CONCORDIA INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER PROJECTS UK PROGRAMME 2008 Contents Introduction 1 General Information 2 * Work 2 * Social Activities 2 * What the project provides 3 * What the volunteers provide 3 * Working with children or people with special needs 3 * Equal opportunities 4 * Confidentiality and data protection 4 * Complaints procedure 4 * Registration fees 4 * Group coordinating 5 * How the project details are presented in this programme 5 Richard O’Brien Bursary Scheme 6 Long Term Volunteer Programme (LTV) 7 LTV Positions at a Glance 7 LTV Project Details 7 * CONCUKLTV01 – VOLCARE 1 7 * CONCUKLTV02 – VOLCARE 2 7 * CONCUKLTV03 – VOLCARE 3 7 * CONCUKLTV04 – VOLCARE 4 7 Medium Term Volunteer Programme (MTV) 8 MTV Positions at a Glance 8 MTV Project Details 8 * CONCUKMTV01 Office 8 * CONCUKMTV02 YMCA Fairthorne Manor 9 * CONCUKMTV03 Isle of Wight Kids 10 Short Term Programme Group Co-ordinating 11 2008 UK Projects at a Glance 12 Project Locations 13-14 Project Details 2008 15 Winter * CONCUK01 Vine House Farm 15 Spring * CONCUK02 Fairthorne Wood 15 * CONCUK03 Beaudesert Park 16 * CONCUK05 Island Kids 1 17 Summer Programme Summer * CONCUK04 Peak Park (Marsh Farm) 17 * CONCUK06 One World Scotland 18 * CONCUK07 Beach Dreams 19 * CONCUK08 Castle Morpeth 20 * CONCUK09 Fairthorne Young Carers 20 * CONCUK10 Oak Grove College 21 * CONCUK11 Stanmer Organics 21 * CONCUK12 Oxford Mencap 1 22 * CONCUK13 Mablethorpe 1 23 * CONCUK14 Arboretum 24 * CONCUK15 Fairthorne Playscheme 1 25 * CONCUK16 Island Kids 2 25 * CONCUK17 One World Summer 26 * CONCUK18 Peak Park 2 (Brunts Barn) 27 * CONCUK19 Oxford Mencap 2 22 * CONCUK20 Mablethorpe 2 23 * CONCUK21 Adventurecus 27 * CONCUK22 NIPPERS 28 * CONCUK23 Fairthorne Playscheme 2 25 * CONCUK24 Island Kids 3 25 * CONCUK25 North York Moors 29 Autumn * CONCUK26 Return to Pestalozzi 30 * CONCUK27 Vine House Farm 2 30 * CONCUK28 Hairy Caterpillars 31 Watch this space – unconfirmed projects 32 Introduction Concordia is a small not-for-profit charity that began after the Second World War. Our aim is to bring together people from different countries and cultures to work together towards a common goal which, in turn is hoped will help break down cultural stereotypes and lead to greater international understanding and peace. There are two ways in which we do this. The first is the long running farm scheme. This enables students from other countries to come to the UK to undertake seasonal paid work and participate in our educational training programme. The second is the volunteer programme which works on an exchange basis; sending UK volunteers abroad and receiving international volunteers to work on volunteer projects in the UK. The volunteer programme began in 1993 when we hosted our first international volunteer project with the Countryside Service of Brighton. The project involved undertaking environmental work in the beautiful South Downs. Since hosting this project Concordia joined a network of other similar organisations known as the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations and it is though this network that we exchange volunteers. Today we send around 300 volunteers a year and place over 200 volunteers from abroad on short term projects in the UK. We also offer longer term opportunities for individual volunteers to assist our host organisations for several months called our Medium Term Volunteer Programme (MTV) and have a funded scheme which sponsors a small number of volunteers from the South (Africa, Asia and Latin America) to participate in a UK programme which usually runs for a month this is the Richard O’Brien Bursary Scheme (ROBBS). Our projects in the UK are all short term and community based and can involve either environmental work, working with children or people with special needs or setting up events which need support from volunteers for example helping to run festivals. There are usually between 8 and 15 volunteers placed on a project and when necessary we place 1 or 2 co-ordinators to help the group outside the work programme. Contact information For information on our UK based international volunteer projects please contact the UK Volunteer Programme Co-ordinator, Helen Pheasey. Telephone: 00-44 (0)1273 422 535 Fax: 00-44 (0)1273 421182 Email: Helen Pheasey (incoming) Francesco Bonini (outgoing) Office Hours: 9am-5pm (local time) Monday to Friday. Important: Applications for UK projects starting from July onwards will be accepted no earlier than 7th April 2008. The deadline for exchange agreements is 27th May 2008. General Information Volunteers who participate in a Concordia volunteer project come from a diverse range of backgrounds, nationalities and cultures and have different abilities and experience. It is this diversity that makes the projects such a unique and fun experience. All volunteers that participate apply through our partner organisations abroad and must meet the following criteria: * be over 18 years of age * be open minded and flexible * be able to communicate in English without difficulty. Volunteers applying to work on play schemes or social projects must speak English fluently * be highly motivated if applying to work with children or on social projects * playscheme, youth and special needs projects require volunteers to produce a certificate of good conduct (the equivalent of a Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) check) * be prepared to participate in all aspects of life on the project including the domestic chores such as shopping, cooking and cleaning * be physically fit enough to do the heavy work involved in some projects * be prepared to carry out the work that is expected of them in a responsible manner, with due regard for personal safety and the safety of others Work Concordia Projects: Generally volunteers work 6-8 hours per day with lunch/tea breaks taken on site. Some social projects may require volunteers to work longer hours depending on the nature of the work. There are two days off each week though these are not always two days together and not always at the weekend. Social Activities Concordia: Projects do not offer an organised leisure programme and social activities will depend on the nature and location of the project. Concordia provides a small budget for one or two group based social activities on each project. The group is responsible for organising its own free time activities, with help from the group co-ordinators. Volunteers are expected to bring additional spending money. Important! Leisure time spent with the other volunteers is central to the international volunteer experience. Therefore, volunteers are expected to participate in the group based leisure activities and are requested not to arrange personal trips away from the project at weekends or during the evenings What the project provides * Food: Each group receives a food allowance adequate to prepare meals on a self-catering basis, i.e. volunteers organise the shopping, cooking and cleaning themselves. Where appropriate, alternative catering arrangements will be indicated in the brochure. * Accommodation: This will usually be on site, or nearby in a local school, youth centre, in tents, etc. with basic cooking and washing facilities provided. * Insurance: Concordia provides insurance for volunteers whilst on the project. This covers accident and illness as well as third party liability. Personal possessions are not covered. * Group Co-ordinators: Concordia place one or two experienced volunteers (usually from the UK) on most projects. * Information sheets including travel information: These are sent to volunteers approximately 6 weeks before the project is due to start. What the volunteer provides Volunteers from the European Union should bring with them a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which will entitle them to urgent medical treatment. Volunteers are covered by our basic insurance policy once they arrive on the project. However, they are STRONGLY advised to take out their own insurance for travel, health, luggage and other personal possessions especially for the journeys to and from the project. Neither Concordia nor the host organisation can be held responsible for volunteers’ personal possessions whilst they are on the project! * Volunteers must bring their own sleeping bags/roll mats unless otherwise indicated. * Volunteers must arrive at the project equipped with the correct work wear and weatherproof clothing. This is particularly important for environmental/renovation and outdoor type projects. * Volunteers must bring with them sufficient funds to cover their free time activities as well as their internal transportation costs. Working with children or people with special needs Under the terms of the 1989 Children’s Act UK and inline with OFSTED guidelines