04/ 07 - 26/07 CARDONNETTE RENO PROJECT: This is the fifth consecutive year that the 500 habitants of Cardonnette welcome a workcamp in order to restore their church, situated in the village. This church is very famous because his architect was the same who build the Cirque Jules Verne in Amiens. The forth last workcamps were wonderful opportunities of exchanges with the inhabitants and openness to the world. They are always ready to help the volunteers as well as possible: organization of parties, tourism, sporting tournaments... Moreover, at a few kilometres from Amiens, the capital of the Picardie, and at one hour of the Baie de Somme, you will have many opportunities to discover the treasures of the region. WORK: This year the work camp will try to continue with the work of the last year. A part of the extern walls (re-pointing) of the church and a pavement will be restored LOCATION: Cardonnette is situated in the department of Somme (80), 8 km from Amiens, the capital of the region. ACCOMMODATION: in the school, meal in the village hall and showers at the football stadium. TERMINAL: Amiens train station. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC152 04/ 07 - 26/07 ROZOY SUR SERRE RENO PROJECT: For the second year Rozoy sur Serre host a international workcamp. It's a small village with a big church considered as an historical monument. There, a local association helped the council-town to organize different activities and entertainments (concerts, expositions...) with the objective to give value to the cultural patrimony of the village. Like last year, your work will consist in the rehabilitation of the church, and also to join the activities and animation which are already planned. On the other hand, the region has a very attractive landscape, green and undulated, with several streams, perfect to make nice shots, trips and excursions. Also there is a chance of visiting Belgium, which is very close! WORK: The work will consist on replacing the bricks and rejoining them outside the sacristy's hall, made with bricks. The church is an historical monument; therefore all the works will be supervised by a French architect specialized in these kinds of buildings. LOCATION: Rozoy Sur Serre is a village in the North of the Aisne's department, close to Ardennes in the North of Reims. ACCOMMODATION: You will be accommodated in tents in a football stadium Meeting Point: at Rozoy Sur Serre's bus station. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC153 04/ 07 - 26/07 BAIE DE SOMME MARQUENTERRE ENVI PROJECT: We organize for the first time a nature workcamp in partnership with The Coastal Conservatory and the Joint Union Marquenterre parks manager. The park is an incredible discovery zone of marine's birds. It established a relevant stop for migrants. Different arrangements allow seeing them without inconvenience. The volunteers will work in this environment. WORK: You will achieve different arrangements at the edge of the park and into it. You will rehabilitate an access path which follows the sea and accompany the guard in different protection activities. LOCATION: The Marquenterre park is situated in the Somme Bay, on the Picardie coast. It's one of the most beautiful bays of the world and one of the last Channels wild bays, also known for its seal colony. ACCOMMODATION: Accommodation under tent. Caution: this workcamp require a large environment sensibility MEETING POINT: At Rue train station 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC 155 04/07-25/07 WIMEREUX ENVI PROJECT: The "Fort de la Creche" is an old military base in front of the sea between Boulogne and Wimereux. Since some years ago, there is one French governmental organization called "Le Conservatoire du Littoral" which takes care of the coast in with the objective to protect it. Since some years ago, they work with a local association (in charge of the "Fort de la Crèche") to give value to the military base, in order to open it to the public. Now is our turn to help them for the second year in this task. The association waits us with impatience to help them in the works inside the military base. With this task you will be able to discover the wonderful Opale's coast and also one historical monument. WORK: The volunteers have to insure one track to arrive in the military base and also to give value to the ruins. If the weather is not so good, the work will be in the interior of the barrack buildings, with e rehabilitation of one of his alveolus. LOCATION: the "Fort de la Crèche" is situated in Wimereux, in Pas-de-Calais region, close to the chanel. ACCOMODATTION: in tents in the public camping MEETING POINT: Boulogne sur Mer's train station REQUIREMENTS: bring your own work's and its essential the tetanus vaccination 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC 183 04/07 - 26/07 CASTELNAU DE LÉVIS RENO PROJECT : this is the seventeenth year that Concordia organises a workcamp in Castelnau-de-Levis. The groups used to restore the week parts of the castle, a pigeon house and various parts of heritage in the village. Notice that the local population is very friendly and that an important close friendship is linked each year. WORK : this year, you'll carry on the restoration of some weak parts of the castle with basic masonry. LOCATION : with its impressive tower (40 m) and its ramparts, the castle overlooks the village. Castelnau is 5 Km from Albi. It is an historically rich area with many possibilities for walks and visits (the cathedral of Albi is very famous) ACCOMMODATION : lodging in a village hall TERMINAL : Albi-Ville station. 13 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER COMMUNITY OF EMMAÜS Emmaüs, laic impulse of solidarity, was born in 1949 from a mutual aid and help will for all the suffering people, coming from socially privileged persons and from unprovided persons. From that date, under the impulse of the Abbé Pierre, the "comrades" work all over the world to help the more unprovided persons to rediscover security, dignity and autonomy with work and mutual aid. They collect all kind of equipment (electric domestic appliances, furnitures, cloths, etc), they repair and sell it. The profit is used to make live underprivileged people and to go further more in the solidarity. CONC 184 04/07 - 26/07 EMMAÜS 1 Social Partnership with the Emmaüs community PROJECT: in partnership with the GIVE (International Group of the Volunteers Emmaüs), Concordia puts in place its seventh workcamp. Led by Emmaüs comrades, you'll work with the comrades (recovering, sorting, sale, cooking for a group of 30 persons, etc). You'll share the life of the comrades as well as the life of other international volunteers. WORK : various sorting and cleaning works, etc. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : the volunteers will work during the same hours that the comrades and their free days will be the Wednesday and the Sunday. ACCOMMODATION: under tent. If you have one, you may bring it. LOCATION: 15 Km south-east of Toulouse TERMINAL: Escalquens train station 12 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC 185 04/07 - 26/07 SAINT IZAIRE RENO PROJECT: the village of St Izaire is a very nice village of the Aveyron, very rich in historical heritage, crossed by the river "Le Dourdou". During the five previous years, the volunteers made various works like clearing vegetation and doing basic masonry in the village and especially around the castle. The area offers many leisure possibilities (walks, swimming, visits, etc.). Notice that you will be very well welcomed by the inhabitants who are very friendly so that you will have many contacts to discover this region and its uses. WORK: Fitting out around the castel and on a spring. Clearing vegetation on various sites. Those works will be set by the town council according with the needs. LOCATION: isolated village, in south of France, between Millau and Albi ACCOMMODATION : lodging under tent (if you have one, you may bring it) TERMINAL: bus stop of Vabres SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: only 2 buses per a day. So, don't miss them 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC003 09/07 - 24/07 PNR MONTS D'ARDÈCHE - GENESTELLE RENO PROJECT: The PNR des Monts d'Ardèche was founded in 2001 to preserve and develop the present treasures in the region. This is the first year that the Park hosts an international workcamp. You will work face to a magnificent panorama in the PNR des Monts d'Ardèche in a rich region thanks to its natural, cultural and landscaped heritage. The Mont Mézenc, the massif de la Tanargue, the musée de la châtaigneraie ( a museum about sweet chestnuts) are only waiting for you, let you charmed !!! WORK : In the continuity of the June workcamp which took place on the municipality of St Joseph des Bancs, the same types of works are waiting for you for this second workcamp in the Parc Naturel Régional on the municipality of Genestelle. You will restore a part of the small roman alley called "calade" in French located on the "via podiensis" an ancient way of business around the "Bourlateyron" site, a sensational place overhanging the mountains of Ardèche. This restoration will be made according to an ancestral traditional method. This is a meticulous work which is waiting for you ! ACCOMMODATION : In a shelter or in a campsite at Genestelle Special requirements: Bring comfortable shoes for hiking, working gloves, a sleeping bag and warm clothes: you're in the mountains!!! LOCATION : At 17km away of Aubenas, 30km of Privas and 70 km in the Southwest of Valence. TERMINAL : At Privas bus stop SPECIAL REMARKS: 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC004 09/07 - 31/07 LA MURE RENO PROJECT: Concordia has already organised successfully 3 workcamps with the organization " Mountain Rural University ". Since 2006 the MRU hires the " chapelle de Beaumont " in la Mure village. One of their aims is to make a " Resource centre on the techniques for renovating the old buildings" out of this old chapel, in order to develop the local and ecological methods and building materials. Several works will be realized in the future, particularly by working sessions open to anybody. Come help the birth of this new place dedicated to the ecological and traditional ways of building ! WORK : Inside the chapel, to the ground floor, you will make a slab with ecological and local materials : "Valbonnais plaster" and you will lay a parquet floor. To the first floor, after taking out the old coating ,you will make a coating with lime on an interior wall of the chapel. Attention : Work on a scaffolding !!! ACCOMMODATION : Under tents to the football stadium. Special requirements: Bring good walking shoes, working gloves, a sleeping bag and warm clothes: nights can be cold in mountain area! LOCATION: La Mure is a little, mountain village situated 40 Kms south of Grenoble, near the Ecrins National Park. For the leisure time, you will have a lot of possibilities : hiking in the mountain, discovering the traditional, mountain architecture, swimming in the Lake of Laffrey, visiting Grenoble... TERMINAL: La Mure bus station, reachable from Grenoble train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at : 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC006 09/07 - 31/07 PEISEY-NANCROIX RENO PROJECT: Peisey-Nancroix is a mountain village of 600 inhabitants, located in Vanoise national park and surrounded by the Mont-Pourri (3779m). End of XVIIIth century, an important silver-lead mine was worked. The mine was definitely shut in 1866 but the place is worth being restored to keep up with this incredible patrimonial history. After a good participation of volunteers during the last year, the village would like to renew the partnership. If all turns out well, Concordia may organise more workcamps in the future on the site! WORK : Ground clearing, some lime masonry, dry-stone walls building, cleaning of ironworks. ACCOMMODATION : In a rural gîte, 300m from the work place. Special requirements: Bring good walking shoes, working gloves, a sleeping bag and warm clothes: nights can be cold in mountain area! LOCATION : Peisey-Nancroix is a very isolated village in the mountain,10 Km south from Bourg St-Maurice by the air (!), in Savoie département TERMINAL : Bourg St-Maurice train station Special remarks : 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC008 09/07 - 31/07 SAINTE-AGNES RENO PROJECT : Sainte-Agnès is a 10 hamlets village spread over 1000 meters high. Hanged on the "Belledonne Balcony", it's a perfect place for ramblers and flocks. This year the village will host their 13th international workcamp : an event the inhabitants of "la Perrière" hamlet are looking forward ! Every year, Jean organises a "bread-oven day" and a wood sculpture workshop. And next to your house, the "Grand Joly" restaurant will be will be of some precious help for sure! WORK : You will be guided by Bernard in mostly upkeeping and fitting out work in the village. Planning is not fixed yet. But you will not be bored! Painting, repairing jobs, keeping up mountain footpaths, clearing and cleaning river borders ... Expect a diversity of tasks! You will have to walk from one working place to another. ACCOMMODATION : Under tents next to an old house with basic comfort at an altitude of 900 m. If some work will take place in mountain pastures you will sleep in a mountain shelter. Special requirements : Ramblers and adventurers, this workcamp is for you ! Very important: bring working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes and sleeping-bag. Backpack is compulsory. LOCATION : Sainte-Agnès is situated 15 km north-east from Grenoble, in the Belledonne mountains. TERMINAL : Brignoud train station. Special remarks : For more information have a look at: 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC009 09/07 - 31/07 COGNIN ENVI / RENO PROJECT: Third workcamp with this village, very enthusiastic and particularly interested in the exchanges you will have with the local youth. It will be possible for you to take part in some animations of the pedagogical municipal farm for which you will work... and why not putting forward some of your ideas, for the children ? Lots of activities are possible for leisure time : hiking in Bauges or Chartreuse mountains, swimming in Lac du Bourget, visiting wine cellars and vineyards of Savoie, the old city centre of Chambéry, the Hautecombe abbey... WORK : On the big municipal Domain of Forézan, you will build a new hut with wooden boards for the sheeps and goats. You will also do the spadework on some fields and on a botanic path, build a wooden portal, and improve a crossing place for the goats. And if you have time, the construction of a small wall in dry stones is possible. ACCOMMODATION : In the castle of Forézan Special requirements: Bring working gloves and good walking shoes. LOCATION : Cognin is situated in the surroundings of Chambéry, in Savoie. TERMINAL : Chambéry train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC010 09/07 - 31/07 BOUVESSE QUIRIEU RENO PROJECT: Restoration of Quirieu, 12th century archeological site Located in the north of the "Pays des Couleurs" (Colours' Country), on a small rock mountain, the old border spot standing between Dauphiné and Savoie has been being restored since 1993. The "Pays des Couleurs" local Community has started rebuilding the castle and the church and fortified house from the lower-village. The objective is not to rebuild as it used to be but to give a true idea of how the site was structured at that time in order to get a better understanding of the life of the village. The workcamp will be the third in the village even if Concordia has been in contact with Bouvesse-Quirieu for 6 years. The community is willing to involve international workcamps into this fabulous site restoration for many years. WORK: You will work in the lower-village. You will rebuild dry-stone walls lining the main and central cobbled avenue. The local Community wish to invite you in different activities to discover the place together with local young people. ACCOMMODATION: In Les Gaillards hamlet (250 inhabitants) in Bouvesse-Quirieu, in the old primary school. Beds on the floor, kitchen outside under the covered playground. 500 m from the working place by foot. Special requirements: Bring good walking shoes, working gloves and a sleeping bag. LOCATION: In the North-East of Isère département, the "Pays des Couleurs" is made of 18 villages, 22 000 inhabitants. You will go to Morestel, the Painters' City, visiting its 11th century squared tower and its painting private galleries; Crémieu, the medieval and fortified city. You will walk around the Stone Country, visiting Montalieu museum and discovering traditional stone houses. Bouvesse-Quirieu (1165 inhabitants) surrounds the Rhône valley and the plain country of Isère. 54 Km from Chambéry and 70 Km from Lyon. TERMINAL: Bouvesse townhall bus stop Special remarks: and 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC035 09/07 - 31/07 SAINTE EULALIE ENVI PROJECT: Ste Eulalie is a village on the outskirts of Bordeaux which has managed to preserve its rural character and village festivities. It has been hosting work-camps for a number of years now and CONCORDIA's volunteers are keenly awaited! Contacts with the local population are rich and the location (in a park with an old manor house) is lovely. WORK : You will take part in riverbank maintenance to a small stream and pond - clearing away debris and excess vegetation. You will also help to remove a non-native pond alga which is damaging the ecosystem. ACCOMMODATION : Sleeping quarters are in army tents with camp-beds. Kitchen living-space and sanitary facilities are in a building. Living conditions are very basic so bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION : Sainte Eulalie (4000 inhabitants), 17 km north-west of Bordeaux. TERMINAL : Bordeaux St Jean train station Note: Bring rubber boots and solid shoes with you as you will sometimes work with your feet in the water. The work is quite physical. Few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the village you may visit the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC064 09/07 - 31/07 JENZAT - COMMUNAUTÉ DE COMMUNES DE GANNAT RENO PROJECT: Concordia has been working with the community of "Bassin de Gannat" district since 1997. Many districts already welcomed international workcamps based on projects linked with small local heritage. These various experiences, strong in encounters and human exchanges, have always been warmly welcomed by the local people. This first project of the season will be in the village of Escurolles. This is the fifth project in this village. WORK : You will work on a on a stone wall in the center of the village, make masonry jobs like making joints with lime (mortar) and brushing the old joints. Beware, you will work on scaffoldings. Location : Jenzat (450 inhabitants) is located 50 km north of Clermont-Ferrand and 10 km east of Gannat in Allier county. It's a rural region rich in historical heritage (numerous castles and romanesque churches). ACCOMMODATION : In tents (bring your own sleeping mat) for sleeping and in the village hall which is equipped for group life. Toilets and showers in the soccer stadium's changing rooms. TERMINAL : Gannat train station. SPECIAL REMARKS : Nights can be chilly, so bring warm clothes and sleeping along. Bikes will be lent to you for moving around. 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC065 09/07 - 23/07 SAINTE-FEYRE 1 ARTS / SOCI FRENCH SPECKING CAMP PROJECT: Sainte-Feyre medical centre celebrated its 100 years birthday two years ago. Former sanatorium, it welcomes now patients with heart and lungs diseases. The centre has a cultural structure that helps patients to maintain a link with the outside and everyday life. So the structure proposes a show room and welcomes numerous events like concerts, movies, conferences, exhibition... The camp takes place in this cultural policy, and the project will consist in artistic and human meeting. Around sculptures and painting, the aim of the project is to create dynamic exchanges between patients, volunteers, visitors and staff. In addition, your participation in Sainte-Feyre local festivities will help you to meet inhabitants. WORK : You will make a mural painting on a big wall in the main corridor of the medical centre. You will make sculptures in the center of village of Sainte-Feyre, and you will participate at a photos exhibition with the patients. LOCATION : Sainte-Feyre (2400 inhabitants) is 7 km south east of Gueret, in the department of Creuse. Landscapes with wooded hills offer a pleasant setting for walkers. Its wolf reserve and its archeological site have to be seen. ACCOMMODATION : Tents on the centre campground (you can bring sleeping mat). You will have your meals with the patients at the centre. Warning : nights could be chilly, bring warm clothes and sleeping bag. TERMINAL : Guéret train station SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: French motivation letter required, anti-tuberculosis vaccine required; you'll be asked to respect the rules of the medical centre, in terms of quietness and hygiene. Artistic and social sensibility required. You have to know swimming. 9 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC123 09/07 - 31/07 ALENÇON RENO PROJECT: Alençon, chief town of the Orne department has welcomed for 11 years international work camps. In the frame of this work camp, you will take part in accessibility improvement of leisure centre in urban area. Entertainment and walk place, it is the best place to meet local people through the generations. Actually, the place is located in the middle of the Perseigne district which is in total reorganization where young and old people can speak together. This dynamic city of 30 000 inhabitants offers you many possibilities like meet inhabitant in local organizations or discover the neighbouring countryside. WORK: You will fit out the place thanks to strairs setting, sand spreading; LOCATION: Alençon is in the south of Normandy in the Department of Orne. ACCOMMODATION: Under a collective tent in the municipal camp-site, use of facilities and catering on the camp-site Rendez-vous: The Alençon train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The workcamp takes place in an urban area. Think to bring a ground sheet. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC124 09/07 - 31/07 VIMOUTIERS ENVI FRENCH SPEAKING WORKCAMP PROJECT: for the eighth year, the commune of Vimoutiers organizes an international workcamp of young people. The volunteers will work on the Vie River bank cleaning, which crosses the city. Volunteers will meet local population through the partnership that Concordia develops with the Fishermen Federation: "la Truite Vimonastérienne". Fishermen from the federation will help volunteers during their work. Working on the bank, the workcamp will move along the river. Therefore, it is a nice way to meet people through the trip in the city. The volunteers will commute between work and lodging by walk or bicycle, which would give them occasions to come in contact with the inhabitants. WORK: various works including bush and bank cleaning. LOCATION: in the Orne Department, 50 kilometres in the south-east of Caen, the heart of the Battle of Normandy. ACCOMMODATION: sleep in tents near the municipal camping facility equipped with shower and toilettes and cooks in the club-house. TERMINAL : bus stop of the town hall of Vimoutiers. 