ELIX - Conservation Volunteers Greece 15, Veranzerou street, 106 77 Athens - Greece website: www.elix.org.gr tel: 00302103825506 fax: 00302103814682 outgoing: Mina Ananiadou- m.ananiadou@elix.org.gr / volunteers@elix.org.gr incoming: Maria Filaou- m.filaou@elix.org.gr / incoming@elix.org.gr general email: elix@elix.org.gr Projects 2008 Catalogue mission ELIX -Conservation Volunteers Greece is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization promoting, since 1987, voluntary service and education. The main goal of ELIX is the personal development of individuals as citizens of the world, through active participation. Environmental protection, cultural heritage conservation, culture promotion and social service are the main thematic fields of ELIX's voluntary projects. aims ELIX aims in bringing together people from different cultural, social and ethnic backgrounds, willing to live, learn and work together as a team, through their participation in voluntary projects of enovironmental, cultural, social interest. ELIX projects promote intercultural exchanges and offer young people the opportunity to participate actively in the every day life of a hosting community. activities * ELIX organizes two or three weeks' workcamps mainly in the summer; participants learn traditional restoration craft and techniques, offer voluntary work to the hosting community, organise and participate in cultural and fun activities, share ideas and cultures. ELIX's work camps give to communities and small villages of Greece the opportunity to meet and host young people from all over the world and, with their contribution, to implement important projects for the local community. * ELIX organises training seminars for youth workers and campleaders and a lot of activities addressed to volunteers, throughout the year, such as weekend and one-day excursions, environmental, cultural and fun activities, regular volunteers' meetings. * Finally, ELIX realises at present two hosting projects within the frame of the European Voluntary Service of the Youth in Action Program and each year sends a large number of E.V.S. volunteers abroad. funds ELIX's funds come mainly from volunteers' participation fees, national and local bodies, such as the Greek General Secretariat for Youth, the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, physical planning and public works, private institutions or foundations, donations, the Youth in Action Program and other European projects (Leonardo da Vinci, etc.). since 1987, when ELIX - C.V.G. was founded, 253 workcamps were organized all over Greece 4.240 volunteers from all over the world participated in workcamps in Greece 99 communities in Greece benefited from volunteer work 1435 Greek volunteers participated in voluntary projects abroad 404 camp leaders from ELIX - C.V.G. coordinated the projects projects in Greece International workcamps in Greece are organised in co-operation with ministries, local authorities, forestry departments, cultural associations, etc. Their duration varies from 2 to 3 weeks and they are mainly realised in summer. Each group of volunteers numbers approximately 15 volunteers and two camp-leaders responsible for them. ELIX always appoints a stand by coordinator for each program, who is in constant communication with the group leaders and the hosts. Most of the projects are addressed to adult volunteers except from projects addressed to teenagers. If volunteers under 18 years old wish to participate in one of ELIX's project, they should send their application along with an approval letter signed by their parents or guardians. work Each host decides on the priorities and takes up the guidance concerning work. The host in cooperation with ELIX defines and organizes work long before the beginning of the workcamp, but sleazy factors might occur; ELIX is not responsible for any last moment changes, concerning work, by the host and always tries to inform the group of volunteers thoroughly and in time. Participants work 5-6 hours/day, 5 days/week, on a voluntary basis, along with their camp-leaders and, if needed, a skilled technician appointed by the host. Volunteers must be committed to their choice to offer voluntary work; consequently, they there are expected to be responsible and receptive. accommodation ELIX, in cooperation with the hosts, makes up rooms for the board