on child protection, co-ordinators and volunteers working with under 16 year olds and vulnerable adults, must be checked to ensure that they have no criminal record involving abuse of children. Therefore, all volunteers participating in a project working with children or people with special needs will be required to produce a Certificate of Good Conduct or International Criminal Record Check. This may also apply if the project is not working directly with children but is based at a children’s centre. A copy of the certificate needs to be sent to the Concordia office, by fax or email at least 3 weeks before the project is due to start. The original needs to be given to the host by the volunteer on arrival at the project. These certificates are generally obtainable from local police stations and in some cases the forms can be downloaded from the internet. The process usually takes 2-4 weeks and there may be a small charge. Equal Opportunities Concordia projects are open to people over the age of 18 and of any gender, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality or religion. All applications are treated on an individual basis and in cases where volunteers have specific needs Concordia endeavours to find volunteering opportunities suited to their ability. In addition to this Concordia strives to ensure that the volunteers on the project are part of a group that is as internationally diverse as possible and try to avoid having too many volunteers from the same country on the same project. Confidentiality and data protection In compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 Concordia will not pass on the details of any of the volunteers on our database to any persons other than the international partner organisation abroad or UK host organisation to which they are applying. Email addresses may be disseminated to other volunteers on the database as part of a contact group. If a volunteer does not want their contact details to be passed on to other volunteers, or to be contacted regarding further opportunities and activities with Concordia, they will have the opportunity to opt-out of this. Complaints procedure Complaints with respect to administrative procedures by Concordia should be addressed to the UK Volunteer Programme Co-ordinator directly. If a volunteer has a problem/complaint during the project they are encouraged to inform the project co-ordinator or the project host as soon as possible. If they do not feel that they can take their complaint to the project host or co-ordinator they should then contact the UK Volunteer Programme Co-ordinator. Volunteers are advised to make a complaint at the time of the problem and not wait until they leave the project. All volunteers are encouraged to provide full and honest feedback. Registration fees International Volunteers: Concordia works on a basis of reciprocal exchange with international partner organisations. There are no additional fees on any Concordia projects based in the UK for volunteers applying through our International Partner Organisations. UK based volunteers: Volunteers resident in the UK participating in UK based projects who apply direct to Concordia will be required to pay a registration fee of £150. Food and accommodation is provided free of charge. UK based volunteers interested in joining one of the projects listed in this programme should contact the office for details of availability and for an application form. Group co-ordinating Every year Concordia recruits experienced volunteers to help co-ordinate the UK based projects. Group co-ordinators take part in the project alongside the international volunteers but take on the additional responsibility of helping the project run smoothly by: liaising with the project hosts, helping to organise the social programme and domestic rotas and looking after the food and social budgets. Group co-ordinators do not pay a registration fee and travel expenses within the UK are reimbursed following the project. Food and accommodation is provided free of charge. Group co-ordinators should be aged 20+ and have experience of volunteering abroad or related volunteer experience. Volunteers from abroad wishing to co-ordinate in the UK must have experience of co-ordinating in their own country and be recommended by a partner organisation. Concordia runs a training event for co-ordinators at Easter each year. All new co-ordinators are encouraged to attend this training event. Further information on co-ordinating is available from the UK Volunteer Programme Co-ordinator at Concordia or from the website . How the project details are presented in the programme The main details of the project appear in the information bar heading each project description. A brief description of the work, accommodation, project location and special requirements is also given for each project. Applicants should consider all the information carefully before applying. Project code Project name Dates Work Type No Vols CONCUK 01 PEAK NATIONAL PARK 25.04 – 09.05 ENVI 09 Work Type - Abbreviations ARTS Cultural/Arts Work DISA Working with mentally or physically disabled ELD working with older/elderly people ENVI Environmental FEST Festival KIDS Working with children MANU Manual RENO Renovation/construction YOUTH Working with teenagers The Richard O’Brien Bursary Scheme (ROBBS) In 2001 Concordia set up its North South programme sending volunteers to countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. However due to financial and immigration constraints for young people in these countries many are unable to come to the UK. Therefore, in 2002 a bursary scheme was created to enable young volunteers from the South to participate in projects in the UK. The scheme, named after a former Concordia president; Richard O’Brien, provides grants of up to £2000 to support successful candidates; young people who are either active volunteers or staff members within their organisations. The funding from this scheme, provided by Concordia, is also open to other UK international voluntary organisations; UNA Exchange, International Voluntary Service (IVS) and Voluntary Action for Peace UK (VAPUK). Each organisation is entitled to apply for grants of up to £2,000. While the participant is in the UK they enjoy a structured programme which includes taking part in a UK project, helping out at the North South preparation weekend and visiting our colleagues at UNA Exchange, IVS and VAPUK. We also ensure they have the opportunity to do some sight seeing and visit some cultural landmarks. This opportunity is especially important as we get to share our working practices with their sending organisation which in turn strengthens our relationship with our Southern partner. In 2007 Concordia hosted 2 volunteers through the ROBBS scheme, Lucy Chocce from Vive Mexico - Peru and Ivan Mpagi from Uganda Pioneers Association. Lucy Chocce ROBBS Volunteer from Peru “What I liked the most is the seeing the work made by the volunteers and that the people from the local community really appreciated it and thanked them for it. In my country the local people see volunteers as a source of money most of the time”. Lucy Chocce (Peru Long Term Volunteer Programme 2008 LTV Positions at a Glance Code Name Location Start Date Type Vols CONCUKLTV01 VOLCARE 1 Kent May DIS/ELD 1 CONCUKLTV02 VOLCARE 2 Kent July DIS/ELD 1 CONCUKLTV03 VOLCARE 3 Kent September DIS/ELD 1 CONCUKLTV04 VOLCARE 4 Kent January 09 DIS/ELD 1 Long Term Volunteer Programme 2008 If you have a volunteer who wishes to apply for an LTV position please contact Concordia for an information pack and application form. ***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NE These positions are for 8-12 months. Priority will be given to volunteers who can participate for 12 months. CONCUKLTV01 VOLCARE 1 MAY+ DIS/ELD 1 CONCUKLTV02 VOLCARE 2 JULY+ DIS/ELD 1 CONCUKLTV03 VOLCARE 3 SEPTEMBER+ DIS/ELD 1 CONCUKLTV04 VOLCARE 4 JANUARY 09+ DIS/ELD 1 Volcare is a small registered charity in South East Kent providing home based respite care to Carers of elderly and/or disabled dependents and parent/carers with children with special needs. Work: Volunteers will help by: getting to know the Carer and cared for person and the daily routine and personal care needed by each individual family. Volunteers will then take over the Carer’s role for occasional periods of time ranging from one day to one week. Companionship is a very important part of the role. Working with parent/carers and their children is often on a shared care basis. Volcare help Carers caring for people with: Parkinsons Disease, Alzheimers, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Head Injury, Learning Disability, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and many more conditions. Accommodation: Volunteers will either stay in