15 VOLUNTEERS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC156 09/07 - 31/ 07 MONJAVULT RENO Workcamp from 17 years old PROJECT: This is a workcamp that we organize for the first time in this small town of French Vexin. The municipality preserved several elements of heritage which it wishes to maintain. The washhouse which had disappeared under the vegetation was rediscovered .The stake is now to make stronger what it rest in order to conserve a trail of his rural heritage. Moreover, volunteers are expected to create an animation rather different of this village! Then, to discover differently campaign near to Paris, you are welcome. WORK: The 1ST part of work will consist in finishing the clear and the clean of the site. Then, it will be necessary to sort out stones and begin the (rejointage) and the reassembly of walls. Work with lime and traditional technicals. LOCATION: Montjavoult municipality is a small one which has conserved his rural characteristics very near from the Parisian region, just a step from Paris, close to the French Vexin and near from Gisors. ACCOMMODATION: under tent TERMINAL: At Chaumont en Vexin train station 14 VOLUNTEERS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC037 11/07 - 02/08 POMPIGNAC I ENVI PROJECT: The village of Pompignac has been able to preserve its rural feeling even though it's quite close to Bordeaux. The town council has also managed to preserve " green " areas ion the village and you will help to maintain these - in particular a stream which crosses the village. This will be the third year running that Pompignac hosts an international work-camp. W: You will take part in maintenance work to a small stream (selective scrub clearance, removal of branches and deadwood on the banks and removal of obstructions in the water...) ACCOMMODATION : In the room used for Judo (sleeping on mats dormitory style). Kitchen and dining area in the local school. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Pompignac (2300 inhabitants), 13 Km East of Bordeaux. TERMINAL : Bordeaux Saint Jean train station. Note: Bring rubber boots to work in. Few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the village you may visit the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC188 11/07 - 01/08 CAPDENAC LE HAUT 1 RENO PROJECT: for the fifth time Capdenac le Haut welcomes Concordia's volunteers to restore a part of the rampart surrounding this historical town. The region is very touristic and welcoming so the volunteers will have many possibilities of visits, hikes, leisure. WORK: you'll dispoint the week parts, to repoint and sometimes rebuild in traditional masonry. Work on scaffolding. LOCATION: Capdenac le Haut is a splendid historical village in the heart of a very touristic region. Near Figeac, between Cahors and Rodez ACCOMMODATION: under tent. If you have one, you may bring it. TERMINAL: Capdenac-Gare station 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC189 11/07 - 01/08 MASSALS 1 CONS PROJECT : the district planing authority of Les Monts de St Alban planed to give a second life to an old seminary of 2600m², empty since 25 years, in the very isolated village of Massals. This work will be done with several workcamps to come to its preservation. Work : you'll have some earthworks around the seminary and building of stone walls. Traditional masonry. LOCATION : very isolated village in the Tarn, in south of France, between Millau and Albi ACCOMMODATION : in different rooms of the "castle", in the middle of the buildings TERMINAL : bus stop of Alban SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : only 2 buses per a day . So, don't miss them! 16 VOLS. 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC066 16/07 - 30/07 WORLD CULTURES FESTIVAL FEST FRENCH SPEACKING CAMP PROJECT : For 30 years, the association 'Cultures et Traditions' has been organising an important " World Cultures Festival" with musicians and artists from all over the world, in order to promote cultural exchanges and people encounters. The main aspects of the festival are cultures and folklore, which are discovered by the music, crafts works, the culinary and artistic specialities and by meetings and debates. You will work with local volunteers (400 persons) helping to organise and prepare the festival which will take place from July 20th to the First of August. You will be warmly welcomed and you will take part actively in the festival. WORK : You will help to prepare the festival with its logistical aspects (pitching the tents, big top, stands, stalls and decoration ). You will help for cleaning and for typical meals (work in the kitchen and in stands). LOCATION : Gannat (6000 inhabitants) is located at 48 km north of Clermont-Ferrand in Allier county. It is an agricultural region which owns lots of architecturally important treasures (roman castles and churches). ACCOMMODATION : Basic, in tents for sleeping (bring your sleeping-mat) and big tent for group life. TERMINAL : Gannat (train station) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : You have to provide a motivation letter in french. You have to be motivated to work even during the night. Note: To have more informations: 9 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC068 16/07 - 30/07 GRAÇAY 1 RENO PROJECT: We can still see a mound, an apse and ramparts which are interesting us! Dating from XIII century, those surrounds the city and gives it a typical circular form. Enriched by this heritage that gives this style and roundness to the city, the commune wishes to welcome three international workcamps to restorate the fortification this summer. WORK : You will continue the works started last year for the restoration and the improvment of the enclosing walls: devegetalisation, disassembling, selection of the stones and rebuilding with lime mortar. Beware, you will work on scaffolding. LOCATION : The commune of Graçay, on the river Fauzon (1574 habitants) is located at the Ouest center of France, at 40 km of Chateauroux. The village is established in the natural area of the Champagne Berrichone, a heart of greenery crossed by charming rivers. ACCOMMODATION : Under tents (bring your sleepingmat) and collective tents for the life of group on the municipal camp-site. TERMINAL : Vierzon train station. SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS: Working at heights in scaffolding, obligatory medical certificate 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC191 16/07 - 06/08 FORT-BRESCOU 1 RENO PROJECT : Fort-Brescou is an island opposite Le Cap d'Agde on which a fortress has been build in the 16th, and used for a while as a jail. Unique in the area, famous touristic attraction, this fortress suffers from the wind and the sea. Since twelve years the village council of Agde has requested Concordia to restore it. In 2008, two new groups will settle on the island for three weeks. Isolated between 6 PM and 11AM, you'll be visited by the tourists during the rest of the day. WORK : you'll carry on the restoration of the walls, to repoint (work on scaffolding) LOCATION : Béziers 25 km and Montpellier 45 km. Fort-Brescou is a change of scenery, without electricity, without running water, without night-club...only tourists coming to visit the fortress by boat 4 times a day. This workcamp is reserved for the bold adventurers. TERMINAL: train station of Agde, SPECIAL REQUIREMENT : train to Agde then boat to finish the journey (only link with the earth), neither shower nor electricity. Accommodation : particularly basic lodging in a room of the fortress 12 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER PROJECTS OF AUGUST: CODE Name Date Type. Age limit No. of volunteers Special Remarks CONC071 GRACAY 2 30/07 13/08 RENO 17+ 14 MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR SCAFFOLDING WORK CONC011 SAINT PIERRE D'ALLEVARD 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 15 CONC012 PIERRE BENITE 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC013 MEILLONNAS 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC014 DESAIGNES 1/08 23/08 ENVI / CULT 17+ 13 CONC038 HAUX 1/08 23/08 ENVI 18+ 14 CONC039 SAINT GERVAIS 1/08 30/08 RENO 17+ 16 4 weeks CONC040 CADILLAC 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 14 CONC041 ASCARAT 1/08 23/08 RENO 18+ 20 Motivation letter required, Diaspora Basque CONC042 ARETTE 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 16 CONC043 MONTUSSAN 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 14 CONC044 VANXAINS 2 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 14 CONC045 SAINT CAPRAIS 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 14 CONC093 SEVRAN 1/08 23/08 ENVI 17+ 15 CONC094 AUBERVILLIERS 1/08 23/08 ART / CONS 17+ 15 CONC192 AZILLE 1/08 23/08 ENVI 16+ 15 CONC193 CAPDENAC LE HAUT 2 1/08 23/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC194 EMMAUS 2 1/08 23/08 SOCI 18+ 12 CONC195 MASSALS 2 1/08 23/08 RENO 16+ 16 CONC046 POMPIGNAC 2 3/08 25/08 RENO 17+ 14 CONC073 GANNAT 2 6/08 28/08 CONS 17+ 14 CONC074 MAURS 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 14 CONC075 MONISTROL SUR LOIRE 6/08 28/08 ENVI 17+ 15 CONC076 PAYS D'OLLIERGUE 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 12 CONC126 FRESNAY SUR SARTHE 6/08 28/08 CONS 17-25 15 CONC159 ST MAXIMIN 6/08 28/08 ENVI 17+ 13 CONC160 LAIGNEVILLE 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC161 LA FLAMENGRIE 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 14 CONC162 BEAUREVOIR 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC163 AUBENTON 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 We would love to receive volunteers from Holland! CONC164 LANDSCAPING IN "LEFFRINCKOUCKE" To be confirmed ENVI 17+ 15 Tetanus vaccination required CONC196 ALBAS 6/08 28/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC197 FORT BRESCOU 2 6/08 28/08 RENO 18+ 12 CONC198 LAVELANET 6/08 28/08 ENVI / CONS 17+ 16 CONC200 SAINT MARTIN LAGUEPIE 6/08 28/08 ENVI 17+ 15 CONC015 FORT BARRAUX 8/08 30/08 RENO 17+ 12 CONC016 JURA NATUREL RESERVE "JEX" 8/08 30/08 ENVI / RENO 18+ 10 CONC017 CHINDRIEUX 8/08 30/08 RENO 17+ 15 CONC078 GRACAY 3 13/08 27/08 RENO 18+ 14 MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR SCAFFOLDING WORK CONC080 SAINTE FEYRE 2 13/08 3/09 ART / SOCI 18+ 9 French speaking, FRENCH motivation letter and anti-tuberculosis vaccine required CONC018 LEYMENT 15/08 6/09 CULT / ENVI 17+ 15 CONC127 ST LEZIN 18/08 3/09 ENVI / ART / CONS 18-25 15 CONC020 MIRIBEL JONAGE 25/08 16/09 ENVI / CULT 18+ 12 CONC071 30/07 - 13/08 GRAÇAY 2 RENO PROJECT: We can still see a mound, an apse and ramparts which are interesting us! Dating from XIII century, those surrounds the city and gives it a typical circular form. Enriched by this heritage that gives this style and roundness to the city, the commune wishes to welcome three international workcamps to restorate the fortification this summer. WORK : You will follow the works started last year for the restoration and the improvment of the enclosing walls: devegetalisation, disassembling, selection of the stones and rebuilding with lime mortar. You will work on scaffolding. LOCATION : the commune of Graçay, on the river Fauzon (1574 habitants) is located at the Ouest center of France, at 40 km of Chateauroux. The village is established in the natural area of the Champagne Berrichone, a heart of greenery crossed by charming rivers. ACCOMMODATION : under tents (bring your sleepingmat) and collective tents for the life of group on the municipal camp-site. TERMINAL : Vierzon train station. SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS: Working at heights in scaffolding, obligatory medical certificate 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC011 01/08 - 23/08 SAINT-PIERRE D'ALLEVARD ENVI PROJECT : In Belledonne mountains, the area of Allevard is proud of its past of iron mining and water power use. St-Pierre d'Allevard also offers many walking paths and a protected, natural area : the marshland of Sailles (Marais de Sailles). After two years to work in the marshland, and the last year in the arboretum (a tree conservation and collection place) This year, you will work on the improvement and valorization of pastures . For nature lovers! WORK : You'll work on pastures managed by an association (Association Foncière Pastorale) at 1192m of altitude. You will clear the ground, select trees, and fit out stocking water point for animals. You will work with Annayk, the community Environment project Officer who will reveal all nature secrets to you. ACCOMMODATION : Under tents close to the primary school in the centre of the village. Special requirements : Bring working gloves, good walking shoes, warm clothes and sleeping-bag. You are in the mountain, nights can be fresh ! LOCATION : In Belledonne mountains above the Grésivaudan Valley, less than 40 km from Grenoble and Chambéry. TERMINAL : Goncelin train station. 