and lodging of the volunteers. Volunteers are usually hosted in schools, youth centres, hospices, guesthouses, etc., with the basic facilities (showers, toilets). Each day, two volunteers from the group are assigned to cook for the group and clean their "home". language The majority of ELIX 's camps have English as communication language; there are cases of French speaking camps, but that is always specified in the workcamps' descriptions. In any case, participants are expected to be able to communicate with the rest of the groups' volunteers and the camp-leaders. insurance During each workcamp, volunteers are insured against accidents. First aid is provided on site. free time Free time activities depend on the possibilities for recreation existing in each area, as well as the interest and needs of each group. Free time expenses are not covered by ELIX. expenses ELIX and each host cover the expenses for the board and lodging of the volunteers, but volunteers have to cover their travel expenses, as well as the expenses for the free time during the workcamp. extra fee Unfortunately, ELIX is forced to charge volunteers with extra fee due to financial problems that come from the decrease of financial support to voluntary projects from the local authorities. In order to maintain quality standards and continue offering the best we can to the volunteers who choose to come and offer voluntary work in Greece, we are obliged to add extra fee in our work camps, the amount of which depends on the project and the support ELIX has received for its realisation. Fortunately, this year, the extra fee will be smaller than it was during the past couple of years and is indicated at the project's list. The sending organisations are obliged to inform their volunteers on the extra fee on their catalogues and ELIX is obliged to indicate the extra fee when the projects' infosheets are sent for volunteers. Volunteers should pay the extra fee with a bank transfer to ELIX before the beginning of the workcamp otherwise in cash on the field. the people of ELIX :) Marina SARLI -Director m.sarli@elix.org.gr :) Dora VOUGIOUKA -Public Relations d.vougiouka@elix.org.gr :) Natasa SARANTI -Financial Manager finance@elix.org.gr :) Yannis BALIAKOS -Technical advisor avonsies@freemail.gr :) Elena PAPALABROU -Secretarial support e.papalabrou@elix.org.gr :) Mina ANANIADOU -Outgoing officer & Volunteers' coordinator m.ananiadou@elix.org.gr :) Katerina TSEKOURA -Project Coordinator k.tsekoura@elix.org.gr :) Kostas Voudouris -Project Coordinator k.voudouris@elix.org.gr :) Maria FILAOU -Incoming officer & EVS responsible m.filaou@elix.org.gr OUTGOING Mina Ananiadou - Outgoing officer & Volunteers' Coordinator m.ananiadou@elix.org.gr INCOMING Maria FILAOU - Incoming officer & E.V.S. responsible m.filaou@elix.org.gr program types abbreviations FEST - Festival ENVI - Environmental SOCI- Social service DISA - Disabled RENO - Renovation/ Construction workcamps' descriptions-title and text format The first four letters followed by numbers are the organization's initials and form each project's code number. After that, the name of the project follows, along with the area where the project is organized, the dates and type and, at the end of the line, the number of volunteers. The description of each project consists in the description of work, a few words about the location and the conditions of the volunteers sojourn and notes, if necessary REF TITLES LOCATION TYPE DATES EXTRA FEE VOLS ELIX 01 AMVRAKIA I ETOLOAKARNANIA RENO\ENVI 23/07 - 06/08 30 10 ELIX 03 ANDROS I CYCLADES RENO 26/06 - 12/07 30 15 ELIX 04 ANDROS II CYCLADES RENO 13/07 - 29/07 30 15 ELIX 05 ANDROS III CYCLADES RENO 30/07 - 14/08 30 15 ELIX 06 KORTHI I CYCLADES RENO 14/07 - 30/07 30 15 ELIX 07 KORTHI II CYCLADES RENO 31/07 - 16/08 30 15 ELIX 08 KORTHI III CYCLADES RENO 01/09 - 17/09 30 15 ELIX 09 TINOS I CYCLADES RENO 22/06 - 08/07 30 15 ELIX 10 TINOS II CYCLADES RENO 09/07 - 24/07 30 15 ELIX 11 TINOS III CYCLADES RENO 14/10 - 30/10 30 15 ELIX 12 KEA I CYCLADES RENO/SOCI 25/06 - 10/07 30 15 ELIX 13 KEA II CYCLADES RENO/SOCI 17/08 - 01/09 30 15 ELIX 14 LECHENA I PELOPONNESUS SOCI/DISA 07/07 - 22/07 30 15 ELIX 15 LECHENA II PELOPONNESUS SOCI/DISA 23/07 - 08/08 30 15 ELIX 16 PIRNA ATTIKI ENVI 01/09 - 17/09 30 15 ELIX 17 KEDROS EPIRUS FEST 25/07- 08/08 120 10 ELIX 18 CHIONIADES EPIRUS RENO 