a house where there are 4 volunteers or a flat where there are two volunteers and all facilities are provided. There is a telephone with incoming calls which accepts international cards. Volcare will provide volunteers with a food, pocket money and travel allowance. Location: The placements are in two locations in Kent. One is Dover and the other is Canterbury. Terminal: Dover or London Airports Special requirements: Excellent communication skills and an interest in people absolutely essential. This will ideally suit someone wanting a career in Social work, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy etc. Volcare provides all of the support and training. This is a great opportunity for the right volunteer. This project is only open to female volunteers. A certificate of good conduct and 2 references are needed. Application procedure: Volunteers who are interested in this position need to request an info pack. Volunteers apply via the application form included in the pack by the deadline stated for each post. Medium Term Volunteer Programme 2008 MTV positions at a Glance Code Name Location Start Date End Date Type Vols CONCUKMTV01 CONCORDIAUK East Sussex March August OFFICE 1 CONCUKMTV02 YMCA Fairthorne Manor Hampshire March September KIDS/ENV/ FEST 1 CONCUKMTV03 ISLE OF WIGHT KIDS Isle of Wight March September KIDS 2 Medium Term Volunteer Programme 2008 If you have a volunteer who wishes to apply for an MTV position please contact Concordia for an information pack and application form. CONCUKMTV01 CONCORDIAUK MARCH – AUGUST OFFICE Concordia are looking for a medium term volunteer to help out in the office over the busy 5 month period from March to August 2008 (exact dates to be confirmed on successful application). The volunteer would be based at the Concordia office working along side three full time members of staff. The volunteer would work from 9-5 Monday to Friday during the quieter periods. However, during the busy period (May/June) it may occasionally involve working longer hours or the odd weekend. Time will be given off in lieu if this is the case. The work: will vary depending on the time of season but will focus mainly on preparation of the international programme, dealing with telephone enquiries, dealing with general enquiries (letter and email), dealing with incoming and outgoing placements - contacting partner organisations and volunteers by e-mail, fax, phone and letter, helping out with co-ordinator training and volunteer preparation weekends, general administrative work. We also ask that the volunteer co-ordinates a UK project towards the end of the programme. Accommodation: On arrival the volunteer will stay in a youth hostel until something permanent can be arranged. The volunteer will be able to specify if they would like to live with other people or alone. Location: The Concordia office is situated in Portslade, East Sussex only a few kilometres from the lively tourist resort and student town of Brighton Terminal: London Airports Special Requirements: the volunteer must speak fluent English and be willing to speak English on the telephone. They must be computer literate and have at least basic administration skills. ***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NE CONCUKMTV02 YMCA FAIRTHORNE MANOR MARCH-SEPTEMBER KIDS/ENV/FEST The YMCA Fairthorne Manor is set in 111 acres of parkland and woodland on the banks of the Hamble River. The YMCA is dedicated to developing young people physically, mentally and spiritually and at the Fairthorne Manor activities range from abseiling and canoeing to art and craft. Concordia have worked with the YMCA Fairthorne Manor for the last 3 years and run 4 projects a year at the Manor; a spring environmental project, a Young Carers Festival for 10-16 year olds who need a break from caring for a disabled relative at home and 2 playschemes. We place over 50 volunteers with this host every year; more than any other host. Work: Each of these projects needs a co-ordinator and the time in between projects the YMCA need an extra pair of hands to help their GAP volunteers with school groups. This position is largely co-ordinating the 4 Concordia projects which involves, attending the Concordia training weekend, living at the YMCA, welcoming the group of international volunteers on arrival at the Manor, ensuring the projects run smoothly, managing the social budget and organising social activities, and most importantly representing Concordia and maintaining a professional and positive attitude. Accommodation: The volunteers will sleep in twin rooms at Fairthorne Manor. There are shared toilets and showers. Fairthorne Manor will also provide meals. Other groups of volunteers and staff may also be using the accommodation. The volunteer will not get a private room and may sleep in different rooms while different projects are running. The festival project will involve sleeping in tents. Location: Fairthorne Manor is located in a village called Curdridge which is near the city of Southampton on the south coast of England. It is about a 15 minute walk from Fairthorne Manor into the village where there are pubs and shops. The nearest train station is Botley train station which is about half an hour’s journey into Southampton. Terminal: London Airports and Botley train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: The volunteer must have co-ordinated at least one project in their home country and be recommended by their sending organisation. They must have a keen interest in working with children and they must be prepared to work with children that may have very challenging behaviour. They must speak English fluently and be motivated to work with young people. Alcohol is not permitted on site and there is a designated smoking area. A Certificate of Good Conduct or CRB check is required along with 2 references. ***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NEW POSITION***NE CONCUKMTV03 ISLE OF WIGHT KIDS MARCH-SEPTEMBER KIDS 2 VOLS 3 years ago the YMCA bought Winchester House on the Isle of Wight and now uses it to host both residential and daytime children’s activities. The YMCA is the largest youth welfare charity in the UK and is dedicated to developing young people physically, mentally and spiritually. Winchester House’s busy season is between March and September and they need a couple of volunteers to assist them at this busy time. Work: This is mainly an indoor playwork post. Volunteers will help with activities with the children aged 5-14 years. The majority of the activities are art and craft based and volunteers with ideas of activities that they want to run with the children are welcomed. The YMCA Isle of Wight has a small team of permanent staff so the volunteers may be required to help with the daily living chores as well, for example changing beds or helping in the kitchen when it is busy. There will also be opportunities to work at different locations on the island. The YMCA Isle of Wight will also host 2 international volunteer projects where volunteers will help support their summer Daycamps. The MTVs will be invited to the Concordia co-ordinator training weekend and will be asked to co-ordinate the international volunteers when they come to support the playscheme. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in beds at Winchester House. They do not need to bring sleeping bags as all bed linen is provided. Food will be provided in the canteen and there are toilet and shower facilities. Please note that it is unlikely they will have the same room for the entire project and will definitely share with at least one other person. Location: Winchester House is set in large grounds on the cliff top overlooking Sandown Bay and immediately above the long sandy beach. It is in the southeast coast of the Isle of Wight. Terminal: London Airports Special requirements: The volunteers must have a keen interest in working with children and they must be prepared to work occasionally with children that may have challenging behaviour. They must speak English fluently and be motivated to work with young people. Alcohol is not permitted on site and the site is non-smoking. A Certificate of Good Conduct or CRB check is required along with 2 references. Short Term Programme 2008 Winter and Spring UK Projects at a Glance Code Name Location Start Date End Date Type Vols Co-ords CONCUK01 Vine House Farm Lincolnshire 16.02 01.03 ENV 5 YES CONCUK02 Fairthorne Wood Hampshire 05.04 19.04 ENV 12 MTV CONCUK05 Island Kids Isle of Wight 05.04 19.04 KIDS 4 MTV CONCUK03 Beaudesert Park Staffordshire 18.04 02.05 ENV 8 YES 2008 Summer UK Projects at a Glance Code Name Location Start Date End Date Type Vols Co-ords CONCUK04 Peak Park (Marsh Farm) Derbyshire 19.05 02.06 ENV 8 YES CONCUK06 One World Scotland Scotland 21.05 02.06 FEST 8 YES