15 VOLUNTEERS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC012 01/08 - 23/08 PIERRE BENITE RENO PROJECT The " petit Perron " is a veritable jewel of the Renaissance. Redeemed in 1978 in order to be saved, the buildings were renovated step by step. This building, classified "historic monument" of the 16th century, is intended in the future for some ambitious projects. Indeed, created in 2005, the association of "The Perron Conservatory of know-how" wish to create a meeting place for artisans and arts artists. In contact with Concordia since 2005, the place of "Petit Perron" is waiting for you in 2008 for a new workcamp in this incredible monument. WORK : You will work on the renovation and the enhancer of the buildings of Petit Perron through traditional masonry. You will take out the old coating in a room of the building and you will re-do a new coating with lime. Some works on the floors of the building will be predicted. ACCOMMODATION : In a room of the petit Perron building. Special requirements: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping-bag. LOCATION : At 10 km in the south of Lyon TERMINAL : To the Pierre Bénite train station SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC013 01/08 - 23/08 MEILLONNAS RENO PROJECT: You are in Meillonnas, a very picturesque village of the Revermont area. Concordia comes back in the village after a workcamp in 1995 on the medieval castle and in 2007 on varied rehabilitation works. Located next to a way of walkers, the workplace will allow a lot of echanges with the walkers and the local population. For the excursions, you will have the choice between the forested hills of Revermont, the canyon of the Ain river, the old city of Bourg-en-Bresse, the Bugey food specialities and typical villages, local craftsmen ... WORK: You'll work on the valorization of the traditionnal wash-house of "la Verne", for that you'll do different works : To destroy the old joints, and to rebuilt news joints of a wall with lime, to clean and paint the carpentry and some small works... ACCOMMODATION: In the medieval castle, 200m from the village centre. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION: Meillonnas is about 10 Km north-east of Bourg-en-Bresse, in Ain département. TERMINAL : At the Bourg-en-Bresse train station. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC014 01/08-23/08 DESAIGNES ENVI / CULT PROJECT : Village located to the Natural Park of Ardèche Mounts, Désaignes is a place where there are a lot of terraces in dry-stone. Deteriorated or abandoned, these terraces will be renovated in order to preserve the exceptional know-how for their constructions and particularly to use for agriculture. Some grapevines will be replanted, an area will be dedicated for the culture of medicinal plants and one space for apiculture. For hobbies during the afternoons, bathing in the river called "Doux", visit of "Puy en Velay" and local farms, hiking, observation of the flora and fauna, concerts ... will be possible to do ! WORK : You will work on the terraces where the panorama is wonderful. You will clear of brushwood certain areas and you will restore some dry-stone walls. Also, you will help to prepare the medieval party which will take place in the 1st week-end of august. (Decoration of the village, welcome public...) ACCOMMODATION : To the school of the village at 10 minutes to the work place. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION : Located to the North of the Ardèche Department at 40 km to Valence and 130 km of Lyon. TERMINAL : Valence train station SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at : 13 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC038 01/08-23/08 HAUX ENVI PROJECT: The cooperation between the commune of Haux and Concordia launched in 2000 continues, and Haux is eager to continue this intercultural experience like every other year. Cordiality, spontaneity and good moods are what the workcamps in Haux are known for...This village, situated in the Entre 2 Mers area, is famous for its châteaux, for its church with a porch classified as a historical monument... and its mayor, who is very enthusiastic about the work-camp experience. The inhabitants always assure a warm and festive welcome for our volunteers. WORK : You will take part in the maintenance and improvement of footpaths around the village (scrub and selective tree- clearance, way-marking...) ACCOMMODATION : In the local village hall (collective living conditions). Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Haux, 25 km South-East of Bordeaux TERMINAL : Bordeaux St Jean train station Note: Bring strong, protective shoes to work in (like rubber boots). Haux is an isolated village with very few transport options. For nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the village you may visit the website: 14 VOLUNTEERS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC039 01/08 - 30/08 SAINT GERVAIS RENO / CONS PROJECT : Saint Gervais, a small village situated on the banks of the Gironde estuary in the vineyards, wishes to host an international work-camp for the third year running in order to preserve its local heritage sites and bring an intercultural element to the community. In previous years, volunteers have been restoring the surrounding wall of the town hall which is in a lovely former château. This year's work-camp will continue that work. WORK: You will help to repair and restore the old stone surrounding wall (traditional masonry) ACCOMMODATION : In a building (collective living conditions). Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Saint Gervais is a small village in Gironde, situated between St-André-de-Cubzac and Bourg-sur-Gironde and 25km from Bordeaux. TERMINAL : The train station at Saint-André-de-Cubzac. Note: the work is quite physical. Few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! 16 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC040 01/08-23/08 CADILLAC ENVI PROJECT: This year the walled town of Cadillac-sur-Garonne wishes to host an international work-camp for the fifth year running. This year the volunteers will be invited to participate in the cleaning of the banks of a freshwater stream which crosses the town. Cadillac is famous for its castle, its name, its hospital, its cultural events, its sweet wine, its bastions, its "bastide" (a walled town)... WORK : You will participate in the cleaning and restoration of a freshwater stream and its banks : selective scrub clearance, removal of branches and deadwood on the banks and removal of obstructions in the water. ACCOMMODATION: Camping (collective tents for all volunteers). Kitchen and dining facilities are also under canvas. Precarious living condition: bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Cadillac (2300 inhabitants), 25 Km south-east of Bordeaux. TERMINAL : Cérons train station Note: Bring rubber boots to work in. Few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the town you may visit the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC041 01/08-23/08 ASCARAT RENO PROJECT: There is in the world about 14 million Basque people, on every continent: 3 million in the Basque country, 3.5 million in Argentina, 0.7 million in Uruguay... others in the United States, in Greece, in Italy... Exiled between the late 18th century and the 1940's, Basques gather in a huge Diaspora around the world, lots of them don't know the Basque country, they wish to re-learn the Basque language, they wish to find the magic of Basque village festivities, they are looking for their cultural and geographical roots... The organisation EuskoSare's goals are local dynamism, intercultural exchange and meetings of this organisation. An international Basque Diaspora centre is going to be set up in Ascarat. A place for meeting, research, and local dynamism ... This house will be the centre for international and intercultural meetings of Basque culture. In partnership with the municipality, Concordia and the EuskoSare organisation ( we are organising the third workcamp on the same project! WORK : disassembling, small masonry work, cleaning. ACCOMMODATION : To be determined. Very basic collective living condition. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Ascarat is situated in the Pyrénées Atlantiques area. It is 2 kilometres away from St Jean Pied de Port and from the Spanish border. TERMINAL : St Jean Pied de Port train station Note: Few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! For further information on the village and the project you can check the following website : Considering the specificity of this project, we wish it to host in priority people coming from the basque diaspora, motivated by the language, culture and history. A motivation letter is compulsory. 20 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC042 01/08-23/08 ARETTE RENO / ENVI PROJECT: The village of Arette in the Pyrenees was completely destroyed in the last earthquake to hit France in 1967. The village is famous because of this but also for its wonderful situation in the mountains. ( ). In the heart of Béarn country you will discover village life, meet the local population and contribute to the restoration of local heritage sites. WORK: You will help to find and renovate the source of the spring which feeds the river in the village. You will also help with scrub and vegetation clearance in an area of the village which conceals a historic site. ACCOMMODATION : Sleeping room in large communal tents. Kitchen in a building. Accommodation is very basic. Bring warm clothes and sleeping bag as you will be at high altitude and the weather may be cold. LOCATION : Arette (1500 inhabitants), 15km south-west of Oloron-Ste-Marie (Pyrénées Atlantiqes) TERMINAL : The train station at Oloron-Ste-Marie. Note : Bring rubber boots for the work. There is no public transport to and from the village. A camp for those who appreciate walking and nature! 16 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC043 01/08-23/08 MONTUSSAN RENO PROJECT: This is the sixth year running that Montussan will host an international work-camp. Previous years have been a great success with rich and warm interest and exchanges with the local population from the young to the elderly. On this camp you'll have the chance to experience life in a slamm Gironde community. WORK: You will take part in work to restore an old washing-place : scrub clearance, cleaning of irrigation and drainage channels, traditional masonry (stonework). ACCOMMODATION : In the gymnasium (sleeping on the gym mats) Cooking and group life also in the gymnasium. Collective living condition. Bring a sleeping bag, work clothes and strong shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Montussan (2200 inhabitants), 15 Km East of Bordeaux. TERMINAL : Bordeaux Saint Jean train station. Note: Bring rubber boots to work in. Few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the village you may visit the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC044 01/08-23/08 VANXAINS II RENO PROJECT: After having hosted an international work-camp several years ago the inhabitants of the village started restoring local landmarks. Now they would like to host two international summer camps to help with the restoration of the wall surrounding some parkland which the village has just acquired and which is used for cultural events in the summer months. W: You will take part in the restoration of both faces of a stone wall surrounding parkland. Reconstruction, cleaning, repointing, reconstruction. Traditional masonry. ACCOMMODATION : To be determined. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Vanxains (700 inhabitants) 40km from Périgueux. Vainxains is a picturesque village which has retained its rural charm. TERMINAL: The train station at Périgueux. Note: The work may be quite physical sometimes. A small isolated village with no public transport. For nature lovers and walking enthusiasts ! 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC045 01/08-23/08 SAINT CAPRAIS DE BORDEAUX ENVI PROJECT: Saint Caprais de Bordeaux has been hosting international work-camps since 1996. The village is situated on the hills which rise on the East Garonne riverbank and is surrounded by vineyards, woodland and pasture. The municipality has decided to initiate several years of work to improve the green areas in the village for inhabitants and visitors alike. WORK : Improvements to various green areas in the village (parkland, grassland...) ACCOMMODATION : Camping. Collective living conditions for all volunteers. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Saint Caprais de Bordeaux (2800 inhabitants), 20 Km South-East of Bordeaux TERMINAL : Bordeaux St Jean train station. Note: St Caprais de Bordeaux is an isolated village with very few transport options. For nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the village you may visit the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC093 01/08 6 23/08 SEVRAN LIVRY ENVI PROJECT : " Parc Forestier de la poudrerie (powder factory) " of Sevran-Livry is a green lung of a large urban area surrounding Paris. A big amount of visitors in this park and drought make lots of damages. Because of the standing around, it is necessary to work on this damaged green parcel. For 25 years, "Parc Forestier de la Poudrerie" works on this area preservation and on pedagogical activities to take care of the local environment. The workcamp is the result of cooperation between Concordia and friends of organization implicated in the preservation of this previous powder factory park, a natural place in a urban area. During the workcamp lots of leisure will be proposed (horse riding, accrobranche...) WORK: Surgery for trampled parcel, building of natural fences, creation of activities about natural and biodiversity preservation LOCATION: North of Paris. ACCOMMODATION: In buildings TERMINAL: Paris 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC094 01/08 - 23/08 AUBERVILLIERS ART / CONS PROJECT: Aubervilliers is a town with a great artistic and cultural history. In this frame, the council of the town supports a cultural policy towards the youth. It enforces also the development of cultural actions. It is why it exists a large amount of cultural area in the town. In cooperation with "Les Frères Poussières" organization, which gathers artists, students and young from Aubervilliers, and "Charron de Noyers" organization, which owns lots of buildings, Concordia works on the renovation of a place, where a theater is raised, to create a cultural area close to the local population. This work is a long work. WORK : Sandpapering, plastering, painting... Cultural activities for local population. LOCATION: Parisian suburb ACCOMMODATION: In buildings. TERMINAL: Paris 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC192 01/08 - 23/08 AZILLE ENVI PROJECT : it's the second time that this nice village in the heart of the "minervois" receives the volunteers of Concordia. This year, the township wants the help of volunteers for varius works as clearing vegetation and planting in the village. Also, there is a three days festival in the village and you'll be welcomed to help for the organisation. You'll discover too this very visited region, rich in heritage and outdoor activities. WORK : clearing and various planting works LOCATION : 30 km east of Carcassonne, in the heart of the Minervois. ACCOMMODATION : in a village hall. TERMINAL : Azille bus stop 15 VOLS. 16 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC193 01/08 - 23/08 CAPDENAC LE HAUT 2 RENO PROJECT : for the fifth time Capdenac le Haut welcomes Concordia's volunteers to restore a part of the rampart surrounding this historical town. The region is very touristic and welcoming so the volunteers will have many possibilities of visits, hikes, leisure. WORK : you'll dispoint the week parts, to repoint and sometimes rebuild in traditional masonry. Work on scaffolding. LOCATION : Capdenac le Haut is a splendid historical village in the heart of a very touristic region. Near Figeac, between Cahors and Rodez ACCOMMODATION : under tent. If you have one, you may bring it. TERMINAL: Capdenac-Gare station 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER COMMUNITY OF EMMAÜS Emmaüs, laic impulse of solidarity, was born in 1949 from a mutual aid and help will for all the suffering people, coming from socially privileged persons and from unprovided persons. From that date, under the impulse of the Abbé Pierre, the "comrades" work all over the world to help the more unproved persons to rediscover security, dignity and autonomy with work and mutual aid. They collect all kind of equipment (electric domestic appliances, furnitures, cloths, etc), they repair and sell it. The profit is used to make live underprivileged people and to go further more in the solidarity. CONC194 01/08 - 23/08 EMMAÜS2 SOCI 12VOLS Partnership with the Emmaüs community PROJECT : in partnership with the GIVE (International Group of the Volunteers Emmaüs), Concordia puts in place its seventh workcamp. Led by Emmaüs comrades, you'll work with the comrades (recovering, sorting, sale, cooking for a group of 30 persons, etc). You'll share the life of the comrades as well as the life of other international volunteers. WORK : various sorting and cleaning works, etc. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : the volunteers will work during the same hours that the comrades and their free days will be the Wednesday and the Sunday. ACCOMMODATION : under tent. If you have one, you may bring it. LOCATION : 15 Km south-east of Toulouse MEETING POINT : Escalquens train station 12 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC195 01/08 - 23/08 MASSALS 2 RENO PROJECT : the district planning authority of Les Monts de St Alban planed to give a second life to an old seminary of 2600m², empty since 25 years, in the very isolated village of Massals. This work will be done with several workcamps to come to its preservation. Work : you'll have some earthworks around the seminary and building of stone walls. Traditional masonry. Location : very isolated village in the Tarn, in south of France, between Millau and Albi Accommodation : in different rooms of the "castle", in the middle of the buildings TERMINAL : bus stop of Alban SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : only 2 buses per a day . So, don't miss them! 14 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC046 03/08 - 25/08 POMPIGNAC 2 RENO PROJECT : The village of Pompignac has been able to preserve its rural feeling even though it's quite close to Bordeaux. The town council has also managed to preserve " green " areas in the village and value its inheritance. To this end a work-camp began the restoration of an old watermill last year (site clearance principally) and the municipality would like to host a second camp to begin the restoration work. WORK : You will take part in the restoration of an old watermill (traditional masonry - stonework) A: In the room used for Judo (sleeping on mats dormitory style). Kitchen and dining area in the local school. Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. LOCATION : Pompignac (2300 inhabitants), 13 Km East of Bordeaux. TERMINAL : Bordeaux Saint Jean train station. Note: few transport options, for nature lovers and those who like walking! For more information about the village you may visit the website: 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC073 06/08 - 28/08 GANNAT 2 CONS PROJECT : Concordia has been working with the community of "Bassin de Gannat" district since 1997. Many districts already welcomed international workcamps based on projects linked with small local heritage. These various experiences, strong in encounters and human exchanges, have always been warmly welcomed by the local people. This second project of the season will be in the village of Escurolles. This is the fifth project in this village. W : You will work on the stone walls of the church in the center of the village, you will make masonry jobs like making joints with lime (mortar) and brushing the old joints. Beware, you will work on scaffoldings. LOCATION : Escurolles (650 inhabitants) is located 50 km north of Clermont-Ferrand and 10 km east of Gannat in Allier county. It's a rural region rich in historical heritage (numerous castles and romanesque churches). ACCOMMODATION : In tents (bring your own sleeping mat) for sleeping and in the village hall which is equipped for group life. Toilets and showers in the soccer stadium's changing rooms. TERMINAL : Gannat train station. SPECIAL REQUIERMENTS : Nights can be chilly, so bring warm clothes and sleeping along. Bikes will be lent to you for moving around. 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC074 06/08 - 28/08 MAURS RENO PROJECT : This will be the third workcamp that will take place in Maurs-la-jolie. This pleasant county, located right in the middle of the Cantal chestnut grove has a very interesting local patrimony and an important social life, especially with its associations. You will be able to participate to the Saint-Cézaire festivities which helps you to meet many local inhabitants. At the present time, the county is renovating a place called "Le Domaine du fau" with an old watermill and a pond. They want to change it into a park where people can go and relax. You will work on that project by restoring the wall bordering the path that leads to this place. WORK : You will work on the wall of the path that goes to the "Domaine du fau": cleaning, clearing of undergrowth, stoneworking on the damaged parts of the wall (rebuilding of the collapsed parts and reconstructing the top of the wall with lime mortar). LO : Maurs is a village of 2500 inhabitants located in the French department of Cantal (15), 40 km south west of the town of Aurillac. ACCOMMODATION : You will be hosted in the community camping. You will sleep under tents (bring your own mattress) and have a collective tent for the group life. TERMINAL : At the Maurs train station. Special remarks : Cantal is a beautiful department but it has a small number of inhabitants. This rural workcamp is specially prepared for nature lovers. Remember to bring warm clothing because the nights may be quite cold. 