06/08 - 21/08 30 15 ELIX 19 ANATOLI THESSALIA RENO 13/07 - 30/07 30 15 ELIX 20 MEGALOVRISSO THESSALIA RENO\ENVI 31/07 - 16/08 30 15 "REVIVAL OF THE PAST" ELIX 01 AMVRAKIA I ETOLOAKARNANIA 23/07 - 06/08 RENO / ENVI 10 WORK: The old, traditional, stone made Primary school is an ornament for the village of Amvrakia. During the last two years voluntary groups started renovation works in the precincts of the school (They relayed pebble, built banquettes of stone and started removing the old plaster from the surface). In summer 2008, volunteers will continue working in order to improve the old building and they are also going to contribute in the restoration, renovation and conservation of traditional cobblestone pavements and terraces in different parts of the village. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the old Primary School. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that will be bought for them from a big city, not very close, called Thermo. LOCATION: Amvrakia is a traditional, isolated village of Etoloakarnania, near the city of Thermo, a political and religious centre during antiquity. The city of Thermo is 60 km away from the city of Messologgi and Amvrakia is 46 km from Agrinio, another big city of the area. During the past few years, former inhabitants of the village, who have formed an association for its preservation, make strong efforts to find funds in order to save the old stone made building, cobblestone pavements and squares. The small village has luxuriant vegetation, a beautiful waterfall where volunteers will have the chance to swim, an old watermill in the bed of river Gidomandritis and very hospitable villagers who await joyfully each year the groups of volunteers. TERMINAL: Athens International airport ''El. Venizelos''/ Araxos (Patras' airport) NOTE: Volunteers should have in mind that the village is isolated and the access to and from it is quite difficult. ''PRESERVING ANCIENT FOOTPATHS'' ELIX 03 ANDROS I CYCLADES 26/06 - 12/07 RENO / ENVI 15 ELIX 04 ANDROS II CYCLADES 13/07 - 29/07 RENO / ENVI 15 ELIX 05 ANDROS III CYCLADES 30/07 - 14/08 RENO / ENVI 15 WORK: The municipality of Andros has an extended network of footpaths, spreading in a wide area, that have been signalled and chart - mapped by the Cyclades prefecture and the Municipality. Local and tourists ramblers often wander in this footpaths' network for the extra reason that, due to the landscape, it is not possible, in most cases, to create routes for vehicles. Volunteers will work under the guidance of locals in order to clean, conserve, renew the signals and, generally, to highlight some of the most important footpaths of old times, which used to be the main routes of communication among the villages and ports of the island. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in Chora's (the capital of the island) High School. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: Andros is the northern island of the Cyclades complex, a little smaller than Naxos. Its surface covers 380 m2. The trip to the island from the port of Rafina (around 1 & 1/5 from Athens) lasts about 2 hours. Visitors arrive at the port of Gavrio and need 36 km in order to reach the capital, Chora. Chora was built on a peninsula and ends up in a small island, on which there is still a medieval fortress. This small island is separated from the peninsula by a narrow sea strip, 2- 3 m wide and its communication to the land is achieved through a stone made culvert. The central avenue of Chora leads to the sea and the large central square of the Back-room Macker, where stands the homonymic statue, done by a famous sculptor, Michael Tombros. Chora is an aesthetically impressive city and combines the beauties of the old city and its narrow stone made alleys, with the new city of imposing stately homes, built during the previous century, while seafaring in the island reached its peak. TERMINAL: Athens International Airport 'El.Venizelos' / Andros Airport ''RESERVING ANCIENT FOOTPATHS" ELIX 06 KORTHI I CYCLADES 14/07 - 30/07 RENO / ENVI 15 ELIX 07 KORTHI II CYCLADES 31/07 - 16/08 RENO / ENVI 15 ELIX 08 KORTHI III CYCLADES 01/09 - 17/09 RENO / ENVI 15 WORK: The municipality of Korthi has an extended network of footpaths, spreading in a wide area, that have been signalled and chart - mapped by the Cyclades prefecture and the Municipality. Local and tourists ramblers often wander in this footpaths' network for the extra reason that, due to the landscape, it is not possible, in most cases, to create routes for vehicles. Volunteers will mainly work in order to clean, open and renew the signals of the most important footpaths of the network. They will start cleaning the footpath E3 that connects Korthi and Chora, the capital of the island, about 7 km long. They will continue by opening and putting signals of the footpath that connects Moussionas - Petres - Tromarchia, 4 km long. They might proceed in cleaning the footpath that connects the Convent of Panachrantos with Chora. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the High School of the village Ormos. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: Andros is the northern island of the Cyclades complex, a little smaller than Naxos. Its surface covers 380 m2. The trip to the island from the port of Rafina (around 1 & 1/5 from Athens) lasts about 2 hours. The Municipality of Korthi lays on the southern part of the island, where the castle of Faneromeni is, a medieval fortress, which dominates the area. The Municipality of Korthi is crossed north by two bulge - massifs, called Guerakones, which consist the natural border with the Municipality of Andros and the Municipality of Rahi. Between those bulge -massifs lies the fertile flat of Korthi and the imposing canyon at Dipotamata, with abundant running waters and a large number of watermills. The municipality is full of small, picturesque villages, built amphitheatrically, with a wonderful view. Following the old footpaths, one can admire windmills and watermills, dovecotes, convents and small chapels, culverts and beautiful stately houses. The administrative and commercial centre of the Municipality is the village of Ormos. TERMINAL: Athens International Airport ''El.Venizelos'' / Andros Airport. ''OPENING ANCIENT FOOTPATHS'' ELIX 09 TINOS I 22/06 - 08/07 RENO / ENVI 15 ELIX 10 TINOS II 09/07 - 24/07 RENO / ENVI 15 WORK: The municipality of Exomvourgo has an extended network of footpaths, spreading in a wide area, that have been signaled and chart - mapped by the Cyclades prefecture and the Municipality. Local and tourists ramblers often wander in this footpaths' network for the extra reason that, due to the landscape, it is not possible, in most cases, to create routes for vehicles. Volunteers will mainly work in order to clean, open and renew the signals of the most important footpaths of the network. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the Primary School of the village Steni. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: The island ''not made by human hand'', as characterised by the philosopher Cornelius Kastoriades, is one of the North Cyclades. Its surface covers about 195 m2 and it is smaller than Naxos and Andros. The Municipality of Exomvourgo has 35 villages, 30 of them are traditional and 5 onshore; covers the 2/3 of the island. It is the less developed area concerning tourism on the island; it is a mainly agricultural and semi - mountainous area, but it is the part of the island with the most beautiful sites, with inhabitants who like keeping traditions and customs. The structured scenery, with the 30 traditional dorps, the dovecotes, the culverts, the fountains, the mils, the small chapels, the museums and, also the unstructured scenery, with the granite bulges in Volax, Voliaka, Livada, Polemos, Kambos, the coombs, the field-grassland, the beaches, the antiquities at Kionia (temple of Posidon), at Exomvourgo (capital of the island during the Venetian rule), the Tower of the Maid and a large number of other unexplored places and wonders, compose a site of great interest for the sight-seer tourist and a lovely and sacred place for the local inhabitants. Both workcamps will take place in Steni, one of the most beautiful and picturesque villages of the Municipality. TERMINAL: Athens International AIrport ''El. Venizelos''. ''PRESERVING ANCIENT FOOTPATHS" ELIX 11 TINOS III 14/10 - 30/10 RENO / ENVI 15 WORK: The municipality of Exomvourgo has an extended network of footpaths, spreading in a wide area, that have been signaled and chart - mapped by the Cyclades prefecture and the Municipality. Local and tourists ramblers often wander in this footpaths' network for the extra reason that, due to the landscape, it is not possible, in most cases, to create routes for vehicles. Volunteers will mainly work in order to clean, open and renew the signals of the most important footpaths of the network. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the Primary School of the village Falatado. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: The island ''not made by human hand'', as characterised by the philosopher Cornelius Kastoriades, is one of the North Cyclades. Its surface covers about 195 m2 and it is smaller than Naxos and Andros. The Municipality of Exomvourgo has 35 villages, 30 of them are traditional and 5 onshore; covers the 2/3 of the island. It is the less developed area concerning tourism on the island; it is a mainly agricultural and semi - mountainous area, but it is the part of the island with the most beautiful sites, with inhabitants who like keeping traditions and customs. The structured scenery, with the 30 traditional dorps, the dovecotes, the culverts, the fountains, the mils, the small chapels, the museums and, also the unstructured scenery, with the granite bulges in Volax, Voliaka, Livada, Polemos, Kambos, the coombs, the field-grassland, the beaches, the antiquities at Kionia (temple of Posidon), at Exomvourgo (capital of the island during the Venetian rule), the Tower of the Maid and a large number of other unexplored places and wonders, compose a site of great interest for the sight-seer tourist and a lovely and sacred place for the local inhabitants. Both workcamps will take place in Steni, one of the most beautiful and picturesque villages of the Municipality. TERMINAL: Athens International Airport ''El. Venizelos''. "ANCIENT FOOTPATHS OPEN NEW HORIZONS" ELIX 12 ÊÅÁ I CYCLADES 25/06 - 10/07 RENO/SOCI 15 ELIX 13 ÊÅÁ IÉ CYCLADES 17/08 - 01/09 RENO/SOCI 15 WORK: It is the second year in a row that ELIX cooperates with the Municipality of Kea. The island of Kea has a long history in pedestrian courses, through its developed network of footpaths that goes back in the antiquity. Many of these footpaths are already marked and signaled and offer to local and tourist ramblers the possibility to get to know the island, walking through picturesque courses, where vehicles cannot approach. Volunteers will clean the footpaths from the vegetation and they will renovate and signal, wherever needed. The areas where volunteers are going to work will be chosen relatively to the needs for the places which are going to be used for the narrations of fairy tales, during the Fairy Tales Festival. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the Primary School of Korissia, the port of the island. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: Kea, resembling a water drop, is considered the natural bridge of communication of the mainland of Greece with the Cyclades. Kea is one of the biggest Cycladic islands; the most western cycladic island and the nearest to Attica (only 40 miles from Piraeus and 16 miles from Lavrion ports). The gulf of Saint Nikolaos, situated at the north-west of the island, is one of the biggest natural harbours of the Mediterranean. Kea's history starts from the prehistoric times. Kea is the home of 16 of the 1300 plants that grow only in Greece. The south-eastern part of the island was included in the network of NATURA 2000. During the past few years, the island has great tourist development, without losing its traditional colour. Each year, since 2002, the Festival of Fairy Tales is held all around the island, on ancient footpaths, forests, beaches, archaeological sites, churches' precincts and, generally, places where people can gather, with different themes per year; this year's theme is: 'Dragons' and the festival will last from 12 - 20 of July. Through these activities, visitors take the chance to get to know the island, its history, traditions, legends, and customs. TERMINAL: Athens international airport ''El. Venizelos''. NOTE: This project will be organised in cooperation with the Greek Council for Refugees and its Cultural Centre "Pixida". Its aim is to connect people who, either themselves or members of their families, have been refugees and, through an international workcamp, to encourage them share experiences and search the importance of preserving cultural heritage. "KEPEP CENTRE -GIFTS FOR LIFE" ELIX 14 LECHENA I PELOPONNESSUS 