CONCUK07 Beach Dreams East Sussex 27.05 09.06 FEST/KIDS 12 YES CONCUK08 Castle Morpeth Northumberland 13.06 28.06 ENV 8 YES CONCUK09 Fairthorne Young Carers Hampshire 21.06 08.07 FEST/KIDS 12 MTV CONCUK10 Oak Grove College West Sussex 28.06 12.07 ENV 8 YES CONCUK11 Stanmer Organics East Sussex 30.06 14.07 ENV 8 YES CONCUK12 Oxford Mencap 1 Oxfordshire 11.07 26.07 DIS 6 NO CONCUK13 Mablethorpe 1 Lincolnshire 12.07 04.08 KIDS 6 NO CONCUK14 Arboretum Staffordshire 12.07 26.07 ENV 8 YES CONCUK15 Fairplay 1 Hampshire 26.07 16.08 KIDS 15 MTV CONCUK16 Island Kids 2 Isle of Wight 26.07 16.08 KIDS 6 MTV CONCUK17 One World Summer Kent 01.08 11.08 FEST 25 YES CONCUK18 Peak Park 2 (Brunts Barn) Derbyshire 04.08 18.08 ENV 9 YES CONCUK19 Oxford Mencap 2 Oxfordshire 09.08 16.08 DIS 4 NO CONCUK20 Mablethorpe 2 Lincolnshire 04.08 25.08 KIDS 6 NO CONCUK21 Adventurecus East Sussex 09.08 27.08 KIDS 20 YES CONCUK22 NIPPERS East Sussex 15.08 30.08 KIDS 8 YES CONCUK23 Fairplay 2 Hampshire 16.08 30.08 KIDS 15 MTV CONCUK24 Island Kids 3 Isle of Wight 16.08 02.09 KIDS 6 MTV CONCUK25 North York Moors Yorkshire 06.09 20.09 ENV 10 YES 2008 Autumn UK Projects at a Glance Code Name Location Start Date End Date Type Vols Co-ords CONCUK26 Return to Pestalozzi East Sussex 06.10 20.10 ENV 8 YES CONCUK27 Vine House Farm 2 Lincolnshire 18.10 01.11 ENV 5 YES CONCUK28 Hairy Caterpillars Yorkshire TBC TBC ENV 9 YES Project Details 2008 Winter ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PRO CONCUK01 VINE HOUSE FARM 16.02 – 01.03 ENV 5 VOLS Vine House Farm is an arable farm situated in the Lincolnshire Fens about 90 miles north of London. The owner Nicholas Watts is a keen conservationist and has won many national awards for conservation. Nicholas Watts started recording the breeding birds on his farm in 1982, by 1992 he realised that the numbers off breeding birds was disappearing. Ever since he realised this he has been planting hedges and digging ponds to try and bring back the wildlife. These ponds and hedges now need some maintenance and that will be the job of the volunteers. Work will consist of planting trees, chopping bushes down, clearing islands of vegetation, thinning woods and general maintenance work to improve habitats on Vine House Farm as well as one or two neighbouring farms. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in beds in a three bedroom house on the farm with central heating. There is a kitchen with washing machine and bathroom. Volunteers will need to bring a sleeping bag. Location Vine House Farm is in the village of Deeping St Nicholas. Good shopping facilities are located in Spalding or Market Deeping, both 5 miles away. Terminal. There is a frequent train service from Kings Cross in London to Peterborough or 4 buses a day from Victoria bus station in London to Peterborough. Special requirements: Volunteers must be prepared to work outside in the English winter when the weather will be cold and wet and will need to wear Wellington boots. This project will be physically demanding. Website: Spring CONCUK02 FAIRTHORNE WOOD 05.04 – 19.04 ENV 12 VOLS Following the success of previous projects the YMCA Fairthorne Manor has invited another group of international volunteers to undertake environmental work on their grounds and assist with the Forest School Project. Work: International volunteers will clear an area of woodland which has been neglected over recent years, finish building paths and boardwalks and help build handrails to allow disabled children to access the woodland. Volunteers may also assist with the care of the animals at the small farm Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in twin rooms at Fairthorne Manor. There are shared toilets and showers. Fairthorne Manor will also provide meals. Other groups of volunteers and staff may also be using the accommodation. Location: Fairthorne Manor is located in a village called Curdridge which is near the city of Southampton on the south coast of England. It is about a 15 minute walk from Fairthorne Manor into the village where there are pubs and shops. The nearest train station is Botley which is about half an hour’s journey into Southampton. Terminal: London Airports and Botley train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Although this project is not a children’s project it is based at a children’s playscheme therefore anyone working at the site needs to have a Certificate of Good Conduct which must be sent to Concordia at least three weeks before the project takes place. 2 references are also required. Alcohol is not permitted on site and there is a designated smoking area. ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NE CONCUK03 BEAUDESERT PARK 18.04 – 02.05 ENV 8 VOLS Beaudesert Park is a 120 acre camping, recreational, educational and residential centre for young people. In the summer Scout and Guide groups alongside schools and community groups use the park’s outdoor activity facilities such as high and low ropes, tree climbing, rafting and archery. Beaudesert Park is also committed to conservation and need volunteers outside their busy summer period to assist them in managing and maintaining their grounds, this year for the first time Concordia volunteers are invited to help them with this. Work: Volunteers will help to create a nature trail which was started some years ago and has not been finished. The work is likely to involve digging and clearing the path and putting down chips. It is hoped the trail will be ready for young people to use in the summer. Accommodation: Volunteers will live at Beaudesert Park in a small hut which has 2 platforms for beds and a kitchen area. There is a toilet and washbasin in the hut and showers in a separate hut a short walk away. It will not be possible for males and females to sleep in separate rooms. Volunteers will need to bring sleeping bags but mattresses are provided. Location: Beaudesert Park is located in Cannock Wood near Cannock Chase an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the Midlands. Terminal: Birmingham, Manchester or London Airports, Lichfield City Train Station. Special requirements: Volunteers need to be prepared to work outside in both good. ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJE CONCUK05 ISLAND KIDS 1 05.04 – 19.04 KIDS 4 VOLS 3 years ago the YMCA bought Winchester House on the Isle of Wight and now use it to host both residential and daytime children’s activities. The YMCA is the largest youth welfare charity in the UK and is dedicated to developing young people physically, mentally and spiritually. This summer Concordia volunteers have been invited to support the summer Daycamps for children aged 5-14 years. Work: International volunteers work with group leaders and activity leaders to support childrens’ Daycamps which is based both indoors and outdoors. The Daycamps are mainly focussed on creative art, craft, music and performance but each week has a theme. Last year’s themes were: media week, art and craft week, drama week, pirate week, music week and the great outdoors. This year’s themes are likely to be similar. Volunteers will work to help support these Daycamps which last year hosted 20-30 children. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in beds at Winchester House they do not need to bring sleeping bags as all bed linen is provided. Food will be provided in the canteen and there are toilet and shower facilities. Location: Winchester House is set in large grounds on the cliff top overlooking Sandown Bay and immediately above the long sandy beach. It is in the southeast coast of the Isle of Wight. Terminal: London Airports and Ryde Pier Point for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Volunteers must have a keen interest in working with children and they must be prepared to work with children that may have challenging behaviour. They must speak English fluently and be motivated to work with young people. Alcohol is not permitted on site and the site is a no smoking area. A Certificate of Good Conduct must be sent to Concordia at least three weeks before the project takes place. Volunteers will also need to provide 2 references. Volunteers who bring ideas for activities to run with the children are particularly welcome. Summer CONCUK04 PEAK PARK 1 MARSH FARM 19.05-02.06 ENV 9 VOLS This project is hosted by the Peak National Park Authority our longest running environmental project. It involves conservation work in one of the biggest national parks in the UK. The project will take place at Marsh Farm near Leek. Work: International volunteers will work alongside rangers and local volunteers helping with seasonal conservation tasks in the National Park. The will be a variety of tasks to undertake, which are likely to include building handrails, footpath construction and habitat management. There may also be an opportunity to learn drystone walling - a traditional practice that has been used for centuries. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep on the floor of the residential volunteer accommodation at Marsh Farm. Sleeping bags are required but mattresses are provided. The barn has basic cooking, toilet and washing facilities. Location: Marsh Farm is situated in the village of Meerbrook in the south of the Peak National Park. The nearest city is Stoke on Trent and the nearest town is Leek. Terminal: Manchester Airport or East Midlands Airport. CONCUK06 ONE WORLD SCOTLAND 21.05 – 02.06 FEST 8 VOLS Following the success of the One World Summer Festival projects Concordia is teaming up again with the One World team to support their early summer festival in Scotland. The One World Camp is a week-long festival from 24th – 31st May focusing on workshops and lectures on a range of therapies, natural movement and dance forms, exercise for physical and spiritual development, holistic health, arts, crafts and sports, as well as specialist areas such as natural cookery. Work: The international volunteers will make up a team of volunteers helping set up and run the festival. They will be assisting with workshops, supervising children, stewarding, assisting with security and also TAKING DOWN THE FESTIVAL at the end of the project. Volunteers will work IN GROUPS OF 2 for around 6 hours a day. During free time volunteers will be able to take part in workshops or activities of their choice or simply enjoy the beautiful countryside. Accommodation: In tents on site, with toilet and shower facilities provided. Volunteers must bring WARM sleeping bags, blankets and roll mats. IT WILL BE VERY COLD CAMPING IN SCOTLAND IN MAY!!! Three healthy meals a day will be provided which will be mostly organic vegetarian, vegan or macrobiotic. Please note there will be no meat, fish or dairy in the food available. Location: The festival is based in the grounds of Penninghame House on the river Cree and is set in 90 acres of mature gardens with century old trees. This project is based in Scotland approximately 60 miles north of the English border and 50 miles from Prestwick (Glasgow) airport. Special requirements: Volunteers must be motivated to work hard to make the festival a success, be enthusiastic and have some understanding of macrobiotics. A certificate of good conduct and a motivation letter is required. The festival is in a remote location and it will not be possible for the group to go on excursions. CONCUK07 BEACH DREAMS 27.05 – 09.06 FEST/KIDS 12 VOLS This will be the fourth year that the Beach Dreams festival organisers have invited Concordia volunteers to assist with their annual event. The festival, which is part of the larger Adur summer festival, runs for two days at the end of the project. Volunteers are invited to help prepare for the event for the 2 weeks before the festival itself. This year’s theme is ‘Folklore’ and will involve storytelling from around the world, ancient fables and legends. Work: Volunteers will assist with the preparation, which will include making of art structures for the processions and performances during the festival and will be helping to decorate the festival in general. There will also be opportunities to assist with dance and drama performances. Volunteers will be required to assist with the running of the café which is open every day, and to help out with workshops with the local community and young people that will run before the main festival weekend. There may also be opportunities to assist young people with special needs to enjoy the activities. Volunteers will also be required to help pack away once the festival is over. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in a large communal tent at the actual festival site. It will not be possible to provide separate areas for male and females. There are public toilets a short walk from the project site and volunteers will be allocated a family whose homes they will go to to shower. Volunteers need roll mats and WARM sleeping bags as they will be sleeping in a field on the floor. It is very important to bring wet weather clothing as volunteers will be outside for the entire festival and the British weather is unpredictable. Location: Beach dreams festival site is a ten minute walk from Shoreham-by-Sea train station. Shoreham-by-Sea is located on the south east coast about an hour from London and half an hour from Brighton. The festival site is very close to the beach. Terminal: London Airports and Shoreham-by-Sea train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Volunteers must have a keen interest in and preferably experience in arts/drama and music. Any volunteers who wish to gain experience in the organisational work in the office are also welcome. They must be motivated to work with young people. A Certificate of Good Conduct must be sent to Concordia at least three weeks before the project takes place. Please note this festival is held in a town and events run in buildings in the town. It is not a large music festival. CONCUK08 CASTLE MORPETH 13.06 – 28.06 ENV 8 VOLS For the fifth year running, Concordia are able to offer volunteer places on this environmental project, which runs in co-operation with Morpeth’s countryside ranger service in Northumberland. The ranger service is looking forward to working alongside international volunteers on a variety of seasonal conservation tasks. Work: Volunteers will take part in a number of conservation tasks which may include repairing steps, footpath clearing, alien plant species removal and possible work on the sand dunes. They will also help the rangers run an event for the public about biodiversity. Accommodation: The accommodation is very luxurious it will be at Longhirst hall, a well equipped residential centre which has a sauna! The project is self-catering, but cooking will be a joint activity amongst participants. Excellent facilities are provided at both accommodations. Bedding and towels are provided. Location: Morpeth is a market town situated in mid Northumberland in the very north of England. The river Wansbeck flows through the centre of town which is home to the beautiful Carlisle Park, shops and leisure centre and bagpipe museum! The nearest city is Newcastle which is about 20 minutes away by train. Terminal: London Airports, Newcastle or Manchester Airport with train or bus connections to Morpeth for arrivals and departures. Morpeth train station is served from Edinburgh or Newcastle. There is also a good bus station in Morpeth town centre with National Express connections to London, Edinburgh and Manchester. Booking in advance significantly reduces ticket prices. CONCUK09 FAIRTHORNE YOUNG CARERS’ 21.06 – 08.07 MANU/KIDS 12 VOLS One project, two festivals! The YMCA is the largest youth welfare charity in the UK and one of the biggest Christian charities in the world. The YMCA is dedicated to developing young people physically, mentally and spiritually. Aside from the summer playscheme the YMCA Fairthorne Manor holds a festival for young carers’. This is an opportunity for 10-16 year olds who care for a disabled relative to have a break and enjoy a few days at the festival. Work: International volunteers will assist in the setting up and running of the 3 day event. Tasks will include erecting big army tents, putting up signs, stewarding, cleaning toilets and security. Once the children have left their will be a second small event for the adults called the “Spirit of the South” which the volunteers are invited to join. There will also be the opportunity to assist children in outdoor activities such as abseiling and the climbing wall. Accommodation: Camping at the festival. This is an outdoor event volunteers must be prepared for unpredictable weather. Shower facilities are indoors. Location: Fairthorne Manor is located in a village called Curdridge which is near the city of Southampton on the south coast of England. It is about a 15 minute walk from Fairthorne Manor into the village where there are pubs and shops. The nearest train station is Botley which is about half an hour’s journey into Southampton. Terminal: London Airports and Botley train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: This project is physically demanding please be prepared to work hard at this incredibly worthwhile project. A Certificate of Good Conduct and 2 references are also required. Alcohol is not permitted on site (except during the second festival) and there is a designated smoking area. CONCUK10 OAK GROVE COLLEGE 28.06 – 12.07 ENV 8 VOLS Oak Grove College is a recently built special school for children aged 11 - 18 years with a wide range of disabilities from severe learning difficulties to behavioural problems to physical disabilities. For