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC075 06/08 - 28/08 MONISTROL SUR LOIRE ENVI PROJECT: Since 2003, the commune of Monistrol sur Loire welcomed international workcamps. Lots of bonds have been established between the volunteers, the local people and the elects, which created a rich dynamic of contact and exchanges. This year, you will participate to encounters and activities with sports and leisure clubs, opportunities to multiply the exchanges. You will have free time to enjoy the numerous sports facilities available (soccer field, tennis court or swimming pool). You will participate to the rehabilitation of a small stone canal and to the creation and the development of a walking path near an aqueduct. WORK : You will work in the heart of the commune of Monistrol. You will participate in various tasks by the canal: cleaning and cutting off the vegetations, reparation of a stonemade wall.... You will make some arrangements near an aqueduct: implementing stairs, a footbridge... LOCATION : Monistrol sur Loire (7500 inhabitants) is located in Haute-Loire near the regional park of Pilat, 30 km south of St-Etienne and 100 km south of Lyon. ACCOMMODATION : In the Youth and culture hall's building, in a common room (campbeds). TERMINAL : Bas-Monistrol train station. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC076 06/08 - 28/08 LE PAYS D'OLLIERGUES RENO PROJECT : The municpality of Olliergues have hosted Concordia since 2001, reinforcing thus this positive partnership conducive to multiple exchanges with the local population. After collaboration with all the communes of the territory for the valorization of pedestrian paths, you will continue the works for the valorisation of the local heritage. So, you are going to take part in various works for the valorisation of the castle of Olliergues by intervening on its terraces. As every year, the feast of bilberry in Col du Béal will be the best opportunity to meet the local population as you will take part in the preparation and the process of the event. WORK : You will participate in the valorization of the northern side of the hill of the castle of Olliergues: cleaning off the ivy and reconstruction of parts of the stone wall on the terraces. LOCATION : The municipality of Olliergues is located 60 km to the east of Clermont Ferrand, in the magnificent Natural Park of Livradois-Forez. Ideal for open air activities and trekking in the forest. ACCOMMODATION : On the ground, in a gymnasium TERMINAL : At the bus station of Vertolaye Special requierments: The nights can be fresh, take with you warm clothes and sleeping bag. For more information: 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC126 06/08 - 28/08 FRESNAY SUR SARTHE CONS PROJECT: For the seventh year, the commune of "Fresnay sur Sarthe" organizes an international workcamp. The municipal team will be able to make you discover this old medieval place, a very special small city. This year volunteers will take part in the restoration of the old lantern of the previous train station. During the workcamp, you will get opportunity to discover the area history involved in textile and agricultural industry in a preserved nature. WORK: Various restoration work of the previous train station outbuildings : staking, brushing, painting, plastering. Location: In the Sarthe Department, area of the Alps Mancelles. ACCOMMODATION: Gymnasium of the commune with facilities and cooks in the canteen of the primary school. TERMINAL: The La Hutte Coulombiers train station. Special requirements: Exiguity of the lodging place. 15 VOLS. 17 TO 25 YEARS OLD CONC159 06/08 - 28/08 ST MAXIMIN ENVI PROJECT: This is the second year that we intervene at St Maximin. This town has several quarries partially in opened sky, stone extraction. Various animations are organized around this noble material (biennial events, etc). A museum is being set up, "The stone house" which will enable you to value this heritage and its workers "the quarrymen". You will intervene in this environment in order to restore an old quarrymen's vegetal garden and to contribute to the pedagogical garden creation in the museum site, into the career called "the trench". At last, various animations will be foreseen with the youth of the town. WORK: You will clean and clear at feet of coalfaces in several places. Different arrangements have to be realised (shelters, beaconing of the discovery road, work plan for children...) LOCATION: St Maximin is situated in the South of Creil in the Parc Naturel Regional Oise Pays de France. Several ballads have to be planned into the Chantilly hood and its castle. ACCOMMODATION: under tent TERMINAL: meeting at the SNCF station of Chantilly. 13 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC160 06/08 - 28/08 LAIGNEVILLE RENO PROJECT: Laigneville is a small village close to Creil, with a very cultural heritage, whose buildings are principally made with the stone's extractions of the quarries around the region. Like last year, the volunteers of ASPEL's association (organization to safeguard the wealth of Laigneville's environment) will join us make the work camp in St Louis chapel, which is date back in the XII century. We also have prepared some activities and entertainment with the people of the village. WORK: carry on the St Louis chapel's restoration, initiated by the ASPEL's volunteers and the volunteers of the last camp. The work will consist in replacing stones and rejoining the exterior of the building. The work will be over the stones with a whitewash. LOCATTION: Laigneville is located in Creil's North. Outlying's zone, in Plateau Picard's limit. We will join many activities in the Chantilly's forest, in the Castles and in Compiège. ACCOMMODATION: In a room TERMINAL: Creil's train station REQUIREMENTS: scaffolding's work 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC161 06/08 - 28/08 LA FLAMENGRIE RENO PROJECT: La Flamangrie is a small village located in Thierarche, famous thanks to his Maroilles (a famous French cheese). La Capelle is a close town known by all the north of France and Benelux for its racecourse and its horse-races. There are several small hamlets which one get a small church built with "blue stones". It's here that you will be called to intervene. The village is also famous because it represents the place of the forehead that Germans crossed in November, 1918 to go to sign the Armistice terminating the 1st world war. WORK: The work will consist in replacing stones and rejoining the exterior of the building. The work will be over the stones with a whitewash. LOCATION: The Flamengrie is a village located between la Capelle Fourmies and Avesne sur Helpe, near Chimay (Belgium) in the north-east of Aisne. ACCOMMODATION: under tent TERMINAL : At Avesne sur Helpe train station 14 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC162 06/08 - 28/ 08 BEAUREVOIR RENO PROJECT: This is the first time that we organize a workcamp in the village of Beaurevoir. This is a typical village of the Thiérache. The "tour du guet" called "tour Jeanne d'Arc" is classified in ancient memorials since 1920 because it remains a strong symbol of the history of France. The tower was an advanced castle's post built in 1310 and demolished in the reign of Louis XIV, in whom Jeanne d'Arc was prisoner in 1430 during 4 months. The castle was on the boarder of l'Escaut and had to undergo and to push away various assailants. The work will be interesting and people of the town, attached to their heritage will be friendly. WORK: You will intervene on tour's bases making a re-pointing and a re-pointing of parts in stoneware of the building. LOCATION: Beaurevoir is situated in the department of Aisne, in Picardie. ACCOMMODATION: In a room TERMINAL : at Bohain en Vermandois train station 15 VOLUNTEERS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC163 06/08 - 28/ 08 AUBENTON RENO PROJECT: The small town of Aubenton is one of the most typical and ancient of Thiérache and remains engraved on a very rich historical past. It was ravaged several times in the course of the centuries because of it's importance and a famous airman, Jean Mermoz was born over there. The church of Notre-Dame called "le moustier d'Aubenton" is dated of the XI century. It had a sculptured gate dated of the XIIIth century, a square keep of white stones, a ceiling paint of the XVIth, an organ of XVIIIth which comes from the abbey of Bucilly and underground passages. You will intervene on the internal walls of this jewel of the architecture and picard heritage. WORK: The bell tower strengthened of the church was recently the object of a consolidation. You will strip the roughcast off . LOCATION: Aubenton is a small village of the north of Aisne. It's situated on the road connecting Hirson with Charleville. ACCOMMODATION: Under tent TERMINAL: At the Hirson train station 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC164 DATE TO BE CONFIRMED LANDSCAPING IN "LEFFRINCKOUCKE" ENVI PROJECT: This is the first time that we organize this work camp in collaboration with the Conservatoire du Littoral on a Conseil Général du Nord's site. You will be settled on the site of the Leffrinckouke dune, with was reinforced to protect the Dunkerque's port. Today the dunes are considered as a particular and interesting ecosystem and a rich historical place that you will have the opportunity to discover. WORK: There, on the seaside, the volunteers will work to develop the site. LOCATION: Leffrinckoucke is situated on the North sea coast, between the Belgian border and the town of Dunkerque. ACCOMODATTION: need to be specified TERMINAL: SNCF train station of Dunkerque SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: bring your own works and we ask you to have the tetanus vaccination. This workcamp require a large environment sensibility. 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC196 06/08 - 28/08 ALBAS RENO PROJECT: it's the third time that this nice isolated village of 60 inhabitants receives the volunteers of Concordia. Last year, the volunteers arranged old gardens and began various works as fitting out in the village. WORK: this year, you'll carry on the works of fitting out in the Carraira street . You'll work on the last part of this street on building some stony steps. The second part will be the restoration of the "calade" in front of the church. LOCATION: 40 km south-west of Narbonne. Wild region of the Corbières, in Pays Cathare, with many possibilities of walks and a rich historical heritage. ACCOMMODATION: under tent. If you have one, you may bring it. TERMINAL: Narbonne train station WARNING: This village is very isolated. The station is 40 Km from Albas. Don't miss the meeting point! 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC197 06/08 - 28/08 FORT-BRESCOU 2 RENO PROJECT : Fort-Brescou is an island opposite Le Cap d'Agde on which a fortress has been build in the 16th, and used for a while as a jail. Unique in the area, famous touristic attraction, this fortress suffers from the wind and the sea. Since twelve years the village council of Agde has requested Concordia to restore it. In 2008, two new groups will settle on the island for three weeks. Isolated between 6 PM and 11AM, you'll be visited by the tourists during the rest of the day. WORK : you'll carry on the restoration of the walls, to repoint (work on scaffolding) LOCATION : Béziers 25 km and Montpellier 45 km. Fort-Brescou is a change of scenery, without electricity, without running water, without night-club...only tourists coming to visit the fortress by boat 4 times a day. This workcamp is reserved for the bold adventurers. ACCOMMODATION : particularly basic lodging in a room of the fortress TERMINAL: train station of Agde, SPECIAL REQUIREMENT : train to Agde then boat to finish the journey (only link with the earth), neither shower nor electricity. 