07/07 - 22/07 SOCI/DISA 15 ELIX 15 LECHENA II PELOPONNESSUS 23/07 - 08/08 SOCI/DOSA 15 WORK: These workcamps will take place in cooperation with the N.G.O. Fair Trade Hellas. F.T.H. aims in promoting fair and fellow-feeling trade in Greece and in educating responsible and conscious consumers. Its main activity, until today, is the promotion of certified fair-trade products, through two non - profit stores in Athens and in Thessaloniki. At the same time, F.T.H. realises educational projects for children and young people all over Greece. Volunteers of both groups, in cooperation with the children and young people hosted in the KEPEP Centre, along with the specialised professionals of the Centre, will make different, small objects with fair trade materials, which are going to be sold in the F.T.H. stores, in order to sensitize people concerning the children and young people of the KEPEP Centre and to collect funds for voluntary events in the Centre. Volunteers will have the chance to meet other foreign volunteers who live and work in the Centre through the European Voluntary Service program (EVS), of the European Union. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in one of the schools of the town. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: KEPEP is located in the town of Lechena, in the district of Ilia-Peloponessus, in Greece. Lechena is a small town of 4.000 inhabitants located on the huge and clean coast of Kilini, about half an hour from the city of Patras. KEPEP is a centre specialised in the care and hosting of seriously disabled children and young people, from 6 to 28 years old, from families who lack financial means or abandon them. Some of the institution inmates are mentally and physically handicapped. The institution occupies a sufficient number of paid staff, comprising 85 nurses. KEPEP provides the following services: medical diagnosis, physiotherapy, psychological and speech therapy and rehabilitation. The inmates participate daily in a programme aiming to improve their abilities and their life conditions. ELIX has been in cooperation with the KEPEP Centre for three years now. TERMINAL: Athens international airport ''El. Venizelos'' / Araxos National airport. "REVEALING THE AREA OF THE ANCIENT FLUME OF PIRNA" ELIX 16 PIRNA KIFISSIA 01/09 - 17/09 ENVI 15 WORK: The aim of this workcamp is revealing the area of the flume of Pirna that runs through Kifissia, a beautiful suburb of Athens, but also, activities for the preservation of the environment in the area, something that could lead to the realization of other alternative activities by and for the local community. Volunteers will clean the flume; they will open a footpath by the bank river and will transform some parts along the flume, so that people can visit. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the Scouts' Club in the area Kefalari. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: The municipality of Kifissia is a suburb of Athens, only 15 km on the NE, on the root of Pentelikon Mountain. Kifissia, thanks to the hygienic climate, the beautiful surroundings, the clear waters and its closeness to Athens (connected by the metro), has been, since ancient times, a privileged place, as well a favorite destination, even for summer vacations, in the past. Nowadays it is one of the most privileged municipalities. Each year, in the Bocage of Kifissia, is held an exhibition of flowers with a large number of visitors. This workcamp will be realized in cooperation with the N.G.O. "Pirna", a cultural society which was founded for the protection of the area. TERMINAL: Athens International Airport ''El. VEnizelos''. FOREST VILLAGE "KEDROS" \ EPIRUS: "2nd TZOUMERKA ART FESTIVAL" ELIX 17 KEDROS EPIRUS 25/07-08/08 FEST 10 WORK: It is the fourth year in a row that ELIX cooperates with the Forest Village "Kedros". Volunteers will be occupied mainly with the organization and preparation of the 2nd "Tzoumerka Art Festival" which will include music concerts, performances, and photos exhibition. This is its second year and its duration will be five days. Volunteers will help in practical arrangements like the preparation of the scene, guidance of visitors, tickets, etc. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the guest house of the Forest Village. Berths, sheets, towels, showers with hot water, toilets and meals are provided. Kedros has a fully equipped reception with a mini market, bar, as well as a fully equipped restaurant and beautiful surroundings where someone can sit on a bench and enjoy nature and a breath taking view. LOCATION: Kedros Dasiko Horio (forest village) is situated in Epirus, 90 km from the city of Arta that is the capital of the prefecture. Kedros covers a 450 acres area, on 920m and has a beautiful view of a part of the Tzoumerka Mountains. It is one of the six Forest Villages that the Ministry of Rural Development and Food has created all around Greece. Each Forest Village has a manager who comes from the area where it is situated and, for the time being, functions as a guest house and accommodates people who wish to reside in the forest for a short time on grounds of recreation or of training. The Ministry, within the next years, is going to set up forest villages in all forest clusters of Greece and thus create centres of development for mountainous areas of our country, places of recreation and environmental training, resorts from the modern life stress, through a direct contact with nature. Kedros is only 2 km far from Katarraktis (Waterfall) village, named after the two beautiful waterfalls just above it; the perfect place to start exploring some of the most beautiful mountains of Greece. TERMINAL: Athens international airport ''El. Venizelos'' / Thessaloniki international airport ''Macedonia'' / IOANNINA national airport. NOTE: Volunteers will have the chance to participate in several activities, such as trekking to neighbouring villages, archery, climbing, under the guidance of the person responsible for the Forest Village. "PRESERVING FOUNTAINS AND TRADITIONAL COBBLE STONED PAVEMENTS" ELIX 18 CHIONIADES EPIRUS 06/08 - 21/08 RENO 15 WORK: Volunteers will complete the renovation of the Temple of Saint Athanasios, by removing the old plaster from the walls. They will also start renovating the offices of the old Municipality that is now a Cultural Centre. Restoring a traditional building to its previous splendor is very rewarding for the community and for the volunteers who learn an important traditional technique and help preserve an important characteristic of this county. ELIX has been running this program in almost all the villages of the area for almost 20 years. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in two different places: an old military guard house (there are bank beds, toilets, showers with hot water and a kitchen) and an old stone made house of the village. There are toilets, showers and cooking facilities but sleeping bags and carry mats will be needed. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: The history of Mastorochoria villages goes back in the 16th century. Through agriculture and stock breeding, important techniques of specialisation were developed. Unique craftsmen of stone, wood and hagiography contributed to the development of a unique local culture. For more than three centuries, these craftsmen travelled all around Greece and the Balkans. From the end of 19th century they risk overseas travels: Egypt, Soudan, Aithiopia, Kongo, Tagkanika, Iran, Turkey, Russia, France and America. The craftsmen, organised in groups, under strict, unwritten rules and hierarchy, travelled to different places, building several types of bridges, schools, churches, mosques, hamams, stately houses, pearl barleys, mils and oil-presses. Those craftsmen created Mastorochoria (villages of craftsmen), situated on Mountain Grammos, near the Albanian borders. In all thirteen villages, life seems to have stopped, in comparison to the rapid changes of big towns elsewhere. There are few inhabitants, especially during the winter, who still preserve the traditional way of life: working the land and grazing sheep and goats. The area was once renowned, all over the world, for its stonemasons and traditional architecture, based on stone structure. TERMINAL: Athens international airport ''El. Venizelos'' / Thessaloniki international airport ''Macedonia'' / IOANNINA national airport. "PRESERVING FOUNTAINS AND TRADITIONAL COBBLE STONED PAVEMENTS" ELIX 19 ANATOLI THESSALIA 13/07 - 30/07 ENVI 15 WORK: During the last few years, in Anatoli, efforts have been made so that the village revives. Within this frame, ELIX cooperates for the first time with the Municipality of Lakeria, aiming to the conservation and preservation of the local cultural heritage. Volunteers will work under the guidance of local artisans for the renovation of old cobble stone pavements, which connect several neighborhoods, and for the conservation of an old stone made fountain, in the center of the village. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the old Primary School of the village, which is now a Cultural Centre. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: The Municipality of Lakeria is east to the Prefecture of Larissa. The fertile plain, the green mountain of Kissavos and the artificial lakes of the area compose the geographical scenery of the Municipality. It is said in the myth that it was there that god Appolo first saw the beautiful princess Koronida, daughter of king of Lakeria Fleguias and from their marriage Asklipios was born, the first mythical doctor of Greeks. Anatoli is a picturesque village, built on Kissavos, on 950m. The old name of the village, Selitsiani, was probably Slavic and must have meant the small village. The dorp goes back to Byzantine times and was founded partly by Slavic farmers. Anatoli has a wonderful climate and special fauna and flora. It is surrounded by thick forests with lammergeyers, firs and planes, deers, rabbits, pheasants, etc. A tour around the area of Anatoli offers to the visitor, besides the natural beauty, also a visit to important monuments, such as the Convent of Prodromos, founded in 1550, and the churches of Saint Panteleimon and of Saint George, where today there is a museum with precious religious heirlooms of the area. TERMINAL: Athens International Airport ''El. Venizelos'' / Thessaloniki International Airport ''Macedonia''. "PRESERVING FOUNTAINS AND TRADITIONAL COBBLE STONED PAVEMENTS" ELIX 20 MEGALOVRISSO THESSALIA 31/07 - 16/08 ENVI 15 WORK: It is the first time that ELIX cooperates with the Municipality of Aghia. The aim is the preservation of cultural heritage of the area. Volunteers will work under the guidance of local craftsmen for the renovation of old cobble stoned pavements that connect several neighborhoods of Megalovrisso, as well as for the conservation of an old stone made fountain in the center of the village. ACCOMMODATION & FOOD: Volunteers will be accommodated in the old Primary School of the village. There are toilets, showers (no hot water) and a kitchen. Sleeping bag and carry mat are necessary. Two of the group, everyday in shifts, will be responsible for maintaining the group's accommodation place clean, as well as for the preparation of all the meals of the day for the rest of the group, with supplies that they will provide themselves from stores around the area. LOCATION: The municipality of Aghia is east to the Prefecture of Larissa. It is only 12 km. from the beach of Aghiokambos and lies from mountain Kissavos until Mavrovouni. The area was developed during the 17th and 18th century and the city of Aghia, capital of the Municipality, was built during the first years of the Turkish occupation. The fertile lands, the rich production of cotton and silk, have been the main reasons for the development of industry and commerce. The workcamp will be realized in the village Megalovrisso (old anme Nivoliani, meaning the heavenly city in Slavic). The village is built on 660 m, on a flat land of mountain Kissavos. It has been characterized as traditional dorp and the houses, built by local people and craftsmen from Epirus, are known for their beauty, especially for their color. It is only 7 km. away from Aghia and 43 km. away from Larissa. It is not known when the village was founded, but it must have been between 11th and 13th century. Its 438 inhabitants are farmers, arboriculturists and stock breeders. The fountain "Messochori" is an ornament for the village, while "Megali Vrissi" the source of water for the village recompenses the daring visitor (access by car or pedestrian in 1 km). The view from position "Karaouli", 200 m., outside the village, is breathtaking and offers immediate contact with nature. From that spot, one can look at Agean Sea, the plain of Aghia, Mavrovouni, Mountain Pilion, the Thessalic plain and, if the sky is clear, the Sporades islands complex and the Athos Peninsula. TERMINAL: Athens International Airport ''El. Venizelos'' / Thessaloniki International Airport ''Macedonia''.