the last two years international volunteers have been invited to help create a beautiful environment for the children and this year Oak Grove College would like to continue this work. Work: International volunteers will work alongside pupils with special needs on horticulture, hard landscaping and creative tasks. They will be able to help build a wheelchair access path, work alongside children making outdoor sculptures and build a statue. Accommodation: The accommodation is basic but adequate; volunteers will sleep on the floor of a room in a church hall, there is a fully equipped kitchen and toilets but showers will have to be taken at the school. The church is within walking distance of the school. Location: Oak Grove College is located in Durrington-On-Sea near Worthing on the south east coast. Durrington-On-Sea is approximately 1 ½ hours from London and 30 minutes from Brighton Terminal: London Airports and Durrington-On-Sea train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Volunteers must have a good level of English and an interest in working alongside children with special needs. A Certificate of Good Conduct must be sent to Concordia at least three weeks before the project takes place. At times this project can be physically demanding and the volunteers need to be prepared to work outside in all weathers. ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJE CONCUK11 STANMER ORGANICS 30.06- 14.07 ENV 8 VOLS Stanmer Organics is a co-operative of individuals and groups based at an 8 hectare site at Stanmer Park, Brighton. They are committed to using the land for organic food production which is sold locally with the aim of reducing road travel and air pollution and being sustainable. They are also committed to environmental art, finding new crops and food production techniques which are less damaging to the environment and educating local people and schools about sustainability through school visits and open days. There will be an open day at the end of the project and Concordia and Volunteer Action for Peace volunteers are invited to come to Stanmer Organics and help prepare the site for the open day. Work: The work is likely to involve preparing the allotments, weeding and planting herbs and vegetables, working in the orchard, possible hay making and tidying the art and relaxation areas ready for the public. Accommodation: The volunteers will be camping in tents a short walk from the project site. WARM SLEEPING BAGS AND ROLL MATS ARE ESSENTIAL Location: Stanmer Park is located on the edge of the South Downs in East Sussex near Brighton. The site is in a remote area around ½ hour walk from the nearest shop or train station. Terminal: London Airports and Falmer train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Volunteers will be living outside for the duration of the project please be prepared to camp and work in both good and bad weather. The site is fairly remote so please bring ideas for games and activities to do in the evenings. CONCUK12 OXFORD MENCAP 1 11.07 – 26.07 DIS 6 VOLS Deadline for applications –1st June CONCUK19 OXFORD MENCAP 2 09.08 – 16.08 DIS 4 VOLS Deadline for applications – 1st July Each year Oxford Mencap organises holidays for adults and young people with learning disabilities. Around 14–20 campers attend each week with a similar number of volunteers. Work: International volunteers will work alongside UK staff and volunteers supporting those on the holidays. This includes helping them with every day activities such as getting up and washing as well as helping them to get the most out of the activities and excursions. Each volunteer is usually allocated to one camper for the day or week and each week the people attending will change. The camp is packed with outings and activities including sports, games and entertainment. Volunteers also help run other aspects of camp such as cooking, and cleaning as many of the guests attending will not need full time support. Every evening there is an opportunity to talk about experiences in the day and prepare for the next day. Many of the guests at this project have been enjoying these holidays for several years and are likely to show the volunteers what to do!! Accommodation: Volunteers will live at the project site in dormitory rooms. Volunteers and disabled campers will all sleep in the same room. Volunteers will need to bring sleeping bags. Location: This project is based in the glorious Oxfordshire countryside Terminal: Oxford train station Special requirements: The majority of the guests on this holiday are reasonably independent and they are all great fun to be around. This project is ideal for someone who is interested in working with people with learning disabilities and has a genuine interest in helping someone to get the most of a holiday. It can involve long hours and a great deal of energy - and sometimes patience. There is a huge emphasis on teamwork as everyone must share in creating a memorable holiday for the guests. Previous experience is not necessary but a willingness to learn is. A letter of motivation and a certificate of good conduct are required. A good level of English is essential. APPLICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT MUST REACH CONCORDIA BY THE DEADLINE SHOWN. CONCUK13 MABLETHORPE 1 12.07 – 04.08 KIDS 6 VOLS CONCUK20 MABLETHORPE 2 04.08 – 25.08 KIDS 6 VOLS This project offers volunteers the opportunity to join the longstanding success of the Leicester Children’s Holiday Centre schemes for underprivileged children. Each year the centre enables up to 500 children aged 7-11 years from inner city areas to one week enjoying an activity filled summer holiday by the sea. Work: The international volunteers will support the work of the paid staff at the centre. Work will involve supervising a set programme of indoor and outdoor activities such as sports, games and crafts and generally helping the children enjoy their summer holiday. Volunteers must be prepared to join in the activities that the children enjoy and do not get the opportunity to do at home- such as shopping, beach games, team building activities. This project involves long hours and hard work but it is very rewarding. Accommodation: In shared rooms with either beds or mattresses on the floor. All bed linen provided up to 3 volunteers sharing a room. All facilities provided. Meals will be taken with the children and provided by catering staff. Alcohol drugs and smoking are strictly forbidden on the premises, although an outside area is provided for smoking. Location: The centre is situated in the sand hills of Mablethorpe, a small typical North Eastern seaside town on the Lincolnshire coast complete with fun fairs, souvenir shops and amusement arcades. Mablethorpe is quite isolated with limited transport and no rail connection; so volunteers must enjoy seaside life. Terminal: London airports. Mablethorpe bus station Special Requirements: Volunteers must speak English fluently and be very motivated to work with children. Volunteers should also be physically fit and able to swim. A Certificate of Good Conduct must be sent to Concordia at least 3 weeks before the project takes place. ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJE CONCUK14 ARBORETUM 12.07 – 26.07 ENV/MANU 8 VOLS The National Memorial Arboretum is a 150 acre site that is dedicated to remembering those who have died in conflicts. The site comprises of many statues which are surrounded by trees. At the moment the Arboretum is in its infancy and the trees are very young. In both 2007 and spring 2008 several fields at the Arboretum flooded in the heavy rains and many of the young trees died. Concordia volunteers are invited to help with some of the environmental and manual work work needed on this massive site since the floods last summer. Work:. Volunteers will undertake a variety of environmental tasks to help the Arboretum recover from the floods and work to prevent flooding again in the future. Tasks are likely to include digging trenches, planting trees, erecting fences and handrails. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in beds a local boarding school, bed linen is provided. Kitchen and shower facilities are provided. Location: The National Memorial Arboretum is situated in The Midlands between Tamworth and Litchfield. Special requirements: This work will be physically demanding and volunteers must be prepared to work outside in good and bad weather. Website: CONCUK15 FAIRTHORNE PLAYSCHEME 1 26.07 – 16.08 KIDS 15 VOLS CONCUK23 FAIRTHORNE PLAYSCHEME 2 16.08 – 30.08 KIDS 15 VOLS Following the success of previous projects the YMCA Fairthorne Manor invites Concordia volunteers to assist again with this year’s playscheme. The YMCA is the largest youth welfare charity in the UK and one of the biggest Christian charities in the world. The YMCA is dedicated to developing young people physically, mentally and spiritually. The YMCA Fairthorne Manor invites Concordia volunteers to support their summer holiday playscheme. Work: International volunteers work with group leaders and activity leaders to support a children’s playscheme which includes outdoor activities such as abseiling, canoeing, climbing ropes and climbing wall. There may be opportunities to provide one to one support for children with special needs (usually with behavioural problems) within the regular playscheme. There are usually around 12 children in each group. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in twin rooms at Fairthorne Manor. There are shared toilets and showers. Fairthorne Manor will also provide meals. Other groups of volunteers and staff may also be using the accommodation. Location: Fairthorne Manor is located in a village called Curdridge which is near the city of Southampton on the south coast of England. It is about a 15 minute walk from Fairthorne Manor into the village where there are pubs and shops. The nearest train station is Botley train station which is about half an hour’s journey into Southampton. Terminal: London Airports and Botley train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Volunteers must have a keen interest in working with children and they must be prepared to work with children that may have challenging behaviour. They must speak English fluently and be motivated to work with young people. Alcohol is not permitted on site and there is a designated smoking area. A Certificate of Good Conduct must be sent to Concordia at least three weeks before the project takes place. Volunteers will also need to provide 2 references. ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJE CONCUK16 ISLAND KIDS 2 26.07 – 16.08 KIDS 6 VOLS CONCUK24 ISLAND KIDS 3 16.08 – 02.09 KIDS 6 VOLS 3 years ago the YMCA bought Winchester House on the Isle of Wight and now use it to host both residential and daytime children’s activities. The YMCA is the largest youth welfare charity in the UK and is dedicated to developing young people physically, mentally and spiritually. This summer Concordia volunteers have been invited to support the summer Daycamps for children aged 5-14 years. Work: International volunteers work with group leaders and activity leaders to support childrens’ Daycamps which is based both indoors and outdoors. The Daycamps are mainly focussed on creative art, craft, music and performance but each week has a theme. Last year’s themes were: media week, art and craft week, drama week, pirate week, music week and the great outdoors. This year’s themes are likely to be similar. Volunteers will work to help support these Daycamps which last year hosted 20-30 children. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in beds at Winchester House they do not need to bring sleeping bags as all bed linen is provided. Food will be provided in the canteen and there are toilet and shower facilities. Location: Winchester House is set in large grounds on the cliff top overlooking Sandown Bay and immediately above the long sandy beach. It is in the southeast coast of the Isle of Wight. Terminal: London Airports and Ryde Pier Point ferry terminal for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Volunteers must have a keen interest in working with children and they must be prepared to work with children that may have challenging behaviour. They must speak English fluently and be motivated to work with young people. Alcohol is not permitted on site and the site is a no smoking area. A Certificate of Good Conduct must be sent to Concordia at least three weeks before the project takes place. Volunteers will also need to provide 2 references. Volunteers who bring ideas for activities to run with the children are particularly welcome. CONCUK17 ONE WORLD SUMMER 01.08 – 11.08 FEST 25 VOLS One World Camp is a week-long summer festival from the 04.08 – 10.08 focusing on workshops and lectures on a range of therapies, natural movement and dance forms, exercise for physical and spiritual development, holistic health, arts, crafts and sports, as well as specialist areas such as natural cookery. Around 850 people are expected to take part in the festival. Work: The international volunteers will make up a team of 100 volunteers helping set up and run the festival. They will be assisting with workshops, supervising children, stewarding, assisting with security and also TAKING DOWN THE FESTIVAL at the end of the project. Volunteers will work for around 6 hours a day and will work in pairs or small groups at different times of the day depending on the work requirements. During free time volunteers will be able to take part in workshops or activities of their choice or simply enjoy the beautiful countryside. Accommodation: In tents on site, with toilet and shower facilities provided. Volunteers must bring sleeping bags and roll mats. Three healthy meals a day will be provided which will be mostly organic vegetarian, vegan or macrobiotic. Please note there will be no meat, fish or dairy in the food available. Location: The festival is based in the grounds of Sevenoaks School in Kent. Sevenoaks is about an hour from London. Special requirements: Volunteers must be motivated to work hard to make the festival a success, be enthusiastic and have some understanding of macrobiotics. A certificate of good conduct and a motivation letter is required. If interested please visit for further information. CONCUK18 PEAK PARK (BRUNTS BARN) 04.08 – 18.08 ENV 9 VOLS This project is hosted by the Peak National Park Authority and is our longest running environmental projects. It involves conservation work in one of the biggest national park in the UK. The project will take place at Brunts Barn in Grindleford. Work: International volunteers will work alongside rangers and local volunteers helping with seasonal conservation tasks in the National Park. The will be a variety of tasks to undertake, which are likely to include building handrails, footpath construction and habitat management. There may also be an opportunity to learn drystone walling - a traditional practice that has been used for centuries. Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in residential volunteer accommodation at Brunts Barn. Beds are provided at Brunts Barn. The barn has basic cooking, toilet and washing facilities. Sleeping bags are required. Location: Brunts Barn is situated in Grindleford in the east of the Park not far from the city of Sheffield. The Peak Park is recognised as an area of outstanding natural beauty. Terminal: Manchester Airport and Grindleford train station for arrivals and departures. ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJE CONCUK21 ADVENTURECUS 09.08 – 27.08 SPORT/KIDS 20 VOLS Last year Hurstpierpoint Tenants & Residents Association ran an 8 day sporting event called Adventurecus for children who live in a socially deprived area. The event was based at Hurstpierpoint College which is very privileged and has many excellent sports facilities. During Adventurecus the children had access to all of the facilities and professional sports coaches tutored them. Since then some of the children have been selected to train in children’s Olympic teams and the K2 climbing club. The event was such a success that it will take place again this year and will be bigger and better. Work: One of the biggest problems last year was a lack of supervision and this year Concordia International Volunteers have been invited to help with this. Each sports session lasts for 90minutes and involves 10 children and 1 tutor. Adventurecus need 2 volunteers to help supervise each session. The main task will be watching the kids during the sessions. Some sessions will be quite boring as there will not be much to do but other sessions the volunteers will be able to participate alongside the children. The sports activities include: rugby, football, rock climbing, tennis, canoeing, windsurfing and many many more. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep on the floor of a Scout hut. All facilities are provided and the group will cook and eat together. Location: Hurstpierpoint is a small village in the Southeast just north of Brighton and approximately 1 hour from London. It is surrounded by countryside and is a beautiful sleepy village hidden just north of the South Downs. Terminal: London Airports and Hassocks train station for arrivals and departures. Special requirements: Volunteers need a Certificate of Good Conduct which must be sent to Concordia at least three weeks before the project takes place. 