12 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC198 06/08-28/08 LAVELANET ENVI / CONS PROJECT :the aim of this second workcamp in Lavelanet is to bring back to life the site of the castle which is hidden under the vegetation. For the second year you'll have to finish clearing the vegetation of the site and to begin the works of preservation of the walls. Sorting of the stones, excavation and building will be in program. You'll take part to different activities (swimming, hiking, etc.) in link with the municipality and local youth. In 2007, they have been numerous and enriching. WORK: clearing the vegetation on the site. Excavation. Masonry. Warning : work partly on scaffolding LOCATION: Lavelanet is a magnificent little town at the foot of the Pyrenees at 18 Km south of Mirepoix ACCOMMODATION: under tents. If you have one, you may bring it. (To confirm) TERMINAL: train station of Mirepoix 16 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC200 06/08 - 28/08 SAINT MARTIN LAGUEPIE ENVI Project: after some years, we come back in this magnificent village of the Tarn. This year, the town council decided to appeal to you to clean the surrounding of the castle. Work: you'll have to clear vegetation and to clean around the castle. Location: St Martin Laguépie has a magnificent castle from the XIIIth. The region is very rich in heritage and in nice landscapes. . Accommodation: under tent. If you have one, you may bring it. Terminal: Bus stop 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC015 08/08 - 30/08 FORT-BARRAUX RENO PROJECT: You are in Fort-Barraux, the oldest "bastionned" stronghold in France built in the 16th century, a huge fortress controlling the Grésivaudan Valley. In 2007, a Concordia workcamp gave back to the Fort its original wooden flaps. This year, the partnership continues with the town of Barraux : your mission will be to reassure one of the building of the Fort in obstructing esthetically the openings (doors and windows). WORK: You will measure, cut up, paint and screw some wooden boards on each openings to the ground floor of one building. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents on the Fort's plots, kitchen and common room in a building. Special requirements: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION: Barraux is on the border between Isère and Savoie areas, 20 kms south-east from Chambéry. Natural Park of Chartreuse, Belledonne mountains, Plateau des Petites Roches... will make the hikers happy. And also the Museum Bayard in Pontcharra, Grenoble and Chambéry cities, Lac du Bourget, famous vineyards of Savoie... There will be something for everybody ! TERMINAL: Pontcharra train station. Special remarks: For more information have a look at: 12 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC016 08/08 - 30/08 GEX ENVI / RENO PROJECT : Imagine you are in the middle of mountains, with a breathtaking view on the Alpes and the Leman Lake... It's the 6th time that the Natural Reserve hosts an international workcamp, involving itself very much every year : daily visit, animations for discovering the local fauna and flora, supplying of your shelter with an ATV. For the outgoings, you will have the choice between rambling on the top of the Jurassic crests, visiting Geneva or tasting the cheese in the villages of the "Pays de Gex"... WORK : The first part of workcamp will take place to the town of Crozet where you will work on some plots of land situated at a low altitude of the natural reserve. Your will work against the vegetal invasion. Then on the " La Ramas " high mountain pasture, you will do a vegetal selection in order to protect the natural reserve against the vegetal invasion. There, you will rebuild a small wall following the "dry stone" way (without any mortar). You will work in a tough and steep environment, helped by the rangers of the Natural Reserve. Good physical condition required ACCOMMODATION: The two first weeks in the village hall of Crozet, then the last week in the mountain shepherd of "La Ramas", more than 1400m high and very isolated. Basic comfort, smart-ness required! Special requirements: Ramblers and adventurers, this workcamp is for you! Very important: bring working gloves, electric torch, good walking shoes, warm clothes and sleeping-bag. Backpack is compulsory. LOCATION: The Jura Natural Reserve is about 35 Km north-west from Geneva, in Ain departement. TERMINAL : Bellegarde-sur-Valserine train station. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at: and 10 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC017 08/08 - 30/08 CHINDRIEUX RENO PROJECT: You will work in front of a magnificent panorama above the "Lac du Bourget", the Hautecombe abbey, the marshland and vineyards of Chautagne... It will be the sixth year that this village hosts an international workcamp. Last year some activities took place with the local youth, and every year a welcoming and departure party are offered to the volunteers. And of course, the traditional "fondue savoyarde" organised by the Mayor ! WORK: You will work on some dry-stone walls retaining the old path of "Cellier et Moulin Rouge". This walls are very common in the local landscape, in order to allow the culture of grapevine. You will clean and unclutter the base of the wall, and select the stones to rebuild it without using any mortar. It's a meticulous and rather physical work : every stone has to be well placed and wedged. ACCOMMODATION : In the village gymnasium, on camp beds. Special requirements: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION : 20 km north from Aix-les-Bains city, very close to the Lac du Bourget, in Savoie. TERMINAL : Culoz train station. Special remarks: For more information have a look at : 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC078 13/08 - 27/08 GRAÇAY 3 RENO PROJECT: We can still see a mound, an apse and ramparts which are interesting us! Dating from XIII century, those surrounds the city and gives it a typical circular form. Enriched by this heritage that gives this style and roundness to the city, the commune wishes to welcome three international workcamps to restorate the fortification this summer. WORK : You will follow the works started last year for the restoration and the improvment of the enclosing walls: devegetalisation, disassembling, selection of the stones and rebuilding with lime mortar. Pay attention, you will work on scaffolding. LOCATION : The commune of Graçay, on the river Fauzon (1574 habitants) is located at the Ouest center of France, at 40 km of Chateauroux. The village is established in the natural area of the Champagne Berrichone, a heart of greenery crossed by charming rivers. ACCOMMODATION : Under tents (bring your sleepingmat) and collective tents for the life of group on the municipal camp-site. TERMINAL : Vierzon train station. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Working at heights in scaffolding, obligatory medical certificate 14 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC080 13/08 - 03/09 SAINTE-FEYRE 2 ART / SOCI PROJECT : Sainte-Feyre medical centre celebrated its 100 years birthday two years ago. Former sanatorium, it welcomes now patients with heart and lungs diseases. The centre has a cultural structure that helps patients to maintain a link with the outside and everyday life. So the structure proposes a show room and welcomes numerous events like concerts, movies, conferences, exhibition... The camp takes place in this cultural policy, and the project will consist in artistic and human meeting. Around sculptures and painting, the aim of the project is to create dynamic exchanges between patients, volunteers, visitors and staff. In addition, your participation in Sainte-Feyre local festivities will help you to meet inhabitants. WORK : You will make a mural painting on a big wall in the main corridor of the medical centre. You will make sculptures in the center of village of Sainte-Feyre, and you will participate at a photos exhibition with the patients. LOCATION : Sainte-Feyre (2400 inhabitants) is 7 km south east of Gueret, in the department of Creuse. Landscapes with wooded hills offer a pleasant setting for walkers. Its wolf reserve and its archeological site have to be seen. ACCOMMODATION : Tents on the centre campground (you can bring sleeping mat). You will have your meals with the patients at the centre. Warning : nights could be chilly, bring warm clothes and sleeping bag. TERMINAL : Guéret train station SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: French motivation letter required, anti-tuberculosis vaccine required; you'll be asked to respect the rules of the medical centre, in terms of quietness and hygiene. Artistic and social sensibility required. You have to know swimming. 9 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC018 15/08 - 06/09 LEYMENT CULT / ENVI PROJECT : It's the 7th year that the village hosts an International Concordia Workcamp. After five years consecutive of work on the rehabilitation of an old barracks, the town would like to realize some news works for local population. Leyment village also organise every year the famous "Farfouille" (30th edition this year), which attracts about 100 000 visitors during a week end ! It's like a giant second-hand market for which a big part of the population is helping. During each workcamp there were many dinners and exchanges with the inhabitants, who are doing everything in order to make life easier for you ! WORK : This year, you will fit out some picnic areas next to the communal forest. And, of course, you will help for the preparation of the Farfouille: settling stands, displaying posters, cooking traditional "galettes", welcoming visitors and exhibitors. ACCOMMODATION : In a house located at 1km of the centre. Special requirements : bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION : Near Ambérieu-en-Bugey in Ain area, about 40 km north-east from Lyon. Many possibilities for leisure time: Pérouges medieval city, Bourg-en-Bresse, Lyon, picturesque villages of the Bugey, Ambronay abbey, swimming in Ain river... TERMINAL : Ambérieu-en-Bugey train station. Special remarks: For more information have a look at: and 15 VOLS. 17 YEARS OLD AND OVER CONC127 18/08 - 03/09 ST LÉZIN ENVI / ART / CONS PROJECT: It is a new partnership between Concordia and the local organization "Un pas de côté", which is an information desk for the Youth. One of their actions is to manage eco-construction workcamp on a charming site. This year volunteers will create environment workshop. The first step will be the construction of sliding dry toilets. These dry toilets will be after used by local organizations for their own exhibitions, to aware the ecological sense of the local population. Then volunteers will set a solar water-heater. At the end, volunteers will build a wooden structure for sound animation of "Un pas de côté". At the end of the week, local organizations will give life to the town. In this frame, you will take part in artistic workshops to elaborate a spectacle which will be shown at the end of the workcamp. Food will be biological as far as possible and bought directly to local farmers. WORK: Woodwork, plumber... LOCATION: St Lézin is a little town (700 inhabitants) of Maine and Loire between Cholet and Angers ACCOMMODATION: In eco-hut at St Lezin Youth center. Meal under a covered part and facilities at the center. TERMINAL: Chemillé train station. Further information: 15 VOLS. 18 TO 25 YEARS OLD CONC020 25/08 - 16/09 MIRIBEL / JONAGE RENO PROJECT: For some years, the suburban Park of Miribel-Jonage leads an animation and preservation program in order to enhance the value of its natural environment. Also, the park develops a cultural politics in order to organize some events for the urban community of Lyon. Concordia is in contact with the Park of Miribel-Jonage since 2 years. The last year, volunteers worked on the "Allivoz" farm to build a wall in using a traditional method. (Traditional technical with rammed earth). For this 2nd year, some works of landscaping will be realized in a sensitive area of the Park. Finally, volunteers will help in the organization of the Park party "Destination Nature" and in the organization of a music festival "Woodstower". WORK: You will work on a branch (arm) of the Rhône river in order to fit out and preserve this delicate ecosystem. Also you will clear of brushwood and clean in an area dedicated to the environment pedagogy. Moreover you will implicated in the organization of "Destination nature" will take place the 7th September as well as in the organization of the "Woodstower" music festival which will take place the 29th and 30th August. ACCOMMODATION: Under tents Special requirement: Bring working gloves, good walking shoes and a sleeping bag. LOCATION: The Park of Miribel-Jonage is situated to the Northeast of Lyon agglomeration. Come on to discover, with the Park's employees, fauna and flora in the wetlands of the park! And of course, the exceptional gastronomy and historic heritage of Lyon and its surroundings. TERMINAL: At the tramway station of Meyzieu. SPECIAL REMARKS: For more information have a look at : 12 VOLS. 18 YEARS OLD AND OVER OUR MTV PROGRAM 2008 PICARDIE CONCORDIA MTV 2008 in Picardy Nord Pas de Calais "Camp leaders" 20TH JUNE TO 31 TH AUGUST 2008 Dear partners and volunteers, Concordia is pleased to inform you about its MTV positions in Picardy for 2008. We offer 2 places and we will be more than happy to be able to welcome your volunteers. Those positions aim to offer a human and professional experience to volunteers who are ready to participate in a workcamp for 2 months. The main idea is to permit interested people to be involved in a global project longer than a workcamp with a part of technical learning and workcamp leading in the Picardy region. Our Regional delegation organises every year around 15 workcamps between June and September. Most of the camps are in July and August. The office is in Roye (Between Paris and Lille). Concordia Picardie will provide you some pocket money. We invite you to have a look to the practical information above to get a better picture. As for all our workcamps, we don't ask any participation fee for MTV volunteers. For every application (please use the form at the end of this document) we also need a CV and a motivation letter in French or English, knowing that good bases in French are requested in order to be able to follow the leaders' training and talk with the local population during the workcamps. We would also like to stress the fact that first of all we trust our partners, and that you're therefore invited to send applications for volunteers that don't fulfil all the conditions if you think they could be the right persons! For all communication please send your messages to Applications: Until the end of March. Period of MTV PROJECT: 20th June to 31th August How to apply Send your motivation letter and curriculum vitae to: Concordia Attn. Eric Hugentobler 29, rue St Gilles 80700 Roye France or by e-mail to MTV CONC 2008. Concordia Picardy Nord Pas de Calais Concordia France is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation established in 1950 It's main activity is workcamps. The Picardy office is based in Roye. We organise about 15 workcamps. We are looking for two mediums term volunteers to lead 2 international wokcamps and help out in the office in Roye over the busy period, July to August 2008. The volunteers will lead 2 international camps (7 weeks) and work for 1 week at the Concordia office in Roye with the 2 full time members of staff. After his/her arrival, the volunteer will follow a leaders' training for 1 week: 22th to 29th June) MTV Volunteer project The Concordia office is situated in Roye. It's a 6 000 inhabitants suburb. Our region is in the north of Paris, close to Belgium. Profile * Older than 21 years old * Previous volunteer/leader project experience. * Ability to speak in French (Good knowledge to be able to talk with local population and to follow the train leaders) * Ability to speak in English (Basic knowledge to talk at least with the volunteers) * Flexibility * Initiative spirit and autonomy * Work organisation skills * Positive mind THE WORK You will work on a programme centred on the international workcamps organised in our region. You will be trained to lead these projects, you will lead two camps and , between the camps, will help with the preparation (logistic, local preparation...). First, there will be a six day leaders training to prepare for leading projects. Other leaders from all over the country will join you for this. The dates are 22th to 29th june. Then you will lead or co-lead two International Volunteer Projects. When not leading workcamps, you will work in the office to prepare and organise all the camps (tents, sleeping matress, tools and all the stuff ...). But it will be for only 4 or 5 days. The theme and place of the camp that you will lead will be chosen conjointly by the Concordia team and you. The dates are not the same for all the camps in July and august. So we'll choose which ones you will lead and which time you will work in the office. The camps are lead by two leaders: one for the technical work (masonry, environment ...), one for the day life, the leisure and the budget. Both are responsible for the security of the volunteers, the respect of the rules and the French law, the atmosphere, the relations in and outside the group and the relations with local people and town hall. The leaders are living with the group everyday, 24h/24h during the 3 weeks of the camps. Lodging is under tents or in common room (school, town hall, house ...) You will have 3 days off per month. You can take them during or outside the camps. We will choose them conjointly. Practical information: ACCOMMODATION You will live with one or two other volunteers in the office between the camps. During the camps and the training, you will stay at the camp basement (6 days in June, 24 days in July and 24 days in august). For the camps, please bring sleeping bag, work/old clothes, good shoes and pull over because nights are cold. It is also a good idea to bring things to share or something from your country, for exemple games, cards, books, music, recipes, food... POCKET MONEY 80 Euros per week for the food when you are in the office, 40 Euros during the camps and training. During these periods we give some money to the leaders for the food and the activities of the entire group. INSURANCE You will be covered during the time at work, but you need medical insurance. Bring european insurance card if you are coming from European Union countries or a medical insurance if you come from outside EU. MEDIUM TERM VOLUNTARY SERVICE VOLONTARIAT MOYEN TERME Joindre un CV et Lettre de motivation / Please join a CV and a motivation letter Application / Candidature Surname : First name : Nom : ______________________________ Prénom : __________________________ Date of birth : Date de naissance : ____________________ Place of birth : Nationality : Lieu de naissance : ____________________ Nationalité : _____________________ Adress : Adresse : ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone : Téléphone : ________________________ Fax or E-mail : _________________________ Medical Information/ Allergies, antécédents médicaux ? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Driving licence / Permis de conduire ? : Yes / oui ? No / Non ? Language ability / Connaissance de langues : Fluent Good Medium Basic Couramment Bon Moyen Peu ___________________ ? ? ?? ? ___________________ ? ? ?? ? ___________________ ? ? ?? ?? ___________________ ? ? ?? ?? Education and / or vocational training (with dates). Employments and voluntary work experience. Parcours scolaire et formation professionnelle (durée et dates). Expérience professionnelle Expériences de bénévolat. Préciser où et votre rôle : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current situation. Situation actuelle. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other activities /skills (hobbies, sport, music ...) / Autres activités / (hobbies, sport, musique ...) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you already taken part in an international youth project ? Give further details. / Avez vous déjà participé à un projet avec des jeunes internationaux ? Si oui, préciser le pays, la date et le projet. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been abroad? Please give further details Etes vous déjà allé à l'étranger ? Préciser. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe your motivation for participation at this experience, your expectations (what do you hope to gain from it). Explain what you think you can contribute to your new hosting and working environment. Décris tes motivations et tes attentes pour ce volontariat. Qu'est-ce que tu veux apprendre ou développer ? Que penses-tu pouvoir apporter à ce projet : ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have completed personally / j'ai complété ce formulaire en personne. Date and place / Date et lieu. Signature /Signature. ________________________ __________________________ OUR EVS PROGRAM 2008 The European Voluntary Service (EVS) The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is designed for all European citizens or people living in the E.U., Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Turkey, from 18 to 30 y.o. Volunteers take part, in the country in which they are sent, in local activities, for a duration of 2 to 12 months.. GENERAL INFORMATION The EVS is a voluntary work program based on applicant's good will. It is a way to discover other cultures and languages through an implication in local projects and a will to be responsible for an action. Thanks to this experience, volunteers will develop their professional skills. The EVS support social, cultural and environmental actions in local organisations. The EVS can not replace a paid work or a national service. TERMS OF CONTRACT Accommodation and food are provided by the host organisation. A living allowance is given according to the standard of living of the host country (from 50 to 150 euros per month). Insurance is supplied for the duration of the EVS (accidents, health and civil responsibility are covered) Once the EVS is over, the volunteer will receive a competency certificate delivered by the E.U. APPLICATION WITH CONCORDIA Contact Concordia or other partners from the Alliance and explain motivations through a motivation interview. Choose a project inside Concordia database Sign a convention with Concordia and host organisation Warning: volunteers who want to come to France must be sent by an organisation from their own country that will deal exchange with Concordia. STEP BY STEP: AFTER YOUR APPLICATION AND BEFORE DEPARTURE Follow a training session before departure Organise yourself to be on time (between application and departure there might be a gap of several months). Think about administrative requirements (vaccinations, visa...) Do not forget to follow an evaluation session at the end of your EVS stay. REGION EI REF PROJECT TITLE THEME DURATION POSSIBILITY TO HOST VOLS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS NEXT DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION PROJECT DATE N° CONTACT PERSON E-MAIL TEL FAX ADDRESS AUVERGNE 2007 FR 165 Mobilité, Citoyenneté cadre de vie à Croix de Neyrat Urban devpmt / youth policy 9 mois yes 01/11/2008 mars 09- nov 09 1 vol Katell LE BIHAN 33 (0)4 73 90 65 66 33 (0)4 73 92 23 50 14 Bd Gergovia /63 000 Clermont AUVERGNE 2007 FR 108 Festival of tales Art and culture / urban dvpmt 9 mois yes 01/06/2008 sept 08- juin 09 1 vol Katell LE BIHAN 33 (0)4 73 90 65 66 33 (0)4 73 92 23 50 14 Bd Gergovia /63 000 Clermont AUVERGNE EI en réécriture Animation in a multigeneraional center Art and culture / urban dvpmt 9 mois yes 01/06/2008 sept 08- juin 09 1 vol Katell LE BIHAN 33 (0)4 73 90 65 66 33 (0)4 73 92 23 50 14 Bd Gergovia /63 000 Clermont AUVERGNE EI en réécriture Animation for young people European awareness / youth policy 9 mois yes 01/04/2008 sept 08- juin 09 1 vol Katell LE BIHAN 33 (0)4 73 90 65 66 33 (0)4 73 92 23 50 14 Bd Gergovia /63 000 Clermont DELEGATIONS DETAILS 50/50