2 references are also required. Alcohol is not permitted on site and there is a no smoking policy at the school. Volunteers with an interest in sport are particularly welcome and volunteers who can swim are given priority. Please note that some of the sessions will involve standing at the side of the pitch and watching the kids and there will not be a lot to do but the work will be on a rota so will change throughout the project. CONCUK22 NIPPERS 15.08 – 30.08 KIDS 8 VOLS After a well deserved rest Concordia are delighted that NIPPERS, our longest running children’s project is back and have invited Concordia volunteers to assist them with their summer playscheme. The playscheme is for children who do not have many opportunities in the summer holidays and for parents who need affordable/free child care during the summer holidays. Work Volunteers will help support the running of the playscheme for 4-14 year olds. There may also be the opportunity to work with children/young people with special needs who may be up to 18 years old. The playscheme usually runs for 4 hours a day but there may be children on site from 7am – 6pm and the volunteers are encouraged to play with these children. Also on 20th August it is National Play Day and NIPPERS will be holding a large free fun day for the community. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep on the floor of a local building which has toilets. Showers will be in a sports hut. They will need to bring sleeping bags and roll mats. The group will cook for themselves and make sandwiches to eat with the children at lunchtime. Location: Newhaven is a harbour town in the southeast of England. The project itself is in a fairly isolated location but it is near Brighton a vibrant seaside town which the group may decide to visit on their day off. Terminal: London Airports or Eurostar stations and Newhaven Town train station. Special requirements: Volunteers will need a Certificate of Good Conduct and 2 references. Please bring games/activities from your home country to do with the kids (Martial arts such as karate are not permitted). Please note the children are largely from socially deprived backgrounds and some of their behaviour can be quite challenging. CONCUK25 NORTH YORK MOORS 06.09 – 20.09 ENVI 10 VOLS Concordia first worked with the North York Moors National Park Authority in 2003 and since then the Volunteer and Ranger Services have invited international volunteers to work with them on a number of projects. This project will involve conservation work and the opportunity to work alongside local volunteers and the local community. Work: The work will involve a variety of environmental tasks at different locations within the North York Moors National Park, it is likely that there will be coastal work and work on the moorland. Working in different locations will give volunteers the opportunity to gain an understanding of the different environmental issues the park faces. There will also be an event to celebrate volunteering and international volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in this. Accommodation: This is yet to be confirmed but will involve staying at, at least two different locations one for the coastal project and one for the moorland project. Volunteers will need a sleeping bag and roll mat. Location: The North York Moors National Park is located on the East side of the northern county of Yorkshire. It consists of stunning moorland cut by deep valleys running to spectacular and unspoilt coastline on its eastern boundary. The nearest city is York famous for its impressive medieval walls and streets. Terminal: Northallerton Autumn CONCUK26 RETURN TO PESTALOZZI 06.10 – 20.10 ENV/REN 8 VOLS The Pestalozzi International Village sponsors young people aged 16+ from low-income families in Africa and Asia to study at the village. The Pestalozzi Estate covers 75 hectares of land and has many different wildlife habitats in it and has many different bird, animal and tree species. There is always important environmental and renovation work on the estate and international volunteers have been invited to help this worthwhile charity with this work. Work: Tasks are likely to include putting up fences, building paths, removing alien species, painting and decorating some of the buildings. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in student accommodation in shared rooms with bunk-beds. There is a communal area and a small kitchen in the accommodation where volunteers will prepare their breakfast, the main meals will be provided in the canteen with other visitors to the village. Smoking is permitted in designate outdoor smoking areas. Location: Pestalozzi is situated in East Sussex on an isolated hilly but beautiful site 8km inland from the coastal resort of Hastings. The site is surrounded by the scenic South Downs and the historic town of Battle is nearby. Terminal: London airports. Battle train station. CONCUK27 VINE HOUSE FARM 2 18.10 – 01.11 ENV 5 VOLS Vine House Farm is an arable farm situated in the Lincolnshire Fens about 90 miles north of London. The owner Nicholas Watts is a keen conservationist and has won many national awards for conservation. Nicholas Watts started recording the breeding birds on his farm in 1982, by 1992 he realised that the numbers off breeding birds was disappearing. Ever since he realised this he has been planting hedges and digging ponds to try and bring back the wildlife. These ponds and hedges now need some maintenance and that will be the job of the volunteers. Work will consist of planting trees, chopping bushes down, clearing islands of vegetation, thinning woods and general maintenance work to improve habitats on Vine House Farm as well as one or two neighbouring farms. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in beds in a three bedroom house on the farm with central heating. There is a kitchen with washing machine and bathroom. Volunteers will need to bring a sleeping bag. Location Vine House Farm is in the village of Deeping St Nicholas. Good shopping facilities are located in Spalding or Market Deeping, both 5 miles away. Terminal. There is a frequent train service from Kings Cross in London to Peterborough or 4 buses a day from Victoria bus station in London to Peterborough. Special requirements: Volunteers must be prepared to work outside in the English winter when the weather will be cold and wet and will need to wear Wellington boots. This project will be physically demanding. Website: ***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJECT***NEW PROJE CONCUK28 HAIRY CATERPILLARS DATES TBC ENV 9 VOLS Spurn Head has a problem – a hairy caterpillar problem! In the summer months the Brown Tailed Moth caterpillar (Euproctis chrysorrhoea) wakes up after sleeping through the winter and causes a lot of misery for the people who live in the area. This is because the caterpillar has fine hairs which are released into the air and cause skin irritation for people who are affected by it. Some people want to leave their homes the problem is so bad. The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have found an environmentally friendly way to reduce the numbers of these caterpillars but need a lot of people to do this and have invited Concordia volunteers to help them. Work: In the winter the caterpillars weave a tent around their bodies and go to sleep, they are not harmful when they are in their tents. Volunteers are asked to remove the tents from hedgerows using gardening tools so that they cause as little damage to the hedges as possible. The caterpillars are then collected and thrown on the fire. This is the most ethical way to solve the problem and means there is no need for poison or burning the hedges and the birds and animals that live in the hedges are not affected. Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in beds but they will need to bring WARM SLEEPING BAGS AS IT WILL BE VERY COLD. There are kitchen facilities, shower and toilet. Location: Spurn Head is a beautiful but very remote area 1 hour drive from Hull in the northeast of England. It is a three and a half mile peninsula, composed of sand and shingle, stretching out between the North Sea and the River Humber in a south-westerly direction. Terminal: Hull Train Station Special requirements: The caterpillars can cause a very nasty skin irritation which can itch and cause blisters, some people are sensitive to them and some people are not affected. The project is in a very remote but beautiful location so most evenings will be spent at the accommodation. WATCH THIS SPACE***WATCH THIS SPACE** PRIDE 2008 Following the success of last years Pride Festival Project we are delighted to be working with Brighton and Hove Pride again in 2008. We were unable to finalise the details of this project at the time of printing but we can tell you that this years project will be bigger and better that the massively successful 2007 project. Want to know more? THEN WATCH